Privacy (with Seto Koji).

Mar 30, 2010 18:48

Title: Privacy (with Seto Koji).
Chapter: 1 of 2.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: Takida, Kojida.
Genre: Romance, Fluff.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Takizawa Hideaki wins the bet against Seto Koji. The prize? Ueda Tatsuya, Seto Koji's current lover. At first, Takizawa Hideaki only had a "strictly business" attitude towards Ueda Tatsuya. However, after witnessing Seto Koji's love-making session with Ueda Tatsuya, Takizawa Hideaki changes his mind, and altogether, changes everything.

“Oi, Takizawa, I heard you caught yourself a princess? You f*cking bandit! Who did you steal this one from?” Uchi Hiroki asked in a playful manner, while he caressed Ueda Tatsuya‘s soft, unblemished, sleeping face.

“Tsch. Seto Koji--the kid sure knows how to put up a fight. As usual, it’s me who wins in the end.” Takizawa Hideaki answered his kouhai, in an all-mighty tone of voice.

“How’d you ever manage that?” Uchi Hiroki wondered in amazement.

“Hmph. I wonder too, but that’s not important. What’s more important is that I’ve won and I’ve claimed my prize that is Ueda Tatsuya.”

“Since when did you ever have the hots for Ueda-kun, Takizawa?”

“Hm? Does that really matter? All that matters is that I was able to steal Seto Koji’s most important person. It’s his f*cking karma for stealing my girlfriend, that b*tch.”

“Knowing Koji though, I doubt that he’ll settle for this. He might get back at you.”

“That’s the thing then, isn’t it? He can’t. I’ve made sure that he can’t. In front of Tatsuya, we fought and dealt with it, and the fact that Tatsuya’s aware that he’s the prize, will definitely lessen Seto’s possibility to get Tatsuya back.”

“What do you mean, senpai?” Uchi Hiroki asked, curiously.

“Well, Ueda Tatsuya is from an elite, traditional Japanese family. You know, the sort of people that owns traditional Japanese houses like Minkas. I seriously doubt that Tatsuya will go back on his word.”

“I guess. So, what do you plan on doing with him?”

“I don’t know yet, but he might be useful in helping me compose new songs, since I heard he’s got talent.”

“That’s it? Usually people would make sex slaves out of them.”

“Hiroki, you don’t think. What good would that do me? I’d rather that he willingly sleep with me than force him to--just because of the circumstances. Besides, how many times do I have to reiterate that he’s noble and elite? I’ve to handle him delicately and with elegance.”

“I know bullsh*t when I hear one, senpai. You’re not one to care about all of this nobility stuff. Whatever, man. At least, he’s not the oldest son so he doesn’t get to inherit the legend.”

“F*ck you, Uchi. Go get yourself a woman, why don’t you! Leave me alone. I just came here to pick up some liquor. I’ll be bringing Tatsuya to my pad.” Takizawa Hideaki said as he looked over at Ueda Tatsuya’s sleeping body on the passenger side of his black, Audi R8.

When Ueda Tatsuya opened his eyes, he was greeted with a warm, welcoming, though a highly unfamiliar surrounding.

Through the open blinds, he could tell that it was already way past sunset. From the looks of it, the pad is situated at the very top of a high-rise. Groggily, Tatsuya mumbled, “Where am I?”

Then, he noticed that he’s been covered with a thick, white, winter blanket. His senpai, Takizawa Hideaki greeted him with a warm smile, “Ah, Tatsuya, you’re finally awake! Here, I brewed you a fresh, cup of coffee. I’m sorry that Seto Koji and I had to sedate you during this whole ordeal.”

Tatsuya merely nodded, as he felt that his mouth is both numb and dry.

“Tomorrow morning, your things will be delivered to my doorstep, so I’ll entrust it to you to receive it, since I won’t be here. I’ll be heading out to China with Tsubasa for a concert.”

Tatsuya nodded again while he drank from his cup, “What am I exactly doing here?”

“Well, I’ve decided that you could help me by composing songs together, a whole album is what I had in mind.” Takizawa smiled.

Tatsuya smiled in return. He wanted nothing more than to collaborate with his senpai, “Yes, senpai. I’ll gladly do it.”

Takizawa enveloped Tatsuya in a tight hug, “Thank you, Tatsuya. Let’s make good memories together. I’m looking forward to working with you when I return.”


Unbeknownst to Tatsuya, Takizawa kissed him on the lips while he slept soundly. When Tatsuya woke up, it didn’t surprise him that his senpai was already gone.

He roamed around the house to get a better feel for Takizawa’s personality. Tatsuya noticed that everything was white. At sunrise, everything is illuminated in a crystal, clear, sparkling white. It was spotless. It was neat and organized. The sun-kissed condominium was very welcoming, very warm, very friendly, and very spacious.

He was about to go heat up some chocolate-covered strawberries, when the phone rang, “Hello. Takizawa’s residence.”

“Ah, Tacchan, so the rumours are true. You are living with Takki.”

“Ah, yes, Jin, I am. I’m only living here for a year though. A year or less because Takizawa-senpai wants me to co-produce an album with him.”

“That’s pretty awesome. I mean, such a chance to collaborate is very rare, especially with Takki. He’s very meticulous. Anyways, I’m just calling to see how you’re doing.”

“There’s nothing much to do here, so would you like to come over?”

“As much as I’d like to hang out, I can’t. The old man Kitagawa’s been on my case recently. He’s working me to death with rehearsals for my U.S. debut. You know how it‘s like. I‘m sorry.”

“Then, it’s alright. I’ll find something to do. Thanks for checking up on me, Jin.”

“Actually, the main reason I called is to caution you. You might not have noticed it yet, but word got to me, that Takki has installed security cameras in his pad. I don’t know what he’s up to. But if the cameras are present for surveillance purposes, then, I suggest you don’t do anything rash, because when Takki becomes upset, he goes berserk. I’m telling you this as a friend. If anything ever happens, just call me and I’ll help you, understand?” Jin said, worriedly.

“I understand. I’ll be careful.” Tatsuya re-assured his friend.


“And I’ll call you if I ever need help.”

“Alright, then. I got to go. I’ll catch up with you later, ne.”


Tatsuya was ironing his clothes, along with Takizawa’s clothing, when the doorbell rang. Assuming that his things have arrived, he gladly opened the door, widely.

Tatsuya stood frozen. His smile diminished to a frown, “Why are you here, Koji?”

“I tried calling you but you’re not answering your cellphone.”

“Well, I can step out if you have something to say.”

Tatsuya was about to close the door behind him to follow Seto Koji out, and away from the prying eyes of the security cameras, but as usual, Koji’s speed and reflexes were far superior than Tatsuya’s for a moment.

Koji’s lips found its way to Tatsuya’s lips. Tenderly, and passionately, Koji conveyed his feelings to Tatsuya through his emotions. As Koji stuck his tongue inside Tatsuya’s mouth, Tatsuya’s body felt the heat that they were under, and Tatsuya craved for more. Likewise, he let Koji savour and devour him.

“Koji, I can’t breathe.”

Seto Koji had to let go of Tatsuya to catch their breaths, and he said, “I know I’m too young for your taste, Tatsuya. I know I’m not as good of a lover as Nishikido Ryou was, to you. I know I’ll never be as good in bed as Takizawa Hideaki-senpai. I know I’ll never be as rich as Kimura Takuya-senpai. I know all of that, but please believe me when I say that I’ll do my best to change. I’ll do my best to become the best partner for you. I truly will. So, please give me a chance. I’ll take you back and away from this place. I’ll give Takizawa-senpai something else that matters just as much to me, since that’s all he wants. Just not you. It can’t be you.”

“Koji, I understand what you’re saying. But I don’t think it’s a matter of us having feelings for one another. It’s a matter of fact that you lost, and now, I owe him my services. Besides, it’s not what you think, Koji. Takizawa-senpai just wants me to help him compose an album together. It’s not like I’m going out with him.”

“Then, why are you living here?” Koji asked, hopeful.

“I don’t really know. I think he just wants to speed up the process and make sure that I work when I need to. Besides, it’s more convenient this way, because it’s closer to the Jimusho and the studio. So, if we’d need to record, it’s only a block away.”

“I’m still worried. Takizawa has a reputation afterall.”

“Don’t worry about it. He’s not that bad. I grew up with him, and although, we’re not close, I know him from what my other friends tell me about him. I doubt that he‘ll try something.”

“Then, Tatsuya, for the last time, could we, you know?” Koji asked Tatsuya with his signature cute, naughty, smirk.

Tatsuya who’s a sucker for Koji’s hot smirk went weak at the knees. He understood what Koji meant, and he’d be lying to himself if he were to deny himself this pleasure. Sure, Seto Koji was his young lover, but he’s too f*cking hot and cute to pass up.

Tatsuya nodded and guided Seto Koji to his living quarters, that’s next to Takizawa Hideaki’s bedroom.

Knowing that it might be the last time he can ever be near Tatsuya, Koji decided to pour all of his passion and love onto Tatsuya. He gathered all of his strength and poured all of his energy in each and every, single, thrust.

In several different positions, Koji thrust his member inside Tatsuya. They have been lovers for a while, so Koji knew exactly which spots to hit that would result to Tatsuya’s ultimate bliss and climax.

In a cute voice, Koji said, “Ne Tacchan, you can’t come without me, okay? Let’s come together!”

In his pleasured state, all Tatsuya could do was nod, “Ah, your thing is too long and big for me, Koji.”

“It’s because we haven’t done it in a while, so, it’s no surprise that you’re too tight. I should have prepared you better. I’m sorry Tacchan. Am I hurting you? I could stop and prepare you better, if you’d like.”

“No, just continue, Koji. It feels too f*cking good to stop now to even bother with that.”

“Tatsuya, it’s almost our 5th climax, and I’m almost at my limit again. Could I come inside you, Tacchan?” Koji asked, with his infamous, cute, smile.

Tatsuya was too pre-occupied with the wonderful feeling that he’s experiencing with Koji to be bothered with such a thing, so with very little effort, he said, “Yes, Koji, please do.”

“Thank you, senpai! I’ll be gentle when pulling out. Thank you, senpai. I love you. I love you more than my life.” Seto Koji embraced Tatsuya in a tight hug, and Tatsuya reciprocated the love.

Seto Koji started to tear up, “I can’t believe I’ll be missing this… I’ll be missing you for a year. It’s all my fault, because I couldn’t level with Takizawa, that bastard. I’ll train to become strong, and when I’m ready, I’ll take you back as soon as I can.”

Tatsuya nodded.

“Just promise me one thing, Tatsuya. Don’t fall in love with Takizawa Hideaki. Please promise me that you will never fall in love with him in my absence.”

“I promise,” Tatsuya said, and he sealed it with a kiss, “Koji, I’d like you to put your mind at ease. I’d never do anything that would make you doubt me.”

“I’d do it over and over again, you know. I’d always cook for you. I’d always wait for you. I’d always eat together with you. I’d take care of you when you’re sick. I’d listen to all of your songs. I’d play games with you. I’d make love to you as much as you want. I’ll do it all over again if I have to.”

Tatsuya felt weak at the thought of losing Seto Koji, “Koji, I love you just as much.”

“Tatsuya, just one call. One phone call and I’ll appear before you, ready and more than willing to take you with me. Please don‘t forget me.”

“My body, my mind, and my soul will never ever forget your heat and your love for me, Setomaru. I hope you feel the same way.”

“Thank you, Tatsuya, for allowing me to love you, and for loving me too. Here, take this, never take this necklace off, especially when you’re performing. It’ll let me know that I’m still in your heart.”

Seto Koji handed Ueda Tatsuya his favourite necklace that contains a huge, black diamond, encased in silver-lining.

During this entire ordeal, however, a camera from the hallway, whose angle is situated with complexity, has zoomed in on them, unbeknownst to Tatsuya‘s knowledge.

As Seto Koji headed out of Takizawa Hideaki’s bachelor pad, Takizawa himself boarded a plane back to Japan in anger, as soon as he has finished his prior engagements.



1. Because you know that you want a piece of Takizawa Hideaki and Seto Koji. *YUM* NC-17 fic writers, I beg of you to play more with Tackey & Setomaru with Tacchan... I want a threesome! Pretty please?! I'll give you a cyber hug ♥

2. This fic is inspired by Seto Koji's character in KOIZORA and Takizawa Hideaki's character in TAIYOU NO KISETSU. :)

*kojida, *takida, -privacy

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