Indulge in Sin.

Apr 02, 2010 19:17

Title: Indulge In Sin.
Chapter: 3 of 3.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: Jinda, Pida.
Genre: Romance, Fluff.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Akanishi Jin loved to indulge in his vices, which mainly revolved around having sexual intercourse with women. Ueda Tatsuya is completely smitten towards Yamashita Tomohisa -- this feeling is somewhat reciprocated by Tomohisa when he finds himself intrigued by the sexy boxer. One night, in a drunken stupor, Jin gets in the way of the possibility of a relationship between Yamapi and Tacchan by mistakingly acquiring his daily dose of sexual high with Tatcchan.

Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

From: Akanishi Jin (0120-382-310)
To: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)

※   Tomohisa,
You have a day-off of work, right?
Let’s meet up in Footnik @ 7pm.
I need to talk to you about Ueda Tatsuya.
You’ve got to come.


From: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)
To: Akanishi Jin (0120-382-310)

※   Jin,
What about Ueda?
Sure, I should be able to meet up with you,
Before the boys and I go club-hopping tonight.
Possibly in Club Vivian and Velfarre.

Here’s the place if you’d like to come with:

Club Vivian
Location: Azabu Palace Building B1 2-25-18 Nishi-Azabu, Minato-ku
Telephone : +81 (0) 3 3406 8477

Location : Velfarre Bldg, 7-14-22 Roppongi , Minato-ku
Telephone : +81 (0) 3 3402 8000

From: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)
To: Ueda Tatsuya (03-5474-2033)

※   Tatsuya,

I miss you already, love.
I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.
I can’t believe you’re having fun without me.
With Nakamaru, of all people.
Lucky bastard, it’s the second time that
You and Yuichi are in Furano Lavender Fields together.

LIKE LAST TIME! Don’t think I wouldn’t find out :P

Oh, the boys and I are going club-hopping tonight.
I hope you don’t mind.
We’re most likely going to Club Vivian and Velfarre.

I love you, Tatsuya.
P.S. I can’t wait to hold you ^^

From: Ueda Tatsuya (03-5474-2033)
To: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)

※   Tomohisa,

I miss you.
I love you.

It’s mutual.

Don’t even worry about, Nakamaru.
He’s my friend, and he’s harmless.
He’s never tried anything before.
I doubt that he ever will.

Yeah, I don’t mind if you go with them.
As long as you don’t get too drunk.
You don’t want the ladies to take advantage of you.

Anyways, we might come home earlier than expected.
If everything goes well as planned,
I should be home by tonight.

P.S. I want to be held only by you ^^

From: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)
To: Ueda Tatsuya (03-5474-2033)

※   Tatsuya,

Oh, you’re coming home tonight?
I could cancel with the boys.
I’d rather see you.
I want to see you so bad.
I want to be with you.
Could I come see you in your apartment?

I could even pick you up at the airport if you’d like.
I could, do you want me to?

Besides, you’ll be going to your Asian Tour soon.
I’d really love to spend as much time with you as I can.
Before you become too busy with your activities.


From: Ueda Tatsuya (03-5474-2033)
To: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)

※   Tomohisa,

I’d love to see you too.
But I have so many errands to run still.
I doubt that I could cater to your needs tonight.

Maybe some other night instead?

I mean, I’ll be coming home really late… OR,
If you want, you could meet up with your friends first.
Then, maybe you could come to my pad afterwards.
It should be late enough by the time you guys are done.
I should be home by then.

I can’t wait to see you.

I could cook your favourite food if you want.
Do you want me to?


From: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)
To: Ueda Tatsuya (03-5474-2033)

※   Tatsuya,

I’d love that.
I’d rather see you tonight than not at all.
So, I think I’ll come after club-hopping then.

You don’t have to cook for me.
I probably won’t have an appetite so early in the morning.

Besides, I’d rather eat you.
You’re much more delicious and more filling to my appetite.
Just perfect for my taste.

I can’t wait to taste you, love.

P.S. Do you want a cherry-flavoured lube or a mint-flavoured one?
Just teasing :P


From: Ueda Tatsuya (03-5474-2033)
To: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)

※   Tomohisa,

P E R V E R T !

From: Yamashita Tomohisa (03-5474-2034)
To: Ueda Tatsuya (03-5474-2033)

※   Tatsuya,

But you L O V E me.
You LOVE me so much, you can’t live without me!
OR is it the other way around?

Just teasing. :P

You and I both know that it’s mutual.
I love you plenty, Tatsuya.


7PM @ Footnik.

Jin patiently waited for his friend, Yamashita Tomohisa, to show up for their designated meeting.

Jin was about to order a drink, when someone from behind him yelled an order, “2 Sour Puss’ on the rocks, please!”

Jin turned around to find his friend standing behind him.

“I’m sorry, Jin. Am I late? I tried my best to make it on time. I just finished dinner with Shigeaki Kato.”

“No, you’re on time.”

When the bartender handed Yamapi his drink, he immediately jugged down the entirety of its contents--which caused Jin to look at him in amazement.

“Want to get wasted, do you? Problems?” Jin asked, amused.

“Hm, Tatsuya’s been with Nakamaru for the past 3 nights, hasn’t he? It’s enough to get me worried, or rather, psychotic,” Yamapi laughed.

“Nakamaru? You’re worried about Nakamaru?” Jin laughed too, “Honestly, don’t be worried about Maru, Pi. He’s harmless, and they’ve always been JUST friends.”

“It’s better said than done, isn’t it? It’s only a matter of time before Tatsuya realizes that there are better lovers for him out there--better than me, anyways. I know I’m boring, but I would go mental and insane if Tatsuya were to become bored of me.”

“Who knew you had such a complex?” Jin laughed.

“Shut up, Jin. It’s not funny! I’m being dead-serious. Only when it comes to Tatsuya do I have a complex, alright!” Yamapi said, grouchily.

“Pi, I have something to confess.”

“Please don’t tell me that you’re in love with me, Jin.”

“I actually am, Pi. I am in love with you,” Jin said, sincerely.

“…” Yamapi just stared at Jin, speechless.

“Do you think there might be a possibility of us going out? I mean, I’ve known you way before Tatsuya, and I’ve been close to you way before the two of you became close. Give me a chance?” Jin asked Yamapi, cutely.

“Jin, I--I don’t know what to say. You’ve always been special to me, but only as a friend.”

“Yamapi, I have always loved you. Whenever we went to the onsen together, you’re so sexy, that it turns me on, every time.”

“I’m sorry, Jin, I can’t return your feelings. I only have feelings for Tatsuya. He’s the only one I see, the only one I hear, the only one I think about, he’s everything to me. Also, he’s your friend. Don’t betray him or he’ll be hurt by you. If you hurt him, even I can no longer be friends with you.”

“WOW! What a long speech, Tomohisa! You need not have said so much. Honestly, it’s an April Fool’s prank! I got you good again this year, eh!” Jin laughed so hard, that he had to hold onto his aching stomach--caused by too much laughter.

“Shut up, Jin. Like I said, all I could think of, this past few days is Tatsuya with Nakamaru, so, I totally forgot about April Fools. Bakanishi, stop pranking people! Your confession gave me Goosebumps! Thank God, it’s not true. You’re a b*tch!” Yamapi laughed.

“You’re the one who fell for it. Don’t blame me. It’s your own fault for being so gullible!” Jin poked Yamapi in the shoulder, “As if, I’d ever fall for you! Not in a million years!”

“I wouldn’t even dream of it!” Yamapi laughed back, “Anyways, so why’d you call me out? You said you were going to talk to me about Tatsuya. Why, what’s up?”

Yamapi downed another glass of vodka, again, Jin asked, “Honestly, why are you getting drunk so early?”

“Oh, that? It’s nothing. I’m just trying to prepare myself for what Ueda Tatsuya’s best friend has to say. Besides, I can hold my liquor. So, go on. What do you have to tell me?”

“First, I’d like to know what you love about Ueda Tatsuya, why do you like him?” Jin asked seriously.

“Because Tacchan--he can make me feel as if I’m the only person for him in the world. He doesn’t say much, but he makes me feel it, and for me, that is good enough. I’m very content, satisfied, and happy. He makes me feel needed--as though I’m the only person that could satisfy him to make him happy.”

“Are you happy?”

“Yes. I must be the happiest man in the world. I’ve never been any happier in my life.”

“Do you think Tatsuya is happy with you?”

“I’m not really sure. I’d like to believe that he is,” Yamapi smiled at his friend, the kind of smile that portrayed LOVE at its finest.

“Honestly, I don’t think Tatsuya is happy with you, because yesterday, he confessed to me. He said that he’s loved me for a long time,” Jin said, maliciously.

‘I know I’m being a b*tch b*stard but I can’t help it. I’ve always been like this. I want Tatsuya and I will get him. Dirty or not, who f*cking cares. All is fair in love and war, is it not? Hmph, I will crush you, Yamapi,’ Jin thought, angrily.

Instead of the angry reaction that Jin expected from his friend, Yamapi merely laughed everything off, which led him to think, ‘WTH?’

“F*ck you, Jin. Do you honestly think that I’d fall for a second April Fool’s day prank!? Using Tatsuya of all people! If you do that again, I won’t let you off! I’ll really scratch your face off!” Yamapi said in a half-serious, half-joking manner.

“I’m dead serious, Yamapi.”

“And I’m your mother, Jin,” Yamapi smiled.

“Tomohisa, I have already f*cked, Tatsuya. He and I already had sex,” Jin said in a dead-pan voice, while he waited for his friend’s reaction. Of course, Jin had intentionally left out the most important fact! The fact that the intercourse that had taken place between Jin and Tatsuya, occurred before Tatsuya and Pi started to date. Another important fact that Jin left out was that the intercourse happened by accident, during their drunken stupor.

For some reason, Jin had not gotten a response from his friend, rather, it seemed that Tomohisa had blanked out, since he merely stared off into space. When the information had finally processed, Yamapi got up and with a lot of effort, speed, and force, he punched Jin square in the face!

With a bloody nose, Jin got up and tried to land a punch on Yamapi’s smooth face, but he failed as he couldn’t aim properly. He felt too groggy to stand up straight. Jin was shocked by the force that struck him, he didn’t think that Yamapi had it in him.

When Jin was about ready to confess that he’d fight for Tatsuya’s love fairly, instead of the under-handed tactic he just did, Yamapi was already out of sight. Jin desperately tried to call Yamapi to explain everything (absolutely everything)--for fear that Yamapi might do something bad to Tatsuya, but he couldn’t get through.

Jin also tried to call Tatsuya to warn him of what had happened and to confess his faults, but Tatsuya wouldn’t pick up either. Jin thought, ‘Bakanishi, what have you done this time? What a mess! F*ck! I have to go find Tatsuya, to make sure nothing bad happens to him. I’m such an idiot, f*ck!’

On the other hand, as Yamapi wandered the streets, he remained unsure of what to do. He was about to go to Tatsuya’s apartment to confront him about what Jin had said, when he was dragged off to the side by Nishikido Ryo.

“Oi, Yamapi. What’s going on? I’ve been calling your name from across the street, and you looked like your mind was far off. What’s up?”

“Ryou, you--you,” Yamapi stuttered, and out of nowhere, Yamapi punched the sh*t out of Nishikido.

From the ground, a bloody Nishikido slowly, but steadily, stood up. As he clutched onto his blood-stained face, he said, “What the f*ck, Tomohisa? What the sh*t was that for?”

Instantly, Nishikido Ryou knew that something must be terribly wrong with Tomohisa, as Pi was never one to just impulsively punch others, for no good reason. Hence, Ryou did his best to look back, and think hard about what he may have done, to anger Yamapi this much. Of course, Ryou wasn’t about to retaliate and punch his friend back in such a state, unless Yamapi does it again; then, Ryou will definitely defend himself because that’s all about the patience he could muster.

Ryou was about to ask Yamapi again what the h*ll his problem was, when Takizawa Hideaki showed up for their Boy’s Night Club-Hopping.

Again, out of nowhere, Yamapi also punched the sh*t out of Takki. It was too sudden, that both Ryou and Takki didn’t see it coming; hence, he wasn’t able to block Yamapi’s punch on time.

Due to Ryou’s close proximity to Takki--that Takki had assumed that it was Ryou who had punched him. Of course, Takki who’s so used to fighting, retaliated; therefore, both Takki and Ryou couldn’t help themselves but punch each other senseless.

Meanwhile, Ikuta Toma came into the picture, completely unaware that it was Yamapi who started it all. When Toma jumped into the scene, he readied himself to break the two apart, and keep them from fighting further.

However, as soon as Toma got into such a close proximity with Yamapi, Pi also punched the sh*t out of him, which caused the other two bloody men to look up.

As soon as Toma got his balance back, he aimed to punch Yamapi too. On the other hand, Takki and Ryou resumed their fight.

Everyone fought, determined to scar the other--the cause for their fight remained unknown, and yet, they continued to fight.

Yamapi was about to give the last blow to Toma, since he’s already pent up--when his blow landed on someone else’s beautiful, unblemished cheek instead.

“Tatsuya!” Ryou and Hideaki exclaimed in unison, and worriedly came over to help him up.

Toma looked in horror as Tatsuya’s perfect skin, started to grow a different colour. Obviously, from the impact of Yamapi’s blow.

However, what’s more interesting is Yamapi’s reaction. He looked down at Tatsuya with emptiness. Whether reality hasn’t dawned on Yamapi yet, or he’s just confused as to how to react, no one knew, not even Yamapi himself.

Tatsuya merely clutched on his bruised cheek. He has never been hit so hard before.

No one dared to speak for fear that Yamapi might get impulsive again, but Ryou couldn’t hold in his anger, “Sh*t Yamapi, what the h*ll’s wrong with you?! First, it was me. Then, it was Takki. Then, it was Toma. Now, you even have a go at Tatsuya. How dare you hit him? Honestly, if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re troubled right now, I would hit you back, b*stard. Even still, it’s not an excuse to have a go at Tatsuya! At Tatsuya, of all people. For f*ck’s sakes man, get a grip! We haven’t even done anything to you!”

Yamapi forcefully pulled Tatsuya away from Nishikido, and he addressed Takki, Toma, and Nishikido, “F*ck you all. Go and f*ck yourself. I don’t even care anymore! Don’t think that I don’t know! I know that you have all been Tatsuya’s ex-boyfriends. My Tatsuya’s… must have had great sex with him, didn’t you? You must’ve loved it too much to care this much for Tatsuya still, even though, you’re all mere exes! Don’t think that I’m unaware of how you guys look at MY BOYFRIEND! So, you know what?! Go DIE!”

Ryou, Takki, and Toma were about to respond to Yamapi’s accusations, but later, they realized that Pi has a point; hence, it was useless to contradict something that’s true.

Yamapi continued, “All of you get the h*ll away from my Tatsuya. Far, far away, you hear?! If you get near him, I will punch the life out of you! I will kill the sh*t out of you all!”

In the end, Yamapi forcefully dragged Tatsuya away, and in a brief moment, they disappeared, to God knows where.

“What the f*ck was that?! Sh*t, my face stings now! How could I possibly do my best effort for the Johnny’s Sports Festival when I feel like sh*t. Pi, that idiot! Kame‘s going to win against me now. F*ck!” Takki said as he caressed his face gently.

A moment later, Jin came into the picture and explained everything because he felt extremely guilty.

Toma responded, “You shouldn’t mess with Yamapi anymore, Jin. He looked as though he’s ready to murder anyone who gets near Ueda. Honestly, just give it up, unless you want to die. I mean, I’ve never seen Pi so serious before… this is a first. If you mess with their relationship, I think you should be prepared to die for it.”

On the other hand, Ryo said in annoyance, “Jin, you selfish b*stard. We don’t want to get another beating from Yamapi; so, unless you don’t want to get a beating from Takki and I, then I suggest, you stay clear from Tatsuya. Honestly, you’re such a jerk.”

Takki added in anger, “Besides, you have no right to complain! Whose fault do you think it was that my relationship with Tatsuya was unsuccessful?! It was because of you! Because all he could think of, was you. Even in his dreams, it was your name that he spoke of. Nishikido’s right, you’re a selfish b*stard. Too selfish, in fact. At least, we were man enough to let go of Tatsuya! Unlike you, who had to sink so low as to deceive him and lure him into your bullsh*t!”

Takki continued, “Tatsuya said that my love suffocated him, that I caged him. But what could I do? I’m merely human. I loved him so I was desperate to possess him. I always made such a big deal when it came to you. Until I did something extremely terrible to him once, that I had to break it off, while he had happy memories of me. This whole time, I hated you, which is why I haven’t spoken with you as much since.”

Toma cut in, “I understand where Takki and Ryou are coming from. But I honestly think that you shouldn’t interfere in Tatsuya’s relationship now, because finally, he’s happy. The happiness that only you could have provided him, but now, it’s too late. It seems that he’s really in love with Yamapi. Just let go gracefully, so that in due time, you’d still be able to face both of them. From here on in, if you continue to pursue, it’ll only leave Tatsuya bad memories. Hence, while everything is still alright, you should fall back and just wish for their happiness.”

Jin responded impatiently, “But you don’t understand! You know how stubborn I can get! You know how forceful I can become. I don’t know what I’ll end up doing, but--”

“Don’t think that you’re the only one!! I’m stubborn too, and I’m used to getting what I want… how painful do you think it was for me to let go?” Takki asked his friend.

Takki clutched his shirt, and tightly held onto it, as though he was holding onto his dear heart, “I forced myself to let go of Tatsuya because my love suffocated him--I thought that I’d rather suffer than let him suffer. So, I let go, at least, when the memories are still good. Up until now, I haven’t regretted it, what with seeing him so happy and all. Sure, it makes me sad that it’s not with me that he’s happy with, but as long as he’s happy, then, it’s also enough to make me happy.”

Ryou added, “Bakanishi, there’s absolutely no point in forcing your love onto someone, if you know that they can never reciprocate your feelings. Besides, I’ve learnt from experience, that although time doesn’t necessarily heal your wounds, time can at least make you forget your pains instead. Slowly, but surely, you will forget, eventually.”

Toma further added, “Just remember Jin, you’re our friend. We’re saying this for your own good, as well, as for Tatsuya’s sake. So, please carefully consider what we’ve said.”

Jin nodded, and in silence, he gathered the three of them, and hugged them all in a group hug, “Ne, I’m sorry for being such an assh*le. I’m truly very sorry.”

Takki replied, “Well, we’ve been friends for a while, and such bonds can’t possibly be forgotten so easily. I feel more relieved, now that I’ve said what I felt.”

Toma smiled, “What are friends for?”

Ryou replied, “Well, we’re all jerks once in a while. It can’t be helped. We're all friends afterall. I mean, birds of feathers flock together, don't they? It's the same for us. Also, I think that you should distance yourself from Yamapi and Tatsuya for a while, just until everything cools down a bit, then you could apologize after. Just give it some time.”

Again, Jin nodded in compliance.


Meanwhile, at Tatsuya’s apartment, Yamapi had managed to drag Tatsuya to the bedroom, and carelessly dropped him on the bed, with such force.

Who knew that Yamapi also had this side of him?

Tatsuya had finally had enough. He’s tired from being dragged all over town, to his apartment, and now, it seems as though he’s about to be raped by the merciless Yamapi.

“I--I don’t know what Jin told you exactly, but if it was about the sex, it happened before you and I started going out. Don’t you see, Yamapi? I’ve never cheated on you! In the first place, the sex with Jin, it was all an accident, during our drunken stupor, was when it had happened. I don’t even remember anything from it!”

“Jin told me that you confessed to him recently!!!”

“What?! No!! Oh, that. Well, all I said was that I used to love him, but that I’m in love with you now, and that I’m happy with you. Come on, Yamapi, you know very well that I’m not the type to cheat! You know how much I hate cheaters, so why would I cheat!? Besides, I’m completely and utterly happy, content, and satisfied with you. I don’t want anyone else. So, why would I dare look elsewhere when I have everything in a lover that I want, right in front of me!? Aren’t my words enough? Don’t you trust me?”

It took a moment for everything to sink in to Yamapi, as everything usually does, and when realization hit Yamapi, he bent down.

Yamapi thought, ‘Those were roughly the same words that I told Jin earlier when he asked me what I loved about Tatsuya. Tacchan must be telling the truth--that he is, indeed, in love with me.’

On his knees, and in tears, he asked Tatsuya for forgiveness, “I’m so sorry. I’m truly very sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry for hurting you, and I’m so sorry for doubting you. Please forgive me? I’ll never do it again. Please!! I’m so sorry.”

Tatsuya merely laughed, “You’re so cute, Pi-chan. Of course, I’d forgive you. I am in love with you afterall, and allow me to use the excuse that love is blind. Just next time, don’t hit people on the face, it’s our asset afterall.”

“Oh, sh*t! I’ve bruised you bad. Let’s take you to the Johnny’s company physician. I’m extremely sorry. I was aiming for Toma, when I accidentally hit you. I’m so sorry. F*ck! I don’t know what got to me. Please, I’d do anything, just don’t break up with me.”

“I already told you that you’re forgiven. Just remember, a bruised face--is hard to cover with make-up. Be thankful that KAT-TUN is only doing preparations for the TOUR right now, or else, you’d definitely hear something from me!”

Yamapi didn't laugh, instead, after a moment of silence, he exclaimed, “Please, I beg you, take away my insecurities, Tacchan! Because I hate hurting others, and I most especially do not desire to hurt you, so please, take away my insecurities, and sleep with me.”

“A Yamapi that’s begging for sex? Who in their right mind, could possibly deny you with such a request? Especially when you’re making such a sexy expression. Your pheromones must be all over the place, because you’re turning me on.”

Yamapi smiled, “Then, I’ll be gentle! I’ve come prepared! I’ve brought tons of lube with me, among other things.”

Tatsuya smiled, and Yamapi embraced him in a tight, possessive hug. Yamapi whispered in his lover’s left ear, “You know that I’ve only reacted the way I did, because of my love for you, right? You know how much I love you, right?”

“Of course, I do, Yamapi. The feeling is mutual.”

“I love you so much, and I think the only way that I can make you fully understand is to show you with my body,” Yamapi naughtily said.

“I entrust myself to you. Please be gentle and don’t break me.”

“But of course,” and although Yamapi said that, for 2 days straight, they had love-making sessions, non-stop.

By the time that Tatsuya was expected for rehearsals at the Jimusho, he had to call in sick because he couldn’t even walk properly. His buttocks hurt too much to even attempt to move.

“I love you, Tatsuya. I love you very much,” Yamapi said, as he kissed his sleeping lover’s lips.


Meanwhile, Jin reverted back to his old self, where he indulges himself in his vices once again. Now more than ever, he believes that he needs it the most, in order to forget the pain that he'd felt from being in love with Tatsuya. In the end, Jin is Jin.

Once again, Akanishi Jin loved to play and party. He loved to indulge in his vices -- alcohol, cigarettes and women. Mainly, women though. His bed was never lonely and a part of his salary mainly goes to cleaning the bed sheets to a sparkling white.



1. Wow, that took a really long time to write. Anyways, I’m done this one! Yatta~~ ♥ Are you proud of me?! I’m so happy that I actually finished another one. I wanted to get it done and over with, so bad. Hahaha~~ ^^

2. I watched a year’s worth of interviews that I’ve missed in 2 nights-straight. ^^

3. I can’t believe that Spring Break is almost over. I’ll miss you ladies again, until May, when I come back, refreshed and revived! Hehehe~~ ^^

4. Thank you for your support, I love you guys just as much!! *peace*

5. I’ll be working to finish “Privacy” and “Let Me Love You” next. Although, I already came up with an idea for another fic. Honestly, my brain should just stop thinking of more work.

Nonetheless, I really love to write romance fics… and although, some people think that romance fictions are tacky, I believe otherwise. There’s something about romance stories that make you want to fall in love. ^^

*When you hear Nishikido Ryou talk or sing, doesn’t he make you think of, SEX? Hahaha, for me, he does. ^^

*Taeyang’s songs makes me want to fall in love; as though love is such a beautiful feeling to be shared.

*When I think of Jin, I think of myself… and how I have a lot of things in common with him, especially when it comes to his views in life. Hence, he’s my favourite--because we’re the same in so many ways! LOL!! ^^

*uepi, -indulge in sin, *pida, *jinda

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