Social Skillz... do you Haz Them?

Aug 03, 2009 21:53

So as is probably no surprise to many people who know me, I was socially awkward as a child. even to this day I find myself looking at something I just said or did, and thinking ... did anyone notice that I had no clue how to respond there? for example, having a conversation with someone and walking away after I was done saying what I had to say, then realizing that I had done that without saying goodbye or breaking the conversation in any rational way...

So the question I guess it raises is, do you feel as a socially interactive adult (that is, someone who deals with other people at least some of the time) do you feel that you have an understanding of social graces and are able to function in society, or do you feel (as I often do) that you have learned to parrot the social norms without truly understanding/accepting them, and rather have learned to "play the game" as it were?
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