World, meet, World.

Sep 12, 2008 13:21

Hey everyone!

I know I've disappeared off all my blogs for quite a few months now. But there's a good reason for it. And now, I can safely talk/blog about it!

As of June 2007 I've been working for Six Plans, Inc. which is a startup that phokingphu introduced me to. (Thanks dude!) It's been a very different experience from working at an advertising agency, and definitely in a good way. This past year, we've hired some new faces (Cat, Jack, Ian, I can't imagine this company without you guys) and gone into crunch mode, which along with some stress and minor amounts of bloodshed, has also brought about some amazing achievements as a whole and personally.

A Blurble on a Graphic Designer level - I think my graphic design skills have improved exponentially. Photoshop is deep in my blood and I still enjoy continuing to keep up with industry developments. I think what I like most about where I am now is that up until this point, I always dwelled in a niche of a niche, which - more than anything - held me back in terms of growth. Granted, it's a huge ego blow when you're forced to compare/compete with rest of the world (and f*cking scary to boot), but at the same time, it's incredibly rewarding when you drive yourself onwards and upwards. I've decided to make use of my Twitter account by tweeting about work professionally/exclusively, so if you want to follow our company via me (my official title: Designer of Shiny Things), you can do so here.

I was seriously about to scan my business card...and then I thought to myself..."self, you fool, you designed these have PSDs of EVERYTHING!...." Winner is me!

TechCrunch50 We found out in August that we had been selected to be one of the 53 startups to launch at the TechCrunch50 conference of 2008, which took place on September 8-10. Not only was it a huge honor to be selected out of 1000+ other companies that applied, but it was also a great reward for the amounts of work we'd been putting in since 2007 to make our little idea grow into a globally competitive product. It is still staggering for me to compare our first drafts one year ago, to what we have live now.

We presented on Wednesday and launched our site live to the public at the end of the presentation. You can watch our CEO and COO on the official TechCrunch page. Here's our profile on CrunchBase too. Judging from the blogs and tweets that followed, reception was very positive and we are very happy about that! Some hard work is definitely cut out for us - we're in a very crowded industry space, and we'll have to move quickly to keep up. But, I am feeling positive and well received, and the team is solid.

World, meet GO GO PLANITEERS! Heehee.

And now, an Official Message from our CEO

Hey there! Just wanted to let you know that WE JUST LAUNCHED our new site at the TechCrunch50 (TC50) conference this past Wednesday! Techcrunch50 is a conference that showcased the '50 best startups' in the world, choosing these companies from over 1000 applications! Here you can see some of the pictures and notes that we took while at the conference, along with some pix with Ashton & Demi, Mark Cuban, & others.

So come check us out if you haven't already, - we're a social travel planning tool for creating personalized trips. (you can even plan your trips with just one click!)

We'd love it if you could help us spread the word by sending out facebook, tweets on twitter, friendfeed, and emails to your friends that would be great! Also we've been mentioned on a few blogs/media articles - if you have time *PLEASE VOTE* or just make a comment about us if you can! (hopefully a positive one J)

quick sites to help boost our visibility/ranking with everyone out there (takes 2 seconds to vote for us)

articles to comment on :)

THANKS for all of your help in making GoPlanit one of the top internet startups this year!

six plans itinerary vacation planning,, techcrunch, launch, techcrunch50

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