"What came after maladjusted? I'm considering a tattoo..."

Feb 22, 2011 18:18

When I'd only done a few entries for this meme, dbskyler told me she was looking forward to when I did this character. Some things about me are fairly predictable, it seems! So, nobody is going to be shocked at today's post...

Day Fifteen: Lynda Day (Julia Sawalha)

"I promise you one thing - there will be no traditional ending."

Back to another character I wanted to grow up to be. Thankfully for the world around me, I didn't, but Press Gang's Lynda is very awesome indeed. If she weren't obsessed with running a newspaper, she would have taken over the world for want of anything better to do. She's fearsome, she's clever, she knows what she wants, and despite appearances, she does care, every time. (Even if sometimes she doesn't care very much.) There's almost nothing she can't turn to her advantage, and... she's just awesome, bascially. In recent years, Julia Sawalha took on the main part in Lark Rise to Candleford, and reviewers called her performance a revelation. Obviously, they weren't watching Press Gang back in the 90s. (And, for DW fans: despite there being no character similarities, if RTD's Lynda with a 'y' in 2005 wasn't an in-jokey nod to the greatness of Steven Moffat, Lynda and Press Gang, then I'm eating my fez right now.)

Since I have nothing new to say (and even the fanvid tribute here I have posted more than once), I can do the one thing I haven't done much so far for Press Gang: quote fest!


Lynda: "I have no reason whatsoever to wish to kick Hell out of that pillow while pretending that it's my boyfriend. Even if it does look a bit like him - has about as much backbone..."

Lynda: "I'm thinking of habits I'm wanting to kick."
Spike: "So I'm a habit already?"
Lynda: "You're something I'm wanting to kick."

Spike: "You don't happen to be jealous of a girl I've never even met, do you?"
Lynda: "Of course, I'm jealous, Spike. I wish *I* was the girl you've never even met."

Kenny: "I'm visiting my aunt in Sherrington."
Lynda: "Of course - your dear old aunt in Sherrington. What is it this time? Ill? Dead? Tell me, how do you justify being off work at her funeral on no less than eight separate occasions?"
Kenny: "She is my aunt."

Spike (to Lynda): "You're the only person I've ever met who eats dinner to win."

Kenny: "I'm not going to let you go to pieces while there is nothing to go to pieces about."
Lynda: "So what are you saying, I should go in there and edit a newspaper?"
Kenny: "Put it this way, what would Spike want you to do?"
Lynda: "The usual. Wear tighter clothes and show more cleavage."

Sarah: "Can you explain to me how I have just argued myself into doing exactly what you wanted me to do in the first place? You are a devious, unfeeling, calculating, manipulative bitch."
Lynda: "Well you were asking what made me a better choice for editor."

Lynda (on the phone): "I've had my day off now. Can I come in?"
Kenny: "It's still the morning."
Lynda: "I got up early."
Kenny: "Look, Lynda, make the effort. Relax."
Lynda: "Have Spike wrapped and delivered. I'm bored."

Kenny: "Thanks."
Lynda: "For what?"
Kenny: "I don't know. Everything."
Lynda: "I'm not responsible for everything. I just make it look that way."

Kenny: “Why, it’s Cinderella back from the ball. So how was Prince Charming?”
Lynda: “Stow it, Buttons!”
Kenny: “Fair enough, boss. Actually, I’ve always thought of you more as the wicked queen from Snow White.”

Lynda: "This is lying, Kenny. I haven't dropped dead, either."
Kenny: "Well, it could take you this long to stop talking."

Lynda: "Dear diary, it's that cute American again, and he's searching my desk. Does this mean he fancies me? It's so difficult to know what to say in these situations. One wants to be firm with him, but just a little seductive. Find out what the hell he's doing, but maybe encourage him a little. I need style, authority, and sex appeal." [pause, and, to Spike] "Something of interest in my drawers?"

Kenny: “I just don’t understand why it’s so difficult to discuss a problem with my best friend.”
Lynda: “And I don’t see why it has to be that particular problem. You’ve got hundreds.”

Lynda: "You and me Spike, we're held together by a force even stronger than true love."
Spike: "Which is?"
Lynda: "We both want the last word."

Kenny: "I hate to interrupt this, but you've got a budget meeting with Kerr."
Lynda: "This is flirt time with Spike - top of the page."
Kenny (checking the diary): "I stand corrected."

Lynda (on a Children's show): "Strangely enough, I don't feel like taking advice from a man who spends his time behind a sofa with his arm up an artificial cat."

Sarah: "Do you really think it's reasonable to keep punishing people for not being Kenny?"
Lynda: "Well, they're not, are they?"

Lynda: "This is life. No guaranteed happy endings."

Lynda: "What's your lucky number? Have you got one?"
Spike: "Why? Have you?"
Lynda: "Two thousand three hundred and forty five."
Spike: "Popular choice."
Lynda: "When we were kids, Kenny and I decided we should have lucky numbers. But we got kind of competitive. It's a good job he moved to Australia when he did."

Angelo: "So Lynda. How's it going?"
Lynda (undercover as a waitress): "Don't keep asking me that - you're supposed to treat me like any other waitress."
Angelo: "I did. You slapped me."

Lynda: "Being a waitress is a lot like running a newspaper... Damn, it isn't."

Spike: "You're something special, Lynda Day. Not easy. No way easy. But very, very special."


Fanvid tribute "Head Over Heels":

image Click to view

With an honourable mention for Sarah Jackson (Kelda Holmes), Press Gang's brilliant feature writer with enough honesty and integrity to acknowledge that her friendship with Lynda is less one-sided than it appears. (And out of the dream futures the gang are given in S4, I could totally see Sarah becoming the next Kate Adie... Who was, btw, another person I sadly did not grow up to be.)

30 days of Awesome TV Female Characters:
Day One: Soolin (B7)
Day Two: Dayna Mellanby (B7)
Day Three: Michelle of the Resistance (Allo Allo)
Day Four: Beatrice Eliott (House of Eliott)
Day Five: Captain Kathryn Janeway (ST:V)
Day Six: Maddy Magellan (Jonathan Creek)
Day Seven: Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Day Eight: Ros Myers (Spooks)
Day Nine: Servalan (B7)
Day Ten: Anna Thornton-Wilson (Hotel Babylon)
Day Eleven: Winifred Burkle (Angel)
Day Twelve: Isobel Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Day Thirteen: Rani Chandra (SJA)
Day Fourteen: Donna Moss (WW)

press gang, 30 days of awesome women, quotes, lynda day, meme

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