Random Historical Goodness

Feb 20, 2018 09:59

Since I have spent most of the last few posts moaning about The White Princess (it's all right; I'm done now, but srsly, if you want to do historical feminism, you might want to consider what you do with the women, because being useless or committing multiple murders which they didn't actually commit plus bonus unhistorical rape is not really the way to go in my book, even without the horror of the costumes *coughs*), here are some much better historical things of various kinds!

1. In almost insulting contrast to TWP in how to do it right, I've been watching Suffragette (2015), which my Mum kindly sent me because I had missed it on the TV and she hadn't, and she'd liked it so much she watched it twice in a row. And then I had a mystery parcel from Amazon, and now I have also sort of watched it twice, as I watched it once and then watched it again for the commentary. (Both because I was curious about things and also because I remembered Abi Morgan, the writer, being interesting from The Hour.)

2. A clever, haunting ficlet about Catherine of Aragon Seven Sevens (which I fell over and was delighted by both because it was clever, and also because it happens to use the chess scene from Shadow of the Tower as a launching point).

3. For those who don't already have a paid account and might find it of use: Ancestry are offering free access to UK and Irish records for the upcoming weekend.

4. And another excellent historical fic (which incidentally wound up making me a new flister, which is always a happy outcome *waves happily*), from the Chocolate Box exchange, for the sadly short-lived WWII ITV show, The Halcyon: Lex Talionis (Richard Garland & Lady Hamilton).

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the halcyon, shadow of the tower, historical, suffragette, recs, family history

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