Fandom Questions Meme (41-44)

Apr 01, 2018 18:02

41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading:

Ha, I only read things too short to be "currently reading". However, here are my five most recent bookmarks (excepting those bookmarked for the purposes of possibly using for the
hc_bingo challenge), (which has the advantage over my history of being things I thought worth keeping and also not random things I had to look at for wrangling purposes):

1. The Rogue and Her Lover by RobberBaroness (Mina Harker/Jonathan Harker au from a previous
2. Four Times the Doctor and Clara Shared a Bed and One Time They Didn't by
nostalgia (um, sorry, nostalgia!)
3. Blackwood's Books by HopefulNebula (origfic about a magical bookshop for
4. All's Well With Unwell Ends by Ankaret (fic for Upstart Crow!)
5. my absurdly practical robin by
rain_sleet_snow (the lovely Drusilla (The Quiet Gentleman) fic that
rain_sleet_snow wrote for me for
fandom_stocking 2017).

41. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing:

I think, since the last question really wanted longfic, here are 5 amazing long stories by 5 amazing authors instead. In no particular order:

* Wrap the Cloak of Night Around His Shoulders -
calliopes_pen (Epic canon-divergent AU of the 1968 TV Dracula.)
* Straight Up and Bitter (et al) -
still_lycoris (Including the whole series. Best coffee shop AU ever?)
* The Spartans -
jjpor. (Brilliant full-length Two, Jamie, Polly & Ben missing 'straight historical' serial.)
* Syntax of Things -
clocketpatch (Talking of Seven and Ace (and Hex), have this amazing fic.)
* Daisy Bell -
nemo_the_everbeing (One of the very best S&S stories out there.)

42. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you?

Lots of people, via discussions and prompts and so on! Probably particularly, over the years,
jjpor and
justice_turtle in terms of those discussions and prompts (and in John's case, creation of random generators as well), plus
paranoidangel because on top of many prompts, we have forcibly inspired each other due to being repeatedly matched in exchanges! And, of course,
clocketpatch for the Cake Fic Meme. But too many to mention, really. (It's kind of the point, isn't it?)

In people who are no longer around:
belantana, always, always, and SeriesFive as was.

43. What ship do you feel needs more attention?

I think the TARDIS probably gets enough from the Doctor, really, but Liberator could use more, and no doubt the Charlotte Rhodes wants some patching up, since Captain Onedin keeps putting her through all the worst storms.

... that wasn't what you meant, meme?

LOL, you do not want my list of non-existent probably mostly old-telly ships I think fandom should be writing for me. (It doesn't, funnily enough.) I am maybe still sulking a bit that all the Five/Tegan shippers disappeared overnight about five years back, though. They need to come back and write things!

44. What is your all-time favorite fanfic?

Don't be silly, meme. (I suppose I could try and see which one I had looked at the most over the years, but, honestly, what kind of question is that?)

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fannish scribbles, writing, doctor who, recs, fannish nonsense, meme

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