Blake's 7 Fanvid recs - General series (Part Two)

Jun 12, 2011 08:38

I did promise I would post the things I had hiding round here. Let's have some angst. (I might post my Chalet Scool fic recs later to cheer everyone up.)

Part Two - And where were we: ah yes, Blake's 7, that old, angst-ridden, dystopian BBC sf tragedy...

Please remember that what I said last time about nearly all Blake's 7 vids being spoilery goes double for the angsty ones. I was going to say, I will mark any newbie-safe ones clearly, but there aren't any here. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Angsty Vids

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An unusual but effective vid - just how bad are the Federation? The result is actually pretty bleak and unnerving.

B7 - The Final Chapter (to song 'All Sparks) by vidder gawdblesshim:

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Excellent S4 vid with an angsty and epic feel.

Zukalis - One Last Breath. Jenna, Avon and Blake... You may need tissues. (Or maybe that's just me getting tragic over this B7 obsession of mine.)

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Also by the same vidder with a similar feel, but focusing on Avon and Blake : Fallout

Because, of course, Blake and Avon is really what it's all about, so two to finish up that focus on them (without trying to be obviously shippy. Well, other than that way that they are...):

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The masterpost for these recs posts is here (sticky at the top of my LJ).

fanvids, roj blake, blake's 7, recs, kerr avon

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