interesting article on Polyamory from newsweek. found the author a little judgemental in a few spots, but overall presented a very positive face to the practice. I think there is a good point raised, in that if the Poly community pushes for marriage equality as part of the same sex marriage movement, it runs the risk of being "too much too soon", alienating more conservative SSM supporters. However, I think the statement "What someone does in their bedroom is no-one elses business" still holds true. The biggest issue I see between legalized recognition is purely logistical...
Assume for a moment that a poly relationship is completely equal in all ways to a straight hetero or same sex marriage for all legal purposes. it runs the risk of any other relationship out there of breaking up. now we have to legally parse who gets what in the divorce... supposing there are 4 members of the family, and one decides that the want out... does the whole marriage have to be dissolved, can you part it out? who gets the kids? Then we have to take in to account family law as pertains to insurance, If I have coverage through work, do all my spouses get covered? what if 2 people in the family have a kid together, are they covered under my insurance? even though I'm not biologically related at all to them, I'm married to their parents.
Lest the opinion come across that I'm against the practice, I wholely support the rights of any number of people to live and love with any number of other people as long as everyone involved is fully aware of the situation and enters into it willingly.