15 Characters Meme - the reveal (pt1)

Jun 09, 2011 17:58

The fifteen characters (and sorry, I was a bit obscure in places. I'll go back to my usual suspects another time):

1. K9
2. Eighth Doctor
3. Soolin (B7)
4. Darth Vader
5. Miss Pole (Cranford)
6. Mary-Lou Trelawney (Chalet School)
7. Leela
8. Zafar Younis (Spooks)
9. Dayna Mellanby (B7)
10. Vicki
11. Charlie Crews (Life)
12. Venger (Dungeons & Dragons)
13. Jeeves
14. Tom Paris (Voyager)
15. Gordon Brittas (The Brittas Empire)

I got quite a few great questions, so I haven't finished answering all of them & it's getting long - this is part one (in order the questions were asked):

jjpor: K9 and Soolin have a fight (verbal or physical I leave up to you) - Jeeves is standing nearby. What does he do?

In order to save K9, Jeeves would obviously step in and tell Soolin that he had seen a mysterious woman with v short black hair lurking about in the bushes. He would then swiftly rescue K9 and hand him over to Bertie for some complicated but perfectly reasonable reason.

persiflage_1: Eight and Zaf go on a picnic - how much of a disaster is it?

I would have thought it was quite a decent picnic - until the aliens turned up. I’m sure Zaf would make a good companion stand-in and should go off and have adventures and not return to MI5.

john_elliott: Soolin, Jeeves and Mary-Lou go boating. Do they get where they want to be, or are they left high and dry?

This depends on if they are having a day out or it is mid-adventure for each: if the former, yes. Jeeves can sort anything, Soolin is v capable and Mary-Lou is a good rower. If the latter, then Soolin’s mission would cause problems, Jeeves would be led to some small deception that would inconvenience them (in a good cause) and bad weather would fall suddenly or they would lose an oar or have to jump out to rescue a rebellious school girl.

Eight and Vicki are both attempting to buy (or obtain by less scrupulous means) an Artifact Of Doom. Who gets it, and how?

LOL I don’t know. The Doctor might enjoy letting Vicki win. Vicki might just win. Eight might have forgotten what she was like several hundred years later. She might have an army. On the other hand, he’s the Doctor, so…

Darth Vader, K9 and Zaf find themselves trapped in a scrapyard, with ten hours to build a vehicle to escape in. Do they escape, and if so what did they come up with?

Assuming that Vader has agreed to co-operate and not kill people, I’d have thought no problem. Darth Vader can do any awkward heavy lifting with his Jedi mind powers, K9 can design stuff and Zaf can follow instructions and be handy. So probably a really impressive recycled spaceship that can actually fly.

cersia5: Leela, Mary-Lou and Soolin go fishing. Who catches the most fish? :P

It might be quite close, but Leela. She’ll do that trout tickling thing. Or maybe she’d just get fed up, I don’t know?

Miss Pole, Venger & Leela are romping through the forest and find a stranded cubscout. Do they find the kid's pack or home?

Leela would want to train him to survive in the wild, Venger would try to steal his scout’s knife, and Miss Pole would scold him. But then she would take him home, if only for the excuse to get away and run round the village telling everyone else about the Very Strange people lurking in the forest these days.

arnie1967: Darth Vader, Dayna and Brittas are trapped in a cave in. Who takes charge? Do any of them panic? And which of the three figures out how to save themselves?

Oh, dear, oh dear. LOL. Right… Technically, this should go: Vader kills the other two and then uses his Jedi powers to get out, but… but… he has never before encountered the human disaster zone known as Gordon Brittas. So: they all try to take charge. Dayna eventually sits back, folds her arms and rolls her eyes. Vader starts work on the rockfall while Mr Brittas gives an encouraging speech. He should of course be the one panicking, but since he would never realise that Darth Vader was in fact not a man in silly costume with a bad throat problem or that any danger could come from a nice, young, attractive girl like Dayna, he wouldn’t. He would count it as a team building exercise from which they could all learn valuable life lessons.

At this point, rocks would fall onto Vader, and Brittas would rush to his assistance by removing his helmet, so that would be the end of him. Dayna would then try explosives and either they’d get out, or both be buried forever.

[“I can’t help noticing, Mr Vader, that we haven’t quite got into the hang of being part of a team, have we? There’s no I in TEAM - it’s no good being stand-offish and hiding under a silly costume. Dayna and I will accept you as you really are, now, won’t we, Dayna?”

“That depends on who he really is… Don’t you ever shut up?”

“Now, I suggest you take that ridiculous helmet off, so you can look at things properly and we’ll all get on much better. And when we get back to the leisure centre I think we can put together a regime of exercise and dieting that will help with that nasty throat problem of yours. You will have to give up the cigarettes, but it’ll be worth it…”]

aralias: Eight and Venger have a child - what are they like?

Eek. LOLOLOLOL I do not think this is biologically possible for a Time Lord and a one-horned befanged cartoon villain, so either Eight has accidentally borrowed a child from somewhere and forgotten to return it, or Venger has kidnapped one (or Dungeon Master has left an orphan with him to babysit in the hope that it will redeem him, or just because it seemed like a good idea at the time), and either way, one trusts someone will turn up to rescue the poor infant asap. If not, I hope Eight gets custody. I think…

Soolin, Mary-Lou, and Zaf enter a talent show - what do they do? who wins?

Mary-Lou’s pretty good at the school plays, so she might win, but Soolin and Zaf’s daredevil act in which she shoots round him, and apples off his head etc went down pretty well. And, having practised with Ros, Zaf even managed to get some flirting in there without being shot. Or not fatally anyway.

lizzie_marie_23: Eight and Miss Pole go camping. Why does Zaf wander into their campsite and how do they react?

Uh… It’s very hard to imagine Miss Pole going camping ever with anyone, but I suppose Eight can be persuasive. He probably raved about the stars or something. She threw things at Zaf, who was either very lost, or on a mission… and still very lost. Miss Pole ran away before the tale could get out, and then it was just Zaf and Eight and the aliens again. (There are always aliens and monsters.)

pitry: 1a) K9, Mr Brittas, Leela & Soolin go back to the time the dinosaurs rule the earth. Who ends as dinosaur lunch, who makes the heroic sacrifice, who goes native and pretends to be a dinosaur and who manages to get back to their own time? 1b) The one who got back to their own time discovers they got there because of Mary-Lou & Zaf. What did they do and how does the returnee react?

Okay… K9 does not have much luck, so he probably got eaten (although, it would be reparable I expect), Leela goes native (duh), surprisingly Mr Brittas might well make the heroic sacrifice, possibly - but it certainly couldn’t be Soolin because B7 people don’t do that. Not usually, anyway. So Soolin gets back, and I imagine she would be grateful to Mary-Lou and Zaf, although how either of them managed it, I have no idea. It must be all that hanging out with Eight Zaf keeps doing in this meme.

2a) Soolin & Charlie Crews go on a romantic date. Where do they go? 2b)How does the date end? 2c) and why is Miss Pole following them?!

Ooh, this is quite interesting. It could go badly (he talks a lot, catches criminals, and she’s sort of a criminal, and shoots v fast), but they both read people quite well and I think they would be intrigued enough by each other for the date to be fairly successful. He’d end by letting her come home, meet Ted and maybe let her shoot at his car, if she wanted. Plus, she’s had a hard life and been in space a lot, she’d probably appreciate all the fruit. Just as long as he doesn’t decide she’s a killer that needs catching. As for Miss Pole, well, she is an inveterate nosy parker and gossip, ‘nuff said!

spooks, 15 characters meme, doctor who, blake's 7, chalet school, fannish nonsense, meme

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