"A man who trusts can never be betrayed..."

Feb 24, 2011 12:50

Onwards with the meme, but still in sober mode...

Day Sixteen: Cally (Jan Chappell)

"My people have a saying: A man who trusts can never be betrayed, only mistaken."

Cally's awesomeness lies not so much in what she does (although she is also a fighter and a survivor), but just in being. There's a directness and simplicity in her that has nothing to do with stupidity, and an alien quality. Despite being very unalike in many ways, she can remind me of Leela (and probably it's no coincidence that Chris Boucher had a hand in shaping both). Brave, loyal, principled Cally, who always knows best; lonely and isolated, alien telepath Cally; sharp-tongued, teasing, friendly Cally; nurse Cally. Where would the Liberator crew be without her? (Well, there's a spoilerish and obvious answer to that, so: case rested.)


Cally quote-fest (of sorts; the thing with B7 is that a typical great quote is a multiple exchange between two, three or more of the characters...):

Cally: May you die alone, and silent!

Avon: I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care, or, indeed, why it should be necessary to prove it at all. [Exits]
Vila: Was that an insult or did I miss something?
Cally: You missed something.

Vila: Stop worrying, Cally, I'll be back soon. Tell you what, I'll bring you back a present! What would you like, Cally? Name it, and it's yours...
Cally: A necklace, Vila. Made from your teeth.

Jenna: Where are you going?
Cally: I'm going to clear the neutron blasters for firing.
Jenna: Well, what are you going to fire at?
Cally: Anything that moves.

Tarrant: It all seems quiet enough, Cally, if you don't count the volcano. I should let Orac take over. I think it's going to be some time before we find these friends of Dayna's.
Cally: All right, but keep in touch. Heroic rescues can be embarrassing if you're not actually in danger.

Cally (on Vila): He was terrified. So terrified he might just get himself killed, because it's easier than going on.
Tarrant: I'll take that risk.
Cally: It isn't yours to take.

Vila: And the Aurons punished you for your defiance, didn't they?
Tarrant: Were you exiled?
Cally: Yes. Why d'you imagine I've never gone back? (Looking at Avon) Affection for him?

[The rest of the crew are tormenting a Federation torture expert]
Cally: Stop it! Stop it! All of you! Leave him alone.
Tarrant: He's an animal, Cally.
Cally: Yes, and it's contagious, isn't it?

[On trying to stop Avon going off alone]
Vila: Look, you don't have to give reasons. You don't even have to explain. Whatever it is, we'll back you up.
Cally: Or, if you want one of your own cold, rational explanations, we can't afford to lose you.


Also, I played with some screen caps I had (from S2 ep Shadow), and made some icons (plus a text one I did before):

Fanvid (there is one, yes!). It's a little old, and slightly crackly, but somehow fits Cally very well:

image Click to view

30 days of Awesome TV Female Characters:
Day One: Soolin (B7)
Day Two: Dayna Mellanby (B7)
Day Three: Michelle of the Resistance (Allo Allo)
Day Four: Beatrice Eliott (House of Eliott)
Day Five: Captain Kathryn Janeway (ST:V)
Day Six: Maddy Magellan (Jonathan Creek)
Day Seven: Lady Mary Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Day Eight: Ros Myers (Spooks)
Day Nine: Servalan (B7)
Day Ten: Anna Thornton-Wilson (Hotel Babylon)
Day Eleven: Winifred Burkle (Angel)
Day Twelve: Isobel Crawley (Downton Abbey)
Day Thirteen: Rani Chandra (SJA)
Day Fourteen: Donna Moss (WW)
Day Fifteen: Lynda Day (Press Gang)

cally (b7), 30 days of awesome women, quotes, icons, jan chappell, blake's 7

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