Mar 09, 2009 17:15
List today for the Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Gardens:
Mallard (flying overhead, quacking)
Cooper's Hawk
Red-Shouldered Hawk*
Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Anna's Hummingbird (too many to count)
Allen's Hummingbird (1)
Northern Flicker (heard)
Black Phoebe
Western Scrub-jay
American Crow
Oak Titmouse* (formerly Plain Titmouse)
Bewick's Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Northern Mockingbird
Orange-crowned Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Spotted Towhee
California Towhee (in abundance!)
Dark-eyed Junco
White-crowned Sparrow
House Finch
Lesser Goldfinch
Total count: 24 species
Two new species today, what a treat! There were 2 Red-shouldered Hawks working on a nest and occasionally calling out. They were quite lovely and I was able to watch them in my binoculars for a few minutes. The 2 Oak Titmice were utterly adorable, and I had forgotten that southern California gets titmice, we don't really see them in Oregon (or at least I never did). Tons of Yellow-rumped Warblers and Anna's Hummingbirds, but I really enjoyed the Allen's Hummingbird I saw for a few minutes. The Cooper's Hawk landed in a tree and chattered loudly for a little while before flying off again.
I also saw several squirrels the size of cats, and four rabbits! They were so wee and cute :-D
So far this has been a good start to Spring Break! :)