fightin texas aggie big huge jumbotron

Sep 03, 2006 02:02

dang i haven't updated in a long ass time, but for some reason i felt like this was a good time to do that. to reflect on the summer, here are some good highlights:

-baseball every monday
-trip to san francisco with family and visiting steven and melissa in syracuse
-hanging out all the time (mostly at my house of course)
-kick ass volleyball games (breaking the pole TWICE)
-winning the mvp award, then slumping for a while, then coming back and going like 4 for 5 in the last game and making a couple good plays.
-mvp baseball tournaments
-bowling a 139 on the last night
-drunk dancing at my cousin's wedding reception
-almost falling off an inflatable titanic (and other ridiculous graduation party stuff, like monkeys and wet principals and june bug attack movie fantasies)
-anything and everything with friends and family

i know there's tons of shit that i left out that coulda easily fit on that list, but i can't think of everything right now. this summer was amazing and i thank everyone for making it that way.

now that summer is over, school's started. the first week back here was cool. the first two days were exhausting though cuz all we did was unpack our shit and run errands. but everything else was cool cuz it was worth it when we were done. the first week of school was alright. luckily i haven't had too much to do yet, which has been nice cuz my days are long and tiring. here's a look at my schedule:

music theory I 8-8:50am
the symphony 9:10-10am (yes this is a class about the symphony, not a class that i play in a symphony, you goofy ass)
musicianship I 10:20-11:10am (this goes along with theory)
work 11:30-1:30pm
french 101 1:50-2:40
work 3-5 (only on monday)

survey of architetcural history 9:35-10:50am
work 11-1pm
french lab 1:50-2:40
electroacoustic compostition 3:55-5:10

it's a very busy, almost non-stop schedule, but it works out better this way i guess. of course i get real tired as the day goes on cuz waking up early just starts to catch up on me. otherwise it's alright i guess.

anyways, i miss y'all and i can't wait to see y'all again. i hope y'all have a good semester and i'll see y'all soon enough.

p.s. our soccer team kicks ass (ranked #4) and most of the players are sexy as hell, two in particular
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