Title: Star Crossed Rating: PGish Characters/Pairings: Kirk, Spock, implied K/S, Captain Jack Harkness, The (eleventh) Doctor, Amy Pond, mentions of McCoy, Scotty and Chekov, and Ianto Jones, and implied past Jack/Ianto. Summary: The Enterprise receives some special visitors, and Jim makes a new friend
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Title: 3:1 Rating: Really hard R (really, how hard? Ha ha.) Characters/Pairings: Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Spock/Smudge/Sassan/Sylar Summary: In response to a prompt in which Jim has sex with all of those guys. Yup. Warnings: Gayness.
Title: Another meme Rating: Like, R cause I love to swear characters: Peter, Sylar, Mohinder, Matt, Edgar, Chuck Bass, House, Wilson, Lucas, Ozymandias, Dug, Kirk, Spock, Bones, Hatter Summary: Stole this from sapphire17. Totes.
Title: Meme thing Rating: Some parts are NC-17ish. Characters: Peter, Sylar, Hatter, Kirk, Spock, Bones, Mohinder, The Comedian, Sherlock Holmes, House Summary: I have no idea. Crack. Warnings: THIS SUCKS.