assignments are sent!

Jun 25, 2007 18:15

Whew!  Sorry for the delay, everyone.  Assignments have been e-mailed!  Thanks to my co-mods aphelant and jade_1459 for the above-and-beyond, flying-the-'jumper-into-the-sun help.

A couple of notes: Don't let on to your recipient.  *g*  If you need to fend off a curious friend, you can always point out that even jade_1459 doesn't know which recipient shusu drew.  Beta matching and source help can be provided; discussion threads around the comm are still live; and if you need to communicate with your recipient, please e-mail the mods.  (aphelant's in the neutral zone, if it's myself or Jade.)

If you want to leave a note for your creator - for instance if you'll be AFK during reveals - comment to yourself at the sign-up so your recipient, LJ willing, can secretly stalk your comment thread.

Here's the general info for your reference.
Make one of three Things:
1 fanfiction of at least 1000 words
1 fanart in a common file format
10 icons that fit LJ requirements
Things must have John/Vala, before, during, and/or after.
You only have to do one prompt, though you can do more than that.
ALL squicks and dislikes (below the === line) must be respected.
When in doubt, Things are gifts.
The mods are:

Liondragon shusu

Jade  jade_1459  

Aphelant aphelant

FYI: Because of our moderate size, sorting the general categories, i.e. the optional bit, were not exact.  So you might see a few categories that your recipient prefers which you didn't want to create.  No worries, they're just guidelines.

On the other hand, matching the specifics were as exact as we could get them.  Everyone should be able to fill their tarts!  If you have any concerns, please contact the moderators.

Things will be exchanged on August 14th!  Stay tuned in case we open up early.  Good luck and have fun!


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