A spot of utter nonsense

Jun 03, 2009 18:13

I was exploring some daft websites at work (for work purposes, as I want to do some teen events in the summer, thanks. And I did allocate all the Branches summer reading challenge materials out, contact partners and spend all afternoon in a meeting about performance indicators, I hasten to add). I didn't really have to test out The Hobbit Name Generator again (as I know it well; it is one of the few things involving non-bloodthirsty PC games that entertained my ex-Reading Club, they of the continual chorus of "This is Boring!!"), but I did and since I've put everyone I know in it, I stuck in names from Image of the Fendahl... (I wasn't going to, but sticking one name in got such a fun result, I had to do the rest.)

In the Hobbit version, where some digging (probably for a decent new Hole) uncovers something best left alone. It was of course all the idea of Bungo Hardbottle, aided by Berilac Loamsdown of Deephallow (one of those untrustworthy sorts who'd have brick houses built and worse, you know) and his lackey, Drogo Hanwich of Buckleberry Fern, although Meriadoc Gamgee Whitfurrows thought it was a lot of old rubbish. (Primula Burrows and her grandson Olo Burrows knew it was a bad idea all along). Luckily they were helped out by feisty young Ruby Danderfluff.

Then of course there's the more solemn, poetic and heroic elven quest for a dark object, led by the enigmatic Rumil Elanesse whose motives are unclear, the definitely-gone-dark Amras Carnesir and the sceptical Elros Aldarion (who are both probably in some sort of everlasting romantic and much-sung-about impasse with elf maidens Eamane Silimaure and Nessa Tulcakelume. The ever-cheerful Findecano Saralonde helps out, as does the wise healer Ireth Saralonde. (And the guard is Elrohir Elensar).

What amuses me the most is this thing can clearly spot a made-up name at ten spaces and Thea Ransome comes out as the impossible Bramblerose Brambleburr of Bindbale Wood in one (and you should see the accents on Eamane Silimaure in the other...)


More sensibly, in this meme (that I haven't forgotten, it's just that I was a bit under the weather on Sunday and now this week has been busy), I had two crossovers written for me, one by
john_elliott, which is First Doctor/Sherlock Holmes. Brilliant!

The other is by
daibhid_cand is Death/Dungeon Master. Which probably shows how weird I am to ask for it, but it's just right! (That's Discworld's Death meeting Dungeons and Dragons - the cartoon, of course - Dungeon Master.) Yay.

(I note this because I seem to have sort of circles of friends who are also friends and the circles don't necessarily cross over yet.)

For those awaiting their stories, I do have the ideas in my head - three's only one that might take longer. But I have to write a puppet sketch about the prodigal son first. Which I should have done rather a while ago...

fannish scribbles, tolkien, doctor who, fannish nonsense, meme, random generators

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