15 Characters Meme - the reveal (part 2)

Jun 09, 2011 21:10

The remaining answers:

sallymn: 1) Aliens Make Them Do It... Them being Mary-Lou, Venger, K9 and Dayna. Who pairs up with who?

Aargh. LOL. I think frankly it would be the one where the Aliens Were Very Sorry They Tried To Make Them Do It. Venger would blast his way out, Dayna would not be far behind, and while a hamster with a blunt penknife is faster than K9, he’d manage as well, and Mary-Lou is a good Girl Guide. So they would escape in a few seconds flat. Although Dayna might wonder why these things keep happening to her… Force me to answer this literally and I think the best I can come up with is Venger and Dayna (they both like explosions and there’s still good in him somewhere, maybe), and Mary-Lou and K9. She would love a pet robot dog, I’m sure. And neither of them would want to Do It, so they would tell the aliens they were Doing It when they were just going for a walk or something. (“This is how humans mate with their tin dogs.”)

2) Darth Vader, Leela and Eight are watching TV. Who has control of the remote, what are their favourite shows, and who never shuts up criticising?

Oh, I think it would always be wise to let Darth Vader have the remote control; I have this sneaking feeling they would all enjoy some terrible reality show (Maybe I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here) and obviously the Doctor would never shut up. Leela would have advice on the proper survival techniqes in a jungle.

3) Of Soolin, Leela, Jeeves and Mr Brittas...
- who would make the best Masterchef?
- who would make the best zombie?
- who would survive longest after the apocalypse?

1. Jeeves. 2. Uh… It would probably be an improvement for Brittas. 3 Soolin or Leela. Even longer if it was Soolin and Leela. (Although Brittas is the most likely to be the only one left standing after causing the apocalypse by accident).

belantana: What's Darth Vaders favourite film? The Empire Strikes back. :-p

What's Miss Pole's favourite novel? The book of life. (I could say Cranford, amd cheat again, though.)

What/who does Mary-Lou write fanfic about? Uhh… Um… Probably a fantasy world where no one ever falls off a precipice or marries a doctor, and they actually get to have archaeological adventures, or something. The adventures of a girl and her robot dog (see above.)

What/who does Leela read fanfic about?

I do not know what she reads (probably DW) but she would definitely leave Constructive Reviews: “Very good, but the hero should have slain the villain. It was foolish to let him live. He will only cause more trouble.” "I did not understand what that word meant, but I still do not think it would have made sense. You need to work harder at your craft." There would be advice for bad pr0n writers on how sex actually works, and threats for anyone who maligned the Doctor or President Romana: “If you write any more slander I shall cut off your hand and then you will not do it again.” I’m pretty glad Leela doesn’t read fanfic, really. Although I think she’d be a bit smug every time she found herself shipped with anyone (as long as the other person admired her, and it wasn’t unrequited on her side. Then she would pout and scowl).

What sport do Zaf and Dayna compete in at the Olympics? (Intergalactic MindGame Olympics if appropriate.)

I somehow don’t see either being too good at the MindGames, so Dayna would have to be Archery or something and Zaf, maybe the long distance.

curuchamion: Dayna discovers Leela's secret identity and tells Eight about it. Why, and what do they do?

Leela has a secret identity? Clearly it is some complicated B7/Gallifrey crossover (yes, please) and it is all to do with CIA and things.

Darth Vader and Vicki go hitchhiking on a stretch of lonely road. What happens?

LOL. Woe betide any car that fails to stop. Or any car that stops and picks them up, for that matter. Vicki will thank them nicely for the ride, at least…

dweomeroflight: Tom Paris proposes to Charlie Crews. How does Crews take it?

A lot better than Tom I should have thought. LOL. The only way I can see this happening is if Tom is lost in the past (as happens from time to time), and then gets extremely drunk. Crews would take it in his stride, probably accept (because it’d be rude to refuse an offer like that), take him back to the house (he lets any other passing person stay there) and let Tom off the hook once he sobered up. Then they could have a great time driving one of Crews’s cars. Probably the one with the bullet holes, but if not the first one before it got smushed by a tractor. It’s not the 20th C for Tom, but near enough, and Crews hasn’t got fully adjusted to the 21st C yet anyway.

primsong: Zaf and Tom Paris go shopping for a birthday present for Leela. What do they buy, and why is it appropriate?

A new knife, of course. What bothers me is the possible motive here. Tom and Zaf buying presents for Leela? Guys, guys, what are you up to? I think we can all guess… LOL.

K9 trips and falls, twisting an ankle. What is exclaimed?

LOL. I think the question here is, whose ankle does he twist? Probably “Apologies, Master/Mistress.” Or similar.

Venger and Vicki stumble into a mad scientist's lab and are accidentally body-swapped. How do they react?

Eek. LOL. (Again.) I’m pretty sure Vicki would think it was fun. Venger would not, but there wouldn’t be much he could do about it, except try to explain to Shadow Demon to get them switched back, but Shadow Demon would fail to believe him, probably on purpose. Vicki would swap back eventually. She wouldn’t want to stay as a (what, 7, 8 ft) tall cartoon villain with fangs, one horn and a flying horse and be able to shoot energy bolts and… Well, I’m pretty sure she would change back at some point. (Unless of course Venger’s outer self is the evil form his real self is trapped in and then there might be trouble with neither of them wanting to change back and Vicki being the new Venger. But I think his true self is probably locked in a box, so it should be okay.)

star wars, doctor who, dungeons and dragons cartoon, spooks, 15 characters meme, life (tv), chalet school, blake's 7, fannish nonsense, meme

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