What I'm Reading Wednesday

Feb 21, 2018 10:24

What I've finished reading

I finished The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold, and enjoyed it very much indeed. I hope to get to Paladin of Souls sometime soon - it does actually seem to be in the library system, so hopefully next month maybe when I may be able to visit that library (but if not I could be a spendthrift and request it).

I also finally finished The Skeleton in the Clock by Carter Dickson (aka John Dickson Carr), which I was given as a Christmas present and started around then, but unfortunately, despite it being actually pretty fun and interesting (although not quite as much fun as And So to Murder, but probably more interesting in some ways), I got put off it by how stressed and ill I was. (There was this business with psychic activity in the condemned cell and execution shed in a former prison, and it didn't help at the time.) Anyway, I feel better, and I was able to finish it off and enjoy it, although probably not as much as if I'd not tried to read it when I was too ill. I still can't make my mind up about H.M. as a detective, even though there was much more of him in this one. Is he entertaining or do I want to join the queue of characters who'd quite happily murder him? It's a toss up. (His method seems to be to solve the mystery half way through, refuse to tell anyone, and then plant a funfair in someone's garden in the meantime.)

And then I read a later Daisy, Anthem for Doomed Youth, in which Alec was digging up bodies in Epping Forest while Daisy went to their daughter's sports day and the PE teacher turned up dead.

What I'm reading now

The free book shop had a Daisy for me, which I was very pleased by, so now I am reading The Case of the Murdered Muckraker. Daisy is in New York and tried to go to lunch with her editor only to have another journalist fall down a lift shaft in front of her. The FBI are keeping tabs on her because they have heard of her fatal attraction to murder. (Alec is in Washington DC and put out that she couldn't go a few days without him without stumbling into more murder.)

For family history note-taking, I am reading (or sometimes skimming through), Thomas Dormandy's book on TB, The White Death, which is very useful and interesting. (It's a fair mix of medical and social and even literary history, given the topic.)

What I'm reading next

Who knows? (I don't know why I do this bit of the meme, but why not, I suppose.) Although I was just starting a more recent Daisy book that someone had lent me when the free book shop came up trumps with an earlier one, so I'm sure I shall return to that presently.

I also am probably going to do some note-taking/reading of The Time Traveller's Guide to Restoration Britain after I get through the TB one. (The White Death is lengthy, but it's soon going to get less relevant for my purposes once it gets more into the 20th C.)

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daisy dalrymple, historical, family history, reading

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