I shall now spam all y'all with tons of art. :-P Some of it's from the summer, some of it's from this year.
This was made with watercolor pencils, drawn from an old Vogue magazine of Lauren's in August.
My tubby orange kitty Butterfinger, from the summer.
I cut off the second half of this picture because it came out crappy. I liked this bit, though. Marker, from the summer.
Inspired by a Radiohead song, "Airbag" -- "In an interstellar burst / I'm back to save the universe!"
I did this the other night in art club. Yay for a dead bumblebee, and my very much alive cockroach, Cleopatra.
Some random vaguely futuristic-y lady, drawn in the summer. I used a picture of Mary's face as a guide for hers, just to get the angle and shape looking realistic. Rather pleased with this one.
This is a picture of my brother, Sean... made during a particularly trying time last summer. :(
Mallard ducks I drew for my ecology class last year. :)
A crow, for the same class.
A scrub jay, also for ecology.
A fish done for figure drawing a few weeks ago. RRRARRRR!
The mate to the fish, the superhero was originally fighting him, but Hess said we could separate the two for easier drawing.
One of my better hands for figure drawing, a week or two back.
A hand scratching on a turntable, heh. Ben's since informed me that the record's not quite right, but considering I threw it in at the last minute, it's pretty fun.
I was having an off night of drawing, and went crazy with the pastels and had quite a lot of fun with it. Woohoo!
Hope you enjoyed my drawings. I think I finally may be comfortable with allowing myself to be called an artist, or at least a budding one. :)