Oct 23, 2009 12:35
I decided that I am going to go through the FFOZ Torah club book. Each week you read a different portion of scripture and the book goes into detail about a lot of things...its hard to explain but really good. I am on Volume 1 since I haven't done it before, but my dad is preaching on Volume five which is Mathew and is also in Volume 1 and they intermingle together and I am really excited.
This weekend I am going to Gilroy, which I am way excited because I am going to get a new phone woot woot I am stoked! I've had my phone for three years and its old and outdated, not to mention I broke the charger so it has to be plugged in the wall to work, and I washed it last month, and some of the buttons don't work. But now I can afford to get a new one which is nice because I would like to utilize it more lol.
So Genesis 1-6. God is amazing. I love how this Torah portion talks about Monotheism vs. Polytheism. Not that its some new found knowledge that I couldn't live my life with out it, it is just a new way to look at things. It writes:
If Polytheism were try, it would imply several different gods all creating and manipulation the fabric of reality according to their personal preferences. It would not allow an orderly universe that follows a unified code of physical laws, Polytheism would result in a great deal of disconnected randomness in the universe as different creator-gods sought to impose their will on things. Monotheism, on the other hand results in in a seamless chain if cause and effect behind every single Creator. The modern world of scientific naturalism has proven the latter to be true. Scientifically speaking, polytheism is out of the running, and the smart money is on monotheism.