The 'Rush Rides again?

Feb 22, 2018 17:14

justice_turtle has been talking about reviving fic_rush on Dreamwidth. After the LJ debacle last spring, the mod vanished, multiple long-time members moved over and we haven't had a round since. JT has been trying to get hold of Beth (lolmac) but unfortunately with no luck. The other problem, you see, has been that Beth created back up Dreamwidth comms in case of an event like this, but she's the only mod on them, so none of the rest of us can use them - so both the main comm and the monthly fic_rush_48 names are already taken.

Anyway, at this point it's probably time to say, what the hell, and make a new comm and see if we can get it going again. JT has a post up on the original comm if you've still got an account and want to have your say and offer if you'd like to do any of the modding, emergency stunt-modding, polling, or *gasp* scheduling. Any fellow 'rushers round here still interested? I'd certainly been thinking, like JT, that it really was about time we picked ourselves up and tried again.

For people new to the idea, Fic Rush was created by studyofrunning and later run by lolmac (plus many other people over the years who modded, scheduled, polled, joined in, and created each month) and it is (or was) a monthly 48 hour online write-in for fic-writers. People could aim to join in as much or as little as they wanted - one-hour appearances or trying to use the weekend to finish a WIP, it all depended on how much time you had and what you wanted to do. In practice, it was all very laid back and many people also used it as a means of beating procrastination on artwork, applications, essays, and even housework. We also helped each other with plot unsticking, brainstorming and even beta-ing.

So we're keen to know if any former regulars are still interested (and if anyone wants to volunteer for any modly tasks), and of course if new people also think it sounds like it could be useful/fun.

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