On hearing the news...

Feb 23, 2011 10:01

What a thing to wake up to - and I can see my flist is saying everything that I might say, and more, and better, so I'll link to this news article that says it all very succintly, rather than waffle.

And so I'll just do what I always do, and make fic recs, because the Brigadier would never have been the awesome character everyone loves to read/write about were it not for the immense charm and likeability of Nicholas Courtney, who with his seemingly endless fondness for the role and the show became far much more to everyone involved than 'just' an actor who was in it for a few years.

The article suggests watching Inferno - well, here's a clip: "There's nothing like a nice happy ending, is there?"

Fics - I don't suppose there'll be much that is new to people here, but I've aimed for celebratory things in as many eras as possible. (In fact, a quick count of the good Brigadier fics I could think of have nearly about all been recced on calufrax, which just goes to show how awesome the Brigadier is, obviously.)

All These Things That We've Done by netgirl_y2k.
The one where the Brigadier and Liz Shaw travel as companions to the Third Doctor. (1963 words, All ages. Three, Brigadier, Liz. Slight Brig/Liz.)

Ground Rules by jjpor
“The Doctor?” The Brigadier thought about that for a moment. “He’s the Queen’s sworn enemy as well?”. (3554 words, All ages. Brigadier, Benton, UNIT, Torchwood.) 1970s UNIT and the Brigadier pwn Torchwood. Hurray.

Patterns by Selena
There are patterns in the Doctor’s lives. Just ask the Brigadier, or Harriet Jones. (3125 words, All ages. Three, Ten, Brigadier, Harriet Jones, The Master.)

Still Waiting by Sheila Adamson
The Brigadier and Jo practise life without the Doctor. (2688 words, All ages. Brigadier, Jo.)

I could here say 'everything primsong's written in Three's era', but I'll come down to: The Annual UNIT Picnic (All ages, 3538 words. Three, Brigadier, UNIT. On a picnic, yes.) and a longer fic: The Eggs of Destruction (33,461 words, All ages. Three, Brigadier, the Master, lots of egg-related puns, but mainly Three and the Brigadier investigating a puzzle together.)

Au revoir by Von Quixote
Post-Battlefield. After the fight, after the supper, the Doctor and the Brigadier share Scotch and extended metaphors. (689 words, All ages. Brigadier, Seven.)

Small Creatures by paranoidangel42
The Ninth Doctor uncovers a mystery in the Brigadier's garden. (3716 words, All ages. Nine, Brigadier.)

Time Lines, Schmime Lines by SleepySheep683
In order to repair his TARDIS, the Doctor braves crossing his own time line. With Donna in tow, this turns out to be the least of his problems. Brig/Donna (6092 words, Teen. Ten, Donna, Brig.) (Brig/Donna with horrified!Ten standing by has to be one of the funniest things ever.)

Postcards by uktechgirl
Doris Lethbridge-Stewart enjoys a relaxing holiday in the Highlands. Ish. (836 words, All ages. Doris, Harry Sullivan, Brigadier.) Glimpses into the Brigadier's non-retirement.

Filthy Lucre by calapine
Where the Doctor got his paper bag of cash from in The Lodger. (1063 words, All ages. Eleven, Brigadier.) Yay.


brigadier lethbridge-stewart, doctor who, recs, nicholas courtney

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