15 x recs for Hurt/Comfort Bingo March Amnesty Challenge

Apr 05, 2018 20:45

Recs list for
hc_bingo's March Amnesty Challenge 2018.

Fandoms: Doctor Who, The Goblin Emperor, Heroes, The Librarians, Life (TV), Lord of the Rings, Press Gang, Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) (1969), Star Trek: Voyager, Star Wars, Timeless
Prompts: Forced for face fear, Hostile Climate, Invisibility

forced to face fear

hostile climate


Forced to Face Fear
1. But Maybe You'll Sleep When You're Dead by
astrogirl (Doctor Who)
(Teen, 1082 words. Twelfth Doctor.) It's not that he's afraid of change. It's just that now seems like a good time to stop.

An excellent and insightful look inside the Doctor's head in The Doctor Falls - facing up to his fear of regenerating one time too many, of going on living when he's lost too much, and too many people along the way.

2. Hear Me, See Me, Know Me by
bigsunglasses (The Goblin Emperor)
(G, 2273 words. Maia Drazhar, mild Cesthiro Ceredin/Maia Drazhar.) On a morning in late summer, as the whole Ethuveraz sweated under a sky that had been cloudless for months, the Empress told her husband that she was pregnant.

Beautiful piece that explores some of the world of the book, with Maia, reacting to the news of impending fatherhood with fear, since he had no good role model of father to follow - and finding sources of strength and comfort to deal with it.

3. to half-live as a warning by
sandyk (Timeless)
(G, 1072 words. Lucy Preston, Denise Christopher.) Lucy said, "I realized every time I came home there were different books on my mother's shelves and on mine, different histories we both wrote."

Thoughtful fic in which Lucy and Agent Christopher discuss the frightening possibility that time may change without them knowing at any time - and how to try and deal with it.

4. What Makes A Coconut Shy? by
kathkin (Doctor Who)
(G, 2145 words. Jamie McCrimmon/Victoria Waterfield.) Her eyes were so big and bright, and he almost never saw her this happy - he couldn’t say no, not when Victoria made that face. Jamie, Victoria, a Ferris Wheel and an embarrassing fear of heights.

Jamie braves his fear of heights to try and give Victoria a good time, but the truth will out - and there are some compensations, after all. Sweet and fun.

5. An Evil Memory Lingering by whispersecho (Doctor Who)
(Teen, 1372 words. Ace McShane.) Perivale, 1983: a thirteen-year-old girl runs from an all-too-real nightmare seeking the solace of an old house no one ever visits. What she finds is a house of dead things that aren't quite dead.

A vivid painting-in of Ace's backstory in Ghostlight as she encounters her worst nightmare for the first time - and tries to fight back in the only way she knows how.

Hostile Climate

6. Backspin by infiniteviking (Doctor Who)
(All ages, 1843 words. Sixth Doctor, Peri Brown.) He had been strong before. Now he was a menace. Peri and the Sixth Doctor, edging toward an understanding despite the usual interpolation of mortal peril.

Six and Peri, at the start of their relationship. It's a gorgeously written look at Peri understanding that some fundamental things about the Doctor haven't changed after all, via encountering the ultimate in hostile climates (or rather complete lack of one) - a vacuum.

7. Perish Twice by
LithiumDoll (Life)
(G, 176 words. Charlie Crews, Dani Reese.) "I think ice is great. Do you think ice is great, Detective Reese?"

Sometimes you don't need many words to say everything - the world is dying in ice and Crews does his best to distract Dani from their fate as they hang onto each other, mostly by being his typically annoying self. Ice will suffice.

8. Some Truths are Loyal by
Fall_into_your_sunlight (The Librarians)
(G, 1519 words. Ezekiel Jones, Jenkins.) Ezekiel and Jenkins are being stalked.

Jenkins leads Ezekiel in - and out - of a mystical hostile climate, and both Ezekiel and their friendship are tested and grow. A lovely look at their relationship in a canon-typical missing adventure.

9. Forging a Path by
rhymer23 (The Lord of the Rings)
(G, 4852 words. Aragorn, Boromir, Halbarad, Faramir.) Twenty years ago, Aragorn and a close companion struggled side by side through the snow, desperate to save a life. Now, on Caradhras, Boromir is the one who works at his side. As they fight to forge a path together, past, present and future come together in the falling of the snow.

Aragorn remembers two occasions when he had to fight his way throw snow and ice, and the parallels and differences in his relationships with his companions. Well written and thoroughly satisfying piece with a bittersweet edge.

10. Survival by
cruisedirector (Star Trek: Voyager)
(Teen, 8351 words. Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay.) The captain and first officer climb a mountain in search of dilithium, and every mountain climbing disaster story cliche befalls them.

Janeway and Chakotay battle extreme heights together on an away mission and come to some conclusions about how far both of them will and won't go to survive, and the things they aren't prepared to lose. Nice mix of hurt/comfort, intensity and humour.

11. [Vid] How Far I'll Go by
bessyboo (Star Wars)
(G, 2.43 mins. Luke Skyewalker & Rey.) See that line where the sky hits the sand? It calls me.

Beautiful vid that pulls out the parallels between Luke and Rey, both living and surviving as children of a harsh desert world, but never fitting in, always in search of the freedom they finally discover.

12. Grief in Reverse by
unoriginal_liz (Press Gang)
(Teen, 3440 words. Spike Thomson/Lynda Day.) "My sources told me you had a date, and I wanted to see how it was going."

Spike goes through the stages of grief in the wrong order and with an invisible but troublesome ghost at his side. Post-canon piece that is utterly sharp, funny and so true it hurts (especially the central character point about both Spike and Lynda), and all the voices are pitch-perfect. (Spoilers for There Are Crocodiles.)

13. Partners by
dbskyler (Randall & Hopkirk (Deceased) (1969))
(G, 1329 words. Marty Hopkirk, Jeff Randall.) Jeff knows how to handle Marty.

Jeff knows precisely how to wind up his invisible (but not very much not imaginary friend) - and how to bring him back down again. A joy to read, capturing their relationship and banter perfectly.

14. Not all it's cracked up to be by
(G, 1083 words. Jeff Randall, Marty Hopkirk, Jean Hopkirk.) It's hard to get a good night's rest when your best friend is a nervous ghost.

Sometimes Jeff would really like to stop seeing things (otherwise known as Marty) - particularly when Marty's attempts to help only wind him up in trouble. Great, fun fic, with Jeff getting battered as per usual.

15. Brick by
sinemoras09 (Heroes)
(M, 1590 words. Claude Rains, Sylar.) Claude fights Sylar. Takes place after "Landslide," Season 1.

Dark missing scene in which Claude fights Sylar, but being invisible isn't quite enough to prevent his being beaten this time, as his enemy works his way around it by other means.

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goblin emperor, heroes, timeless, star wars, doctor who, recs, hc_bingo, star trek: voyager, fannish scribbles, press gang, randall & hopkirk (deceased), the librarians, lord of the rings

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