And another thing...

Jun 03, 2009 19:27

I should have turned that into a meme, shouldn't I? Something like this:

Think of a Doctor Who story. Go to The Hobbit Name Generator and turn all the characters into Hobbits (or Elves if you want to be dignified). Then type the summary of the new 'story' in your journal.

How about that? The only trouble is, you have to use people with two names. Rebels rarely have these. Oh well, there goes my Completely Ridiculous Idea for a Meme. :lol:

(And Hobbit UNIT are hilarious. I wouldn't trust them to cook me breakfast, let alone save the world...)

*sighs* Yes, I know. I am so uninspired about the puppets and I have to write it NOW.

tolkien, fannish nonsense, meme, random generators

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