Indulge In Sin.

Mar 29, 2010 22:02

Title: Indulge In Sin.
Chapter: 2 of 3.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: Jinda, Pida.
Genre: Romance, Fluff.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Akanishi Jin loved to indulge in his vices, which mainly revolved around having sexual intercourse with women. Ueda Tatsuya is completely smitten towards Yamashita Tomohisa -- this feeling is somewhat reciprocated by Tomohisa when he finds himself intrigued by the sexy boxer. One night, in a drunken stupor, Jin gets in the way of the possibility of a relationship between Yamapi and Tacchan by mistakingly acquiring his daily dose of sexual high with Tatcchan.

Chapter 1:

Jin woke up with a start when he felt someone lightly punch him on the arm. He forced his eyes open, to see who dared disturb him when he’s obviously not a morning person. Everybody knew that.

It shocked Jin to find Tatsuya so angry in the morning. Sure, it wasn’t the first time that he’s slept beside Tatsuya and it definitely wasn’t the first time that he saw Tatsuya topless. However, it’s his first time to witness Tatsuya so infuriated in the morning, when Tatsuya is the morning person out of all of KAT-TUN!

“What is it?! Why are you so angry?” Jin asked, alarmed. Jin hasn’t fully realized yet that he’s in a very provocative position with Tatsuya.

“I swear Jin, don’t keep trying my patience because it’s extremely thin right now! Surely, you are not THAT dense!” Tatsuya said in irritation.

“What did I do? I’m not a morning person! The last thing I’d want to do, is try your patience so early in the morning!” Jin said groggily.

“F*ck you, Jin! My backsides hurt and I have a rehearsal for Romeo today!” Tatsuya blushed.

It’s when Tatsuya blushed that realization dawned on Jin.

“What?! WHAT!? W-H-A-T?! Did I--you--I did!?” Jin stuttered.

“…” Tatsuya merely nodded his head.

“Oh my g*d! I’m so sorry, Tatsuya! Does it really hurt that much?” Jin looked extremely apologetic.

“Of course, it does! I really hate you right now! Don’t even talk to me! You’re such a slut, you’d sleep with anything that has two legs! Now, you’ve turned me into a slut!”

“No, please don’t hate me! Tatsuya, listen! Those rumours aren’t real! I’m not a slut! I don’t sleep around! It may seem like it, especially with the media, but I swear I haven’t been laid in a while!”

“You expect me to believe that you go clubbing and yet you haven’t been laid in a while?! Do I look daft to you?”

“No, Tatsuya! I’m being honest here, so work with me! I’m telling you the truth! Besides, I‘m usually so tired lately that the last thing on my mind would be to have sex!”

“Jin, it doesn’t make me feel any better that you ‘accidentally’ slept with me because you were just desperate!”

“Tatsuya, please stop insinuating all of this non-sense! You know very well that I’m not a user! I don’t use my friends! You know me, at least, by that much!”

“Alright, I’m sorry for accusing you but I feel like sh*t because by sleeping with you, it means that I’ve cheated on someone! So, I feel really horrible!” Tatsuya said, cutely.

“Who is it?” Jin asked, carefully. He felt as if something pricked him directly in the heart. Although, if he’s not gay nor bi, then what is it? What could have possibly hurt him by what Tatsuya said? Surely, he’s not in denial of being gay. He’s straight for god’s sakes! He’s not in denial… r-i-g-h-t?!?

“Since when did you ever bother about my affairs?” Tatsuya raised his eyebrow.

“Since now.” Jin said gently and in all honesty.

“Look, I don’t need your guilt nor your pity because I’m still angry at you for letting your desires get the better of you!” Tatsuya said, sadly.

“By all means, please be angry with me! I deserve that much. But just so you know, I’m extremely sorry for what I’ve done! I swear, my hormones are on whack, you know that! Anyways, let’s just forget everything that happened last night. Let’s pretend it never happened and let’s just return back to normal. Ne, Tacchan?!”

Tatsuya nodded, but in reality, he thought, ‘That’s easy for you to say.’


Of course, Tatsuya did as he was told. He did his best to pretend like nothing ever happened between himself and Jin. On the other hand, Jin’s great at pretense. He’s a good actor, afterall. Like usual, both Tatsuya and Jin went about their daily lives as if nothing had happened. AT ALL.

Tatsuya still cooked and cared for Jin when he had to. Everything seemed perfectly fine and normal. Unbeknownst to Tatsuya though, something in Jin has changed.

No matter how hard Jin tries to get aroused with women -- it seems that he just can’t. He’s tried several times and he’s failed several times. Only thoughts of Ueda could get him aroused lately. Once, he even went as far as yell Ueda’s name during climax and ended up getting slapped by the woman he slept with. Several weeks after the incident with Tatsuya, Jin’s pent up. He no longer has the energy to keep pretending that the one-night stand didn’t affect him, because clearly, it did. GREATLY. Right now, it’s impossible to get rid of thoughts that revolved around Tatsuya, out of his head.


In Shinjuku Kabukicho District‘s ‘Sometime Billiard Hall’, located in the Humax Building 5F.

Jin shot up half a bottle of vodka and asked Yamapi, “I’m not saying that I am. But if I told you that I’m infatuated with someone from JE. What would you think of me?”

“Oh? Who’s the lucky bastard? Heh, if he makes you happy, then go for it! No one’s going to stop you because no one has the right to. Only you have that right, so use it well.” Yamapi nodded at his friend.

“Seriously?! Do you mean what you just said?” Jin almost choked on his drink.

“I’m dead-serious. If you’re in love, then go for it! Besides, who’s to say that your preference is right or wrong? What does having a ‘right preference’ or ‘wrong preference’ mean exactly? AND what purpose does it serve that it‘s considered as important?” Yamapi asked.

“…” Jin merely shook his head, surprised at Yamapi‘s logic--Jin didn‘t know that Pi was ever THAT deep.

“Exactly. Jin, just stop worrying about what others think and just go back to your normal self when you don’t give a damn about what others say about you.”

“You’re totally right.” Jin nodded in agreement, and again, gulped a mouthful of vodka. He totally worked his issues out. Of course, he’s Jin so he still won’t admit to being gay, but he’ll admit to being bi-sexual, for now -- until he realizes, otherwise.

“By the way, Jin. You know your friend, Tatsuya--how’s he doing nowadays? I haven’t seen him in a while.”

“Oh, why all of a sudden ask about him?” Jin asked, curiously.

“Oh. I’d like to thank him for the gift he gave me.” Yamapi smiled. Of course, he wouldn’t let Jin know of the butterflies that formed in his tummy as he spoke of Tatsuya. For now, he’ll just treasure the secret he has. It’s not all the time that he gets to have his own secrets.

“Is that right? I could call him out, if you want. Would you like me to?”

“Sure, why not! The more the merrier!” Yamapi said with a huge smile on his face, as he shot a 9 ball in.

An hour later.

“Tatsuya!” Yamapi said and embraced him first--which obviously left Tatsuya dumbfounded.

“Yamashita-kun.” Tatsuya bowed.

“You don’t have to be so formal with me, Tatsuya.” Yamapi smiled and Tatsuya smiled back--which Jin didn’t like one bit.

‘Why the hell is Pi acting like some lovesick high school girl?’ Jin thought.

“Right. I’m sorry for being rude and didn’t contact you at all to say thank you.”

“Oh?! Thank you?! What for?” Yamapi asked.

“For taking Jin and I to the mansion safely. Thank you so much for taking the time.” Tatsuya smiled in fan boy-ish mode.

“You guys are my friends. Of course, it wasn’t a big deal! Anyways, I’d like to thank you as well, Tatsuya. Honestly, thank you so much for the wonderful present you gave me. I’ve always wanted one and now that I’ve got one, I’m seriously thankful.” Yamapi beamed.

“Oh, that. You’re welcome!” Tatsuya said and he grabbed his own to show Yamapi, “See, I have the exact same one. I really like the style.”

“Truly, I’m so thankful to you, Tatsuya. I apologize that you spent so much on me. I know how much these things costs and I’m sorry that you spent so much for someone like me.”

“Oh no, it’s all good. I didn’t mind. So, don’t worry about it.”

Tomohisa nodded and asked, “Should we start playing billiards then?”

“No, I’m good. You and Jin could continue to play. I’m not really good at billiards, so, it’s all good. I’ll just watch.”

“That’s not an excuse! Besides, you’re already here, you might as well try it. Shall I teach you how?”

“Sure, why not.” Tatsuya smiled.

Feeling completely left out of the conversation, Jin felt pissed. The fact that Yamapi has Tatsuya enveloped inside his arms, supposedly ‘teaching him billiards’ is pissing Jin off more.

“OI PI! Do you like Tacchan? Why are you flirting too much with him? Don’t you think that you’re being too chummy with him! Seriously, you’re invading his bubble on the first meeting, it’s not appropriate!” Jin asked with gritted teeth.

“Like you should talk! Your techniques on women are exactly the same!”

“That’s besides the question! Why the hell are you flirting with Tacchan!?” Jin yelled.

“Because I like him! Happy!? Thanks for ruining the mood, Jin. Lovely.” Yamapi said and quickly threw his coat on. He forcefully grabbed Tatsuya’s hand to leave which caused the worried Tatsuya to look back at Jin.

“Where are you taking him?!” Jin asked, about to run after them.

“Somewhere far away from you, where you won’t embarrass me and ruin the mood!” Yamapi said pissed.

That definitely caused Jin to stop dead in his tracks.

‘Now, I’m the one who’s acting like the lovesick school girl! WTF! That must mean that my feelings and Pi’s feelings for Tatsuya are the same.’ Jin thought.

‘…lovesick school girl, huh.’ That thought alone plagued Jin’s thoughts for the entire night.


At 3 AM, after the RESCUE PV filming.

“Last night, how’d your date go?” Jin asked Tacchan.

“You know, I’ve always liked Tomohisa, right?” Tatsuya smiled.

“No. I did NOT know that! If I did, I wouldn’t have let you go with him!” Jin exclaimed.

“What are you talking about? Anyways, I now have a boyfriend.” Tatsuya said, happily.

“WHAT!? WHAT do you mean!? What exactly happened that night?” Jin asked in annoyance. ‘How the hell could this be happening to me? How the hell could Pi get to him first?’ Jin thought.

“We just had dinner and he confessed.”

“Confessed?! Oh, I’m sure!” Jin replied with sarcasm and continued, “I bet he got you into bed last night!”

“Shut up, Jin! I don’t even kiss on the first date, okay!”

“Isn’t that a bit too conservative!?” Jin said.

“I guess since we haven’t dated, you wouldn’t know. Anyways, we just talked about our dreams and stuff.”

“So, does that mean that I’m your first guy too?”

“Shut up, Jin! I’m involved with someone right now! Don’t bring up those things so casually!”

“But it’s just the two of us.”

“If I tell you now, don’t ever bring it up again in the future or I’ll kick you!”

“I guess. Come on, spill it!”

“Of course, you’re my first guy! Contrary to popular belief, like that idiot Nishikido, I haven’t slept with my past boyfriends.”

“LIES! Don’t even lie to me, Tatsuya! I know you’ve had your fair share of sexual intercourse with other men!”

“Look at me, Jin. Do you seriously believe those stupid rumours? As if I’d sleep with anyone so casually!”

“…you slept with me!”

“That was an accident! We were intoxicated and it was purely an accident!”

“An accident, huh. So, what did you do with them then?”

“Played games, eat, sleep, cuddle, kiss, play games, and so on.”

“Do you seriously expect me to believe that?!”

“I don’t care if you do or don’t. I don’t even know why you’re asking me this weird question. Why does it matter?”

“It matters to me.” Jin said.

“Why?! Because I’m your first? Seriously, get over it, bakanishi. It was one night!”

“As much as I’d like to, I can’t! I’ve been celibate these past couple of weeks because of you, Tatsuya!”

“Really?! Then, I’m really a fairy.” Tatsuya said that dripped with venom and sarcasm.

“It’s true! I haven’t been able to get aroused with women and it’s entirely your fault, so please take responsibility for making me like this!”

“Are you confessing right now? OR are you pranking me? OR both?” Tatsuya asked.

“Would I really joke at a crucial time like this?”

“Of course, you would. You’re Akanishi, afterall.”

“How can you be so happy with Pi when you make me so miserable like this?”

“If only you confessed before him Jin.. you know that I like Tomohisa very much.”

“Tatsuya, I told you that I didn’t know. As much as I’d like to wish you both happiness, I’m not going to, because I feel miserable. I’m a selfish bastard afterall. If to you, our love-making session was a huge mistake, to me, it‘s the best thing that ever happened in my life. If you don‘t take responsibility for it now, I‘ll make you take responsibility later. Either/or, you‘ll eventually have to take responsibility for changing me into someone like NOW.”

“How dare you, Jin?” Tatsuya felt like he was going to cry, he continued, “How dare you tell me that I can’t find happiness when you’re miserable?!” Tatsuya started to tear up, he continued, “…I was… I was… I was in love with you!!!”

Jin wanted to embrace Tatsuya right then and there, upon seeing Tatsuya’s beautiful, tear-stained face. However, Tacchan smacked Jin’s advances away--which totally took Jin by surprise.

“How could you have possibly loved me? You were with Nishikido Ryou, Takizawa Hideaki, Seto Kouji, Ikuta Toma, Hayami Mokomichi, and now even Yamapi. You were too busy being in love--how could you have had time to love me too?” Jin listed calmly and analytically, clearly confused.

“Bakanishi, I wouldn‘t have devoted my spare time to you and spend it with only you. I wouldn’t have taken care of you, if I didn’t love you. Why else do you think I cared so much? It was because I was so in love with you and it’s because I knew that you couldn’t reciprocate my feelings, that I ended up seeking for love with other people. I always hoped to find someone that could replace you in my heart. But somehow, no one could, until--until Yamapi came into my life. Now, I can confidently admit that I am no longer in love with you.”

“But no! It can’t be now! Not now, when your feelings has finally reached me! Not now when I’m finally aware of your sincerity! Please, could you give me a chance? Could you give this love a chance? Let’s try and see if we’re meant for one another. One month, please, just one month.”

“But Jin, I’ve already told you. Last night, Yamapi and I became a couple.” Tatsuya said in a confused state, unsure of the proper facial expression to convey to Jin.

Angrily, Jin thought, ‘Then, I guess I’ll just have to break the two of you up’. However, being the good actor that he is, Jin’s facial expression stated otherwise. Hence, all Tatsuya thought was that Jin has finally accepted his relationship with Pi after such a long conversation, when in reality, Jin was already plotting against them with his sick, dark, and jealous green-eyed monster.



1. I’m currently writing Part 3 of 3, so please be patient. :)

2. I’m writing again because I finally have a week off of University; so, I’m free to write. I’ll definitely write more in the summer, especially TakiDa since I’ve noticed the resemblance between Takizawa Hideaki and Nishikido Ryou. I’ve been watching Takki’s dramas lately since I have so much time on my hands. When Takki’s eyes are closed, or his sleeping face, or some angle shots--he really resembles Nishikido.

3. The “jealous green-eyed monster” is obviously a figure of speech (for those who remain unsure). It’s a figure of speech that refers to jealousy.

4. I’m not entirely sure whether there’s flow and unity approximately at the end of the story, since I wrote this chapter last summer but I’ve just added some bits. Apparently, I forgot to upload it. Hehe~~ I’m sorry! ^^

5. I’d really like to thank those who believed and continues to believe in me… :)

For those people who have commented on my fics, a year after I’ve posted them, I sincerely appreciate it because it reminds me why I started to write in the first place.

6. I plan to finish my other unfinished fics this week, since it’s the only time I’ve got before the summer. You’d have to forgive me that my fics aren’t usually done in a timely manner… I usually have long gaps in writing, since I’m too busy with University. Hence, the reason for my many one-shots, instead of chaptered fics.

7. Watching dramas or listening to Taeyang’s solos really inspire me to write, because I first need to FEEL the essence of “heartbreak” before I can begin to write. When I feel “heartbroken”, then comes the feeling of “revenge”, and that’s where my comfort zone for writing lies. I’m sure that it’s the same for most of you… where you need to be in a certain ZONE or MODE of thinking and/or feeling, before you can begin to write with emotions.

8. I guess this is my first entry into the NEW YEAR (2010), eh?! Though I’ve written this last year. Hehehe~~ :) Good night! As promised, I’ll be sleeping late tonight, writing!! Fight-O! Fight-O! Ganbatte ne to me! ^^

*uepi, -indulge in sin, *pida, *jinda

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