Fannish Things

Apr 04, 2018 12:21

I've not been keeping up again, largely due to trying to make the most of my British Newspaper Archive subscription before it runs out (this afternoon) and trying to collect some recs for the
hc_bingo challenge (due tomorrow) - so in a little while I'll be less erratic! (I hope.) Sorry!!

In the meantime, good things going on:

genprompt_bingo is open for Round 14 - good fun, and the fills can be all sorts of things (the prompts are gen, the fills don't have to be) and all kinds of fanworks. There are no deadlines (hence me being still in Round 11) and lots of options via cards, with interesting prompts.

Also also
intoabar is back! It is the ficathon (though art and other things are allowed) where you sign up for a random crossover, min. 500 words. Sign-ups are open till April 15th and it's a lot of fun. (You choose one character to walk into a bar and meet a random character from 1-4 other fandoms of your choice, but see the comm for all the rules etc.) It had been dead, but lo it is back, although running Dreamwidth-only this time.

Now, excuse me, I still haven't got a single rec actually typed up and I have some more family history things to look up...

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ficathon, genprompt_bingo, fannish nonsense, intoabar

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