15 Characters Meme - answers

Sep 18, 2012 12:39

First, the list:

1. Servalan (Blake's 7)
2. Silver (sapphire & Steel)
3. Miss Marple
4. Darth Vader
5. The Sixth Doctor (DW)
6. The (Delgado) Master (DW)
7. Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart (DW)
8. Leela (DW)
9. Arnold Rimmer (Red Dwarf)
10. Orac (B7)
11. Evelyn Smythe (DW)
12. Ros Myers (Spooks)
13. Nanny Ogg (Discworld)
14. Violet Crawley, Dowager Duchess of Grantham (Downton Abbey)
15. Vila Restal (B7)

1. From brunhilde_1013: Servalan, Miss Marple and the Brigadier are all pirates. Who's the most successful? Do any of them form alliances? Are they searching for treasure, or redemption, or just attacking any ships they find?

LOL. Obviously Servalan is the best pirate and soon becomes ruthless pirate queen of the seven seas, and wears fabulous pirate outfits while ordering people to walk the plank. She is extra sneaky and never flies the pirate flag. Miss Marple and the Brigadier form an alliance and attack Servalan's ship to protect others. Miss Marple also works out all the clues on the treasure maps and together they put a serious crimp in Servalan's piratical career. (Miss Marple and Brigadier pirate AU. Oh my.)

2. From persiflage_1: It's Ros Myers's birthday - would the Master and Vila be inclined to help Ros celebrate?

Vila would be happy to help Ros celebrate, although he would probably prefer to celebrate her birthday at a safe distance, but if forced would do his best. There would be certainly worse people on this list for this. I think if he could acquire suitable quantity and quality of alcohol - and I'm sure he could - that might be okay. As long as he didn't expect her to wear a party hat or have candles on a cake or anything. The Master would not help Ros celebrate her birthday. He might admire her a bit, but I don't think he'd go so far as birthday celebrations without an ulterior motive. So, Ros is probably forced to do something very unpleasant to the Master and then she and Vila get drunk and complain about their lives. Hopefully, she doesn't also do anything unpleasant to Vila. I can imagine she might easily find him irritating. And also there's the bit where he's technically a terrorist and she works in anti-terrorism...

3. From john_elliott: High school AU! Of Silver, Leela and Rimmer, which one is the Bully, which one is the Pride Of The School, and which one is Led Astray And Takes To Drink In Chapter 16?

Oh, dear... Well. Leela is the bossiest, but she quites likes slightly useless males, so I don't see her bullying anyone; Silver seems to dislike bullying (and it's not really his style, anyway). Rimmer would bully someone, if he could find someone more prone to bullying than himself. So, Rimmer bullies himself. Or assumes that Leela and Silver are bullying him, because people always do. They are an awkward trio, because while Leela and Silver would both have reasons to be Pride of the School, they're both troublesome as well. I suppose it'd have to be Silver. But he doesn't care much (he just likes the shiny badge) and soon gets into disgrace for something, much to the annoyance of Rimmer, who would give everything to be Pride of the School and have a badge. And clearly Rimmer gets led astray. Presumably by Silver and Leela. So, the answer to all three is... Rimmer?

4. From lizzie_marie_23: The Master has a tea party! Who gets invited and why does Silver come in the middle to ruin everything?

Hee. Well, obviously the Master has invited significant people pivotal to history in some way to tea in order to poison them and mess up time. And then Silver turns up to stop him. Both would not be terribly impressed, since the Master would have been hoping for the Doctor, and Silver would think that dealing with dangerous time-travelling evil nemeses is best left to operators and not technicians.

The Brigadier, Leela and Violet Crawley are lost in a dangerous forest. How did they get there and how do they survive? Who becomes the leader and who tries to go off by himself?

Oh, they'd survive. Any forest that tried to kill all three of them would probably find itself shrivelling up and dying. Naturally, the Brigadier would take charge. And if Leela had orders from the Doctor, or once he'd earned her respect (which he would), she'd be okay with that. And Violet would agree. But she'd do whatever she chose anyway. So who's actually in charge is a bit of a moot point. Leela might possibly wander off, investigating something. But, as I said, I feel confident that the three of them would survive.

Who on this list would Miss Marple be most likely to fall in love with?

Well. LOL. Okay, I think the only serious contender would have to be the Brigadier, really. It's hard enough to imagine Miss Marple in love (despite ITV's best efforts), let alone with most of the people on this list. (I should probably consider that when making lists, at least occasionally.)

4. From: astrogirl2: Darth Vader and the Sixth Doctor each experience a brief period of dizziness, close their eyes, and open them find that they are in each other's bodies, in each other's universes. How do they cope with the situations they've just found themselves in? Are they able to figure out a way to get back to where they belong? How do each person's friends react to the sudden change?

I keep trying to come up with a sensible answer, but I end up laughing too hard. It would not go well. Mind you, Darth Vader bodyswap with anyone wouldn't go well, and would certainly come as a shock. And there are probably worse candidates on the list. I suppose if anyone can figure a way out of that one, it'd be the Doctor. I'm sure Vader would enjoy being out of the life-support stuff. Unless he dies of shock on going from head-to-foot black to being a walking rainbow. But... Oh, dear. Well, at least there's a possible answer in the next question:

Evelyn Smythe is offered one, non-refundable wish by a stingy genii. What does Evelyn wish for? Does it turn out the way they hoped, or are they left desperately wishing for a second wish to undo the first one?

She wishes for the Doctor and Darth Vader to swap places again. Let's hope it goes well, or she'll never hear the end of it, or not survive.

5. From daibhid_c: The Master, Rimmer and Vila have been transformed into babies by a ray! How do they cope, and can they get the ray to change back?

Badly, I should think. I'm sure that wee!Vila can steal the ray though and the Master can work out how to use it. Wee!Rimmer would probably just try and tell on them.

The Brigadier and Nanny Ogg are playing a game of chance. Who's luckier?

Awesome as the Brigadier is, it'd be Nanny Ogg. Sorry, Brigadier. You shouldn't play games of chance with witches.

Silver, Miss Marple, Six, the Brigadier, Evelyn and Nanny Ogg are giant robots! Do they destroy the city or save it from a bigger threat? Or do some of them save it from the others?

LOL. Given the candidates on the list, you couldn't have picked a better behaved bunch to become giant robots and yet not terrorise a city. Silver and Six would probably be troublesome and I've no idea what robot!Nanny Ogg might take it into her head to do, but overall, they'd be a fairly protective rather than aggressive band of robots. So, they wind up defending the city. Yes. *dramatic pause* Together, they fight crime!! And in some cases, occasionally do amusing things/flirt with people.

This meme is a terrible one for leaving you with the need for unlikely crack!fic...

In other news, I changed my layout (to match my default icon, heh). Me (having a habit of reading everyone else's flists when I'm bored) turning to read my flist: "What? Where am I? Whose the hell's flist is this one?" *rolls eyes*)

15 characters meme, doctor who, sapphire and steel, blake's 7, miss marple, fannish nonsense, meme

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