Fic: Angles of Improbability (S&S Prompt Fic)

Sep 16, 2012 13:01

(I can see I may rapidly become annoying with these, but I'll try not to spam you too hard.)

Title: Angles of Improbability
Author: lost_spook
Rating: All ages
Word Count: 607
Characters/Pairings: Silver, Diamond (OC)
Warnings None.
Summary: Diamond has never liked Silver. (Prompt 61: Silver & Diamond - schmoop & confession)

Notes: I only have the vaguest ideas about Diamond (you know: hard, cold, clear, sharp) but whenever I need an Element to not-like Silver or do something at all unpleasant to him in a throwaway comment in fic, I blame it on Diamond. Therefore, this prompt made me laugh and write something straight away. Probably this wouldn't really come under anyone's definition of schmoop, I suppose. (It's the furthest Diamond was prepared to go.)



The voice sounded like Diamond, Silver thought, but he couldn’t be sure. Her tone was usually harder and more impatient, especially when speaking to him. She didn’t seem to think very much of technicians, for reasons he failed to comprehend. Maybe the same thing that had left him here in this grey fog was imitating her voice, trying to fool him.

Silver, I know you can hear me.

Oh, well, now that was more like Diamond. Yes. I’m here.

Concentrate on me, Silver. Follow my voice, if you can. I’ve… you could say I’ve got you right here in my hands.

He pushed upwards through the fog - an odd movement, rather like trying to pull towards the surface from underwater. He found the experience confusing and not very pleasant. He closed his eyes and did as she had suggested, focusing on her. It wasn’t difficult. She suddenly seemed to be everywhere around him. He wasn’t sure he much liked that, either.

“Good,” she said, and he realised he was hearing her voice out loud this time, not in his head, or from an impassable distance.

Silver risked opening his eyes. He was lying on a hard floor, and Diamond was kneeling over him, holding onto his hand. She released him even as he registered the fact, and he found he felt alarmingly as if he was sinking back into the greyness.

“Oh no, you don’t, Silver,” she said and caught hold of him again, gripping his arm this time; her hold painfully tight. The unnerving sinking sensation ceased and reality - if reality it was - settled into place around him. “You’re staying here with me. I need you.”

Silver touched the floor’s surface with his free hand, trying to make sense of where he was and what had happened. He didn’t seem to be able to get any proper readings from it, however. That was worrying - and telling in itself. Then he focused on Diamond again. He looked up at her and gave a wary but hopeful smile. “Did you say -?”

“You’re back,” she said, ignoring the question. She let go of him, more cautiously this time, but he remained where he was, with no more drifting away. “Do you know where you were?”

Silver propped himself up by his elbows. “Oh, well, I think I could guess,” he bluffed.

“In that,” said Diamond, throwing an object away from her; a square red plastic thing with a small grey screen, a toy. “It says it’s called an Etch-O-Sketch. You’re only lucky I didn’t shake you into nothing.”

“You do like me,” he said, and grinned at her.

Diamond leant over him. “Oh, Silver,” she said. “I’ll confess - all those times when I’ve been -”

Unreasonable? Unfeeling? Left me turned to stone?

“All those times, yes. I…” She smiled. “I confess it, it’s true: I can’t stand you, Silver. You’re very irritating. But right now, you’re my only way out of this place, so I’ll admit you have your uses.”

Silver laughed. You do like me.

“Can you do it?”

“Of course,” said Silver, in surprise. He had thought they’d already established that. He needed to examine where they were properly, but with the two of them - and that toy might come in handy - he could do it.

“I’ll tell you something else as well,” Diamond said. “If you can’t, Silver; if it’s you and me stranded here together forever, then I’m afraid I am going to have to kill you. The alternative doesn’t bear thinking about.”

“It’s lucky, isn’t it, then,” said Silver lightly, with a smile, “that there’s no chance of matters coming to that…”


fannish scribbles, diamond (oc), silver, sapphire and steel, 100 element prompts, ficlet

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