Poetry Randomiser Meme

Feb 20, 2018 17:21

Because I felt like it:

1: Pick five fandoms. List them in alphabetical order.

2: Visit this site to find your first RANDOM POEM OF POWER. Write down the 5th line (yes, even if it's an E.E. Cummings poem and you wind up with an apostrophe). Repeat five times and - you guessed it - list 'em in alphabetical order! (No cheating, mind! This is a challenge and it's always been about creativity.)

3: I think you can see where this is going. Write a very quick 50-word half-drabble for each fandom (try to do it all in one sitting - make your brain explode!), using the line from the poem as a prompt. You don't have to include it in the half-drabble - it's just inspiration.

4: Bravo! Have a cookie.


1. Blake’s 7: A seething hell of human strife

Avon doesn’t understand - they’ve got everything they need in Liberator. But Blake -

“Why? What makes you think humanity can be saved? That it’ll ever be any better than this?” Show me an honest man, show me hope.

“Because it’s got to be,” Blake says.

The true mystery is: Avon stays.

2. Doctor Who: And ever since - the purple Moat

“There was an incident,” the Doctor says. “Middle of a war - then, suddenly - rain of fish - alien tentacle monster - no, not monster, that’s offensive - anyway, ever since they’ve held an annual festival on the Moat.”

“You’re joking.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

“I’ll go ask.”

He grins. “Good.”

She learns quickly.

3. Once Upon a Time: And so you have gone far

It starts with a lonely wish; a wish she doesn’t believe could ever come true. She doesn’t believe in fairy tales.

Now she’s a hero, she fights dragons, she’s seen whole other impossible worlds - but nothing more improbable than her family that won’t go away. (They’ll always find each other.)

4. Sapphire & Steel: Around me is the ‘ellish night

“Got a light?” the soldier says.

Sapphire turns. “Why, yes,” she says, “I have.” She is, suddenly, brightness itself, burning blue, banishing night. The shadows evaporate.

“He’s gone?” Steel’s there.

She nods, and runs a finger along the nearby window sill. There’s only ash left, as from a ghostly cigarette.

5. The Shadow of the Tower: To introduce his soul

The King gives the Heretic a golden angel to speed him on his way, but no coin can sate the hunger of the flames. The greatest question remains eternally unanswered - death is always silent, even in mockery. And for one sheep found, another strays: a Soldier remembers doctrines of simplicity.


I forgot to note down the poets, but I can tell you that, apart from one, they were all Robert Service and Emily Dickinson again. That generator seriously needs to see someone about its literary fixations. Still, they fitted perfectly to the fandoms, so I'm not complaining.

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fannish scribbles, shadow of the tower, doctor who, sapphire and steel, blake's 7, once upon a time, poetry meme

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