(no subject)

Sep 19, 2012 13:17

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.

I was given some icons by astrogirl2 and sallymn.

From astrogirl2

This is a Spooks icon, made by sky_magenta, but also endlessly applicable, which is why it's stayed on my LJ for so long. It shows Peter Firth as Harry Pearce and Hugh Laurie as Jools, from S1, before the US stole Hugh Laurie and refused to give him back in a highly selfish manner. (I know there was this House thing, but I'd much rather have had more of Jools, the annoying, public-school head of MI6. "You boys are working late... I'm glad to see someone's running the country while the rest of us are at the opera. And you brought little terrier Tom along with you, what a nice surprise.")


Once upon a time, when I began my LJ, I was a children's librarian. And this is a quote from my favourite librarian story - The Librarian and the Robbers by Margaret Mahy. (In which the beautiful librarian, Miss Serena Laburnum gets kidnapped by robbers and held to ransom, with slight complications when the council can't decide which budget ransoming the librarian comes out of and leave it till the cultural committee meets in two weeks time. You can tell Margaret Mahy was a librarian as well as a children's author.) Near the end, Miss Laburnum is in the stacks when there is an earthquake, and is buried by all the old books. Hence the quote. Which I love. Even though I don't use this so much, because it makes me sad because of all the stuff that's happened since I made it. But being a librarian is a state of mind as well as a job, so I still get the right to use it.


Made by catwalksalone. A quote from Diana Wynne Jones's brilliant The Tough Guide to Fantasyland (which I recommend to anyone who's ever read more than one fantasy novel in their lives). Another endlessly applicable icon for LJ.


This is one I made for fic_rush. We had quite a collection of animals, although the ninja penguins and bonsai giraffes are still probably the dominant forces. And I was watching the old BBC comedy On The Up, when Sam Kelly's character (who is most of my reason for watching) came out with this. So I made it specially for the next fic_rush. Which is, in fact, a 48-hr fic-writing comm in which we encourage each other to write stuff. How it wound up with alien fish and glowsticks and penguins and suchlike is... difficult to untangle.


I made this for naarmamo in 2011. I'm not terribly good at iconing from cartoon screencaps, so I had another go, and I liked this one. My oldest fannish love is in fact, not DW, but the 1980s cartoon Dungeons & Dragons, and I thought this summed it up nicely, and I was pleased enough. (All six of the kids, walking off into a fantasy landscape, in search of the way home. Yes. *happy*)

From sallymn:


An icon I should use more than I do, because it amuses me. Everyone needs the odd random icon, don't they? This is a quote from Victoria Wood's As Seen On TV, from the snobbish continuity announcer, introducing the fake soap Acorn Antiques, probably still the two best bits from the sketch show. (Which I picked up cheap while on Jury service in late 2010 and cheered myself up with.)


From my first attempt at making D&D icons. I liked this one. I think I changed the colour or something, a daring thing for newbie icon-maker me, at the time. Anyway, unlike most icons I've made I liked it enough to let it stay. It has moments where it's really the only appropriate icon.


I like icons of people/characters I like writing or reading, so naturally I had to use Bob Cratchit writing away in the 1970 Scrooge when I made a set. (Also, David Collings's HAIR in that film. It is just ridiculous. How does a person have hair like that?) And I liked the texture I did for it, too. (I made it originally for Yuletide with some relevant text on, but liked it enough to make a blank all-purpose version, too. And the texture is my own, from some Christmas cards I had, and everything.)


The Chalet School. I suppose I should have used the one with text, but I like this one. If you know the Chalet School, you'll know what it is. And if you don't, I'm probably not going to be using it at you. It's very simple, although I seem to remember fiddling with putting texture on the white background quite a bit so that it wasn't too bland. (The Chalet School series was a long-running - 1925-1969 or so - series of boarding school stories by Elinor M. Brent-Dyer. They're v old-fashioned, as you would expect but do have an addictive appeal. The European setting in the first and end sections is quite a lot of the attraction, but there are other things.)


This is an icon I made for a 100 Things post that I haven't yet posted (one of several lurking about in various stages of completion.) It's from a poem by Matt Harvey. I have one of his books, and despite the fact that some of the poems definitely go to disturbing-weird, overall I love it. I saw him as one of three performance poets and he stood out by a mile. I like his word play, so I was going to give him a 100 Things post and made a small icon set, and then changed my mind (summer was tiring). But I think this makes a really nicely applicable LJ icon.

icons, meme

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