Last night we built a fort in our living room.
It was soo much fun. 21 usually means I am too "cool" for things like that, but I had fun. Plus I got my little sisters to play board games, which usually doesn't happen. Even Grace joined us in the fort and her being 16 is definitely "too cool" for that.
I love Hanukkah. I love light the menorah and being with my family. I can't wait to give out gifts even though I have given some out. This year we lost Emily and Chris (since we all moved away) but we gained Rikki Jo and Addison.
Addison is my secret Maccabbee this year. So I got him some mountain dew, mints, tuna, and a 20 dollar gift card to starbucks.I think I will add some more to the pot but I have no Idea what since I don't really know him that well. But it will be good. I know he likes starbucks and thats all that matters lol. I got my mom a really cool planner this year. I know she will love it. I asked my dad what he wanted and he just said that he just wants a card. So I got him a card and pine air fresheners for his car....he'll love it...I hope.