Pass me mah mint julep...

Jun 20, 2008 20:34

I think I may truly have been Scarlet O'Hara in a former life. Or some equally fritter-headed Southern belle who hides behind her fan during the day and lures the help up to her bedroom at night.

I have a tremendous fondness for southern women.

I've seen "Steel Magnolias" half a dozen times, mostly because the connection between the women seems so deep, and I love the interaction between Olympia Dukakis and Shirley McLaine.

I'm re-reading Rita Mae Brown's "Six of One" and remembering how much I loved it, how something in the marked contrast between the internal and the external is so smoothly handled by the ladies of this geography.

I love gentility, and pomp and circumstance and tradition. Many other things I love are not always compatible with the culture that engenders those things (hence the California zip code) but there are times when I look around my free-for-all, wear-jeans-to-the-fancy-restaurant, do-anything-but-follow-rules social environment and long wistfully for a place where it's just darned wrong to keep your hat on indoors, and where not wearing a skirt to someplace grand is really just not done.

And something about the women who weild their dichotomous personas like thin, sharp, shiny-but-deadly swords intrigues me no end.

And I would have been damned hot in a hoop skirt.
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