Unfulfilled Promises.

Feb 22, 2009 23:00

Title: Unfulfilled Promises.
Chapter: 3 of 3.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: RyoDa, Uepi.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Ueda wants Ryo to commit and Ryo says he will but Ueda realizes that it's all talk. Now, Ryo seems to not consider their 1st year anniversary and Ueda's birthday significant enough for him to actually commit. Ueda's tired of all the non-sense so when Yamapi asks him out for a drink, he willingly complied. Will Yamapi be able to permanently steal Ueda away? What happens to Ueda's relationship with Ryo now? But it seems as though Yamapi might be the better boyfriend.

Chapter 1: http://lonely-heartz.livejournal.com/3217.html#cutid1
Chapter 2: http://lonely-heartz.livejournal.com/6778.html#cutid1

Upon seeing Ryo, Yamapi approached him, and Ryo, being good at what he does, pretended to be his usual self.

“Hey, Ryotan! Would you like to join me for supper? I’d like to talk to you.” Yamapi smiled at his best friend.

“I guess. I have nothing important to do anyway.” Ryo said with a hidden smirk.

AND SO, the tug of war begins.

Ryo would have Ueda back. Surely.


“Seeing that I’m not such a good cook, let’s just order out.” Yamapi declared as he looked at several take-out delivery pamphlets, carelessly displayed on his kitchen counter.

“You’ll cook for Ueda but not for me? Ouch. You wound me. Well, it doesn’t really matter. Heh, but it’s no fun if it’s just the two of us! Why don’t we invite your boyfriend to join us too and get us acquainted with one another?”

“But I thought you despised him?” Yamapi asked with furrowed brows.

“That was then. We were teenagers! It’s different now. Seriously, he’s grown more cool than any of us combined if I do admit so myself. His Mousepeace solo concert was great! Don’t ask. Jin just dragged me with him.”

“Exactly my thoughts! My Tatsuya is just so gorgeous! His body is too sexy! Enough to die for!” Yamapi said thoughtfully.

“Whoa Pi… calm your horses! No need to be so fanboyish! Especially over your boyfriend.” Ryo shook his head in pretense.

“Whatever! Anyways, should I cook and try to impress him so that he’d fall in love with me more?” Yamapi said with an innocent smile.

“Definitely! You should! I’d help you.” Ryo said… of course, he has ulterior motives.

“Hmmn, but what should I cook? I don‘t really have any specialty.” Yamapi pondered.

“How about ‘Crepe Miramar’?” Ryo suggested simply.

“French cuisine?! Ryo, I barely know how to cook Japanese food! How do you expect me to make a French dish?” Yamapi asked his best friend in bewilderment.

“Well, maybe you can’t but I can. Didn’t I tell you? I went to attend French cuisine classes for a month and a half last year. Just thought it’d come in handy, eventually.”

“You’re my savior, Ryo! You know, Tatsuya loves anything French!” Yamapi giggled in excitement.

Of course, Ryo knew this all too well. Ryo knew that Ueda loved French cuisine! Heck, Ueda’s the reason why Ryo took those damned classes in the first place! Ryo plans to make Tatsuya remember all the good things in their relationship: like how Ryo cooked delicious French food for him, how Ryo went as far as take some time to actually dedicate it, to learn how to cook and generally, learn things for Ueda, only so that he would be regarded as ‘cool’.

Ever heard of the adage, ‘A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?’
Well, now you have -- and it’s exactly how Ryo plans to conquer Ueda’s heart all over again -- through his taste buds. The only thing is… would it work this time around?


In the middle of cooking.

“Pi, don’t!” Ryo yelled with seriousness.

“What now!?” Pi said in disappointment. He doesn’t understand how he keeps on messing up. He doesn’t understand how Ryo knows such delicate information about Ueda -- that he didn’t even know himself! Ryo claims that it’s nothing but it simply doesn’t make sense to Yamapi, how Ryo knows about Ueda’s preferences.

Ryo did it again.

“Pi! How many times do I have to tell you that he doesn’t like shrimp! So, stop putting it onto the pot! Ueda will end up getting rashes!”

“I’m sorry. But Ryotan, how do you know that? Even I don’t know that!” Yamapi said sadly.

“It’s nothing! I just happened to stumble upon your boyfriend’s 100Q recently, alright! Now, pay more attention to what you‘re doing!”

Yamapi was a tad bit hesitant to believe Ryo’s words because he also read Ueda’s 100Q and he doesn’t remember ever reading about Ueda’s food preferences. Anyway, he’d have to read that thing again later. For now, he’d follow Ryo’s instruction and pay closer attention to what he’s doing, seeing that he doesn’t want to be the cause for Ueda to fall ill.

Every time Yamapi would prepare something for Ueda, Ryo would recommend that he changes how he does things very specifically and since Ryo would suggest things so specifically, it mainly builds up into this huge suspicion. A suspicion Pi can’t quite pinpoint.

For example: Yamapi recently bought Ueda extremely expensive coconut chocolates, because somehow he had a feeling that Ueda would love it as much as he does. Then, he comes across Ryo and his friend would tell him straight out that it’s a bad idea since Tatsuya disliked coconut. To begin with, Yamapi isn’t the type of person to inquire further about the little details since he usually didn’t care. But then somehow, when it came to Tatsuya, it bothered him so much that Ryo would know about little details regarding Tatsuya that he himself remained clueless of. However, he continued to remain silent about it until it gets even more suspicious.

Yamapi became worried of the fact that it’s almost 7pm and he’s still working. Since it’s work, he can’t just leave. Hence, he’d definitely either have to cancel his date with Ueda or he’d have to find a replacement for himself. Yamapi ended up choosing the latter, since he didn’t want Tatsuya to eat alone by himself. So, he decided to call Ryo up and get his best friend to have dinner with his boyfriend.

“Ryo-chan?” Yamapi asked in a worried tone.

“Oh, hey Pi! What’s up?”

“I have a favour to ask of you. Ueda is waiting for me at the Aragawa restaurant but I wouldn’t be able to make it to our date, so could you go instead? I don’t want him to be eating alone tonight.”

“Oh?! The one in Shinbashi district, right?”

“Yeah. That’s the one! Oh and whatever the bill is, just put it on my tab and I’ll pay for it as soon as I’m done with my work. I’ll go ahead and let Ueda know about this.”

“It’s not a good idea, Pi. If you let him know now, he’d just walk out and eat by himself someplace else. Don’t worry, I’ll go there and let him know myself. That way, he won’t be able to run away.”

“Alright. I guess. Thanks, Ryo! I owe you one. I’ll head there as soon as I’m done work.”

“No problem. See ya.”

An hour later.

Tatsuya patiently waited for his boyfriend while writing his musical ideas on his composition notebook.

Suddenly, Ryo showed up in front of him.

“Nishikido? What are you doing here?” Tatsuya eyed him curiously.

“Tomohisa sent me here to join you for dinner.”

“Is that right? Well, you enjoy your dinner while I take my leave.” Tatsuya said, irately.

Ryo loved the prissy Ueda, “Aw~~ come on, Tatsuya. I don’t bite. Why don’t you sit down and eat with me?”

“Tell me one good reason why I should do as you say?”

“Well, for one, you miss me.” Ryo smirked.

“Not reason enough. I’m leaving first. I’ll see you around.” Tatsuya was about to take his leave when Ryo caught hold of his left hand.

“I suggest you sit down. Or else.” Ryo warned which caused Tatsuya to jerk his hand back and sat down.

“Now, listen to me. Don’t you think that by acting this way that eventually Pi will figure something out? It’s because you’re too obvious! Seriously, you might as well deal with me now when we’re alone. Think about it, Tomohisa is my best friend, no matter when -- I’ll always be a part of his life. So, you really have nowhere else to hide.”

Tatsuya glares harder at Ryo, “I guess you have a point.”

“I always do. Besides, we’ve been together for a long time in the past. I’ve seen you naked countless of times. If anything, you should be more comfortable with me than anybody else.”

“…” Tatsuya remained speechless at Ryo‘s arrogance.

“Alright, I’ll tell you what. I’ll forget everything that ever happened between us if you drink with me one last time. Tonight, forget about Tomohisa and think only of me. Since tonight will be the last night, let’s celebrate, shall we?”

“What makes you think I will agree?”

“You will because we never had closure and I know that your conscience can’t take it. Come on, I’m harmless. Just drink up! Cheers?” Ryo held up his glass of wine while waiting for Tatsuya to do the same.

“As much as I dislike you right now, you have a point. Cheers.” Tatsuya said, reluctantly.

“I always do. Cheers, princess.” Ryo lustfully eyed Tatsuya as he gulped the whole glass of wine down.

“Oh god, my throat. It burns.” Tatsuya started to cough; mainly due to the ‘princess’ part rather than the actual alcohol-intake.

Ryo merely laughed, “Right, I almost forgot that you can’t hold your liquor in.”


Later that evening.

With a completely wasted Tatsuya in his arms, Ryo drunkenly dials Tomohisa’s number.

“Oi, Tomohisa! You’re boyfriend is dead-drunk! What should I do with him?”

“I’d get there if I could but I can’t right now. I’m still filming Code Blue! You know how it is, Ryo. Could you please do me another favour and take Tatsuya to my apartment?” Yamapi replied, worriedly.

“Pi, I’m drunk too. I can’t drive right now.” Ryo replied; mainly because he’s reluctant to bring Tatsuya home personally since he’s scared that he might do something to Ueda that he’ll regret the next morning.

“Seriously Ryo, I’m tied up right now. If I could, I’d rather be the one to take Tatsuya home than leave him alone with a friend. Please understand.”

“Alright. I’ll grab a taxi and take him home.”

“Thank you, Ryo. You’re the only one I could count on right now.” Yamapi said and hanged up.

Ryo sighed to himself, “I guess I have no choice.”


Once in Tomohisa’s apartment, Ryo carefully placed Tatsuya in the bed that the couple currently shared.

The mere thought itself sickened Ryo. It disgusted him. The fact that Tatsuya sleeps with Tomohisa. He finds it extremely repulsive.

After the removal of Tatsuya’s clothes, Ryo grabbed a hot face towel and started to wipe Tatsuya’s body with it -- carefully, soothingly, lustfully.

The constant movement on his body woke Tatsuya up, he became surprised when it registered to him that the one taking care of him right that very moment was Nishikido.

Ryo smiled, “You passed out. I’m boiling tea to help with your hangover. In the morning, I’ll make you a Korean-styled Chicken Ginseng soup. How’s that sound?”

Tatsuya smiled bitterly, “If only you were this caring about me when we were still together, I would never have broken up with you. But as it were, it’s too late now, Ryo. I deeply care about Tomohisa, you should know that.”

“Yes, I understand that you care about him but you don’t love him.” Ryo said in stupor, his anger’s on the rise.

“How can you be so sure?” Tatsuya looked deep into his ex-lover’s eyes.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Ryo gripped the hot, face towel quite hard.

“I already have, Nishikido. I have fallen for him. I already am in love with him.” Tatsuya replied.

In pure anger, Ryo resorted to the last thing he never imagined himself to do. Ever.

‘Love him, huh? Don’t f*ck with me, Tatsuya.’ Ryo thought with malice.

Ryo immediately pulled out a pill from his pocket that he’s reserved as a last resort; just in case things like this happened. He pinned Tatsuya down on all fours with all his might.

“I’ll show you what love is! Don’t even f*cking dare tell me that you’ve fallen in love with someone else other than me!”

Tatsuya started to tear up, “Nishikido, you know as well as I do that you’ll regret this in the morning.”

“Look in my eyes, Ueda. Do I f*cking look like I’ll regret it? Don’t make me f*cking laugh!” Ryo said in an outburst.

Ryo leaned down and kissed Tatsuya. HARD. In return, Tatsuya bites him lightly.

“Ow, f*ck! You’re still as feisty as ever, I see. That’s what I love about you. The more you bite me, the more I‘ll love you so it‘s your call whether you‘d keep on biting me.”

When Tatsuya stopped fighting back, Ryo quickly slipped Tatsuya an aphrodisiac in his mouth. While they were busy with each other’s mind games, a 24-carat gold ring fell out of Ryo’s pocket, unnoticed.

Tatsuya gasped, “What the hell did you put in my mouth?”

“Aphrodisiac. It should be taking effect soon, as you well know.”

“Still doing those nasty things eh, Nishikido?” Tatsuya grunted.

“Just on you and I know how much you love it.”

Within seconds, the drug’s definitely taking effect as proven by Tatsuya’s squirms. Ryo was determined to continue on with it when his conscience kicked in. That’s when he hesitated.

Tatsuya started to tear up, “Nishikido, you know as well as I do that you’ll regret this in the morning.”

‘I will most likely regret this in the morning. F*ck!’ Ryo thought, while his hands are frozen in mid-air; immobile.

“Tatsuya, if I do something to you, right now.. would you hate me? Or would you rather me help you WITH THAT?” Ryo carefully asked.

“I would hate you.” Tatsuya bitterly replied.

“I don’t think you’re in any position to say such things, if you can‘t already tell. F*ck! Fine! Go and relieve yourself in the bathroom. I won’t touch you.” Ryo said in mild anger, confused and hesitant. The master bedroom was large enough to fit a full bathroom.

Soon after, Ryo moved towards the bedroom door and locked it so that he won’t be able to enter it.

“When you feel like coming out of the washroom, just come out. I locked the bedroom door so I can’t enter. You just stay there where it’s safe. I’ll stay out here so don’t worry, I won’t attack you. Listen, I’m awfully sorry. I just wanted you. I’ve always wanted to possess you. I probably don’t deserve and don’t have the right to love someone as precious as you, but I love you. It kills me to cause you so much pain. I’m so sorry, I just love you. I’ll see you in the morning when I’m more sober.” Ryo constantly re-assured his ex-lover that he’s nowhere near him. Hence, he can’t hurt him anymore.

Tatsuya never came out of the bedroom and Ryo never forced himself in.

Slowly, quietly and tearfully, Tatsuya replied through the door, “You can have my apartment. Just send my stuff over here. I don’t want to see you anymore so please leave before I wake.”

“If that’s what you want.” Ryo sadly replied.

‘Why do I always f*ck things up?! I’m the worst! I should just die! F*ck! What’s the point of living without him?’ Ryo thought, until sleep took him.


The next day.

True to his words, Ryo’s gone when Tatsuya awoke with a start. Tatsuya sighed in relief when the phone rang, “Hello?”

“Love, I’m sorry I couldn’t come home last night! We were filming until 4am! Anyways, don’t bother to cook for me, I won’t have time to come home this morning so just come to the jimusho as soon as you can so that I’d be able to see you before my next scheduled event!”

“Alright. I’ll see you in a bit.” Tatsuya smiled. It’s a bright new day. A happy day filled with rainbows and sunshine. OR NOT.

Meanwhile, at the Jimusho, Tomohisa’s taken notice of Ryo’s golden ring.

“Ryo-chan, that’s beautiful! What is it? You seem to always wear it recently, although I‘ve never bothered to ask until now.” Yamapi smiled.

“Oh, it’s a couple’s ring. I had one made for me and another one for the one I love.” Ryo stared at the ring while he sadly caressed it.

“Who’s the lucky girl?” Yamapi asked, curiously.

“It’s a man.”

“Oh then, who is it? Is it someone I know?”

“Yes. Oh, would you look at that? Jin has some emergency that he needs help with. I think I’ll go over there and help him! Later, Pi.” Ryo hurriedly dodged the touchy subject and walked away.

With his friend nowhere in sight, Tomohisa decided to head back inside the Jimusho to wait for his lover to arrive. Out of nowhere, a happy Tatsuya surprised him with 3 boxes of top-notch bentos.

“Here, I figured you must be starving so I bought your favourite bentos!” Tatsuya said.

Tomohisa greeted his Tatsuya with a warm morning kiss until they ran out of breath, “I missed you so much. God, this is why I love you -- you always know how to care for me. These look great! I’m starved!”

“How about we sit over there so you could eat your breakfast properly?”

“Alright. All night all I could think about was you and food.” Tomohisa said in all honesty which made Tatsuya laugh.

“I figured.” Tatsuya smiled.

“You’re so cute, Tatsuya.”

While Tomohisa gobbled his food down, Tatsuya happily said, “So, the maid came in this morning and started doing her weekly chores when she claimed to have found something of importance in the bedroom.”

“Oh no! I didn’t leave any condoms lying around anywhere, did I? How embarrassing!”

“No, you didn’t, Tomohisa! It’s something way more important!”

“Hm? Like what?” Yamapi asked, dumbfounded.

“Well, I know it’s mine because my name is engraved on it.” Tatsuya said and leaned forward to kiss Tomohisa passionately.

The passionate kiss so early in the morning came as a surprise to Yamapi, but he didn’t dislike it at all. Not one bit.

“That important, huh? What is it? You have piqued my curiousity. I‘m all ears, babe.”

Yamapi receives a call in front of Tatsuya, “Hello? Tegoshi-chan? I’m sorry.. I can’t right now. I’m having lunch with my Tatsuya. Tomorrow? I’m sorry, I can’t either. I already have plans with Tatsuya. I really apologize. I’ll call you when I’m free but it seems for the time being that I’m rather busy for this month.”

Ueda loved it whenever Yamashita would drop everything and everyone else for him. It’s as if Tatsuya’s the only important person in his life. It’s as if there’s only the two of them that exists in the world.

“I’m sorry, hun. You know, Tegoshi always bothers me so don’t mind him. Anyways, continue with what you were saying.” Yamapi caressed his lover’s face, gently.

“First of all, thank you and I love you so much for it!” Tatsuya took his hands out of hiding and showed Tomohisa a 24-carat golden ring that perfectly fitted his wedding finger. Tatsuya continued, “I had to put it on my wedding finger because it wouldn’t fit on any of my other fingers! How did you know my ring size? Did you size me up while I was asleep?”

“What? I never -- what?” At first, Tomohisa’s extremely confused; until he remembered Ryo’s ring which completely resembled the one that Tatsuya‘s flashing now.

“Ryo-chan, that’s beautiful! What is it? You seem to always wear it recently, although I‘ve never bothered to ask until now.” Yamapi smiled.

“Oh, it’s a couple ring. I had one made for me and another one for the one I love.” Ryo stared at the ring while sadly caressing it.

“Who’s the lucky girl?” Yamapi asked, curiously.

“It’s a man.”

“Oh then, who is it? Is it someone I know.”


Everything started to make sense now. It’s as if he’s been hit by a truck or lightning with the sudden realization. It shocked him that his intuitions didn’t kick in or that he didn’t see nor feel it coming.

All of a sudden, Tomohisa angrily drags the confused Tatsuya across the Jimusho, in search for a certain Nishikido Ryo.

Upon the sight of the said Osaka man, Tomohisa lunged himself forward and gave the unsuspecting Ryo, the most hurtful blow he could muster.

“Ryo, you f*cking traitor!”
“I f*cking trusted you, you piece of sh*t!”
“How could you do this to me!”
“Go f*ck yourself and die!”

From afar, Tatsuya was more frightened than anything since Tomohisa knew something went on between Ryo and himself. He just didn’t know how, when or for how long.

Across the hallway, Jin immediately ran into the action and tried to get Tomohisa off of Ryo, who remained weak and defenseless on the floor. Sure, Ryo knew how to fight but he was caught off-guard too soon and with Tomohisa’s heavy and repetitive blows, he just didn’t stand a chance. Now, it’s up to Jin to break the commotion up.

“Pi, what’s going on? Calm down!” Jin uttered in surprise since it’s his first time to witness Tomohisa go berserk on anyone.

‘Who knew there’s so much anger in him?’ Jin thought.

“Jin, let me go! I’ll f*cking kill this bastard for sleeping with my Tatsuya! Let me the f*ck go, JIN!”

Of course, Jin didn’t obey. He’d be insane to let go of Pi now. The guy means business and business means blood. So, HELL NO!

From the ground, Ryo, who’s been beaten to a bloody pulp exclaimed, “You want to kill me? Fine. Then, kill me. There’s no point in living without Tatsuya anyway. He told me he’s in love with you so I’m nothing now.”

“You’re lying.” Tomohisa said while gritting his teeth. He continued, “If you went out with Tatsuya, someone in JE would’ve known, especially Jin and I. You deceived me! I entrusted Tatsuya to you whenever I couldn‘t make it to our date or appointments! You were gladly taking every single opportunity I gave you to get closer to Tatsuya, weren‘t you?”

“That’s what happens when all of the female population and some of the male population wants to see you half naked in magazines -- you’d never have time for your lovelife.” Ryo said to Tomohisa over the phone.

“Don’t make Tatsuya wait!”

“What?! I haven’t agreed to anything yet!”

“Come on, Ryo! It’s just a skiing trip! You just have to accompany him there for an entire day and I’ll join you guys tomorrow! The Director won’t let me off! Besides, you’re good at skiing, you could give Tatsuya some lessons to keep yourselves busy!”

“Alright. I guess I could go since you can’t make it. Besides, the hotel and everything else is already paid for, right? I’ll go.


“It’s so cold now.. wouldn’t it be better if we let our bodies mesh together to produce some natural heat?” Ryo smirked at Tatsuya and in return, he got hit instead.

“Stop talking non-sense and don’t come near me. I mean it.”

The bed could literally fit four bodies. Ryo’s on the far left side and Tatsuya on the far right side. During the night, it gets even colder; hence, the owner turned up the heater. Unbeknownst to the pair, Tatsuya took his shirt off and likewise, Ryo did the same a couple of minutes earlier.

Yamashita Tomohisa arrived in the lodge at around 3AM even though he‘s extremely tired and spent. He turned the lights on to find his boyfriend and his best friend topless; either he was too tired to notice the pair‘s chemistry or he merely turned a blind-eye to it.

Tomohisa’s sudden arrival, woke the couple up. Obviously, they’d be weary. When realization hit him, Tatsuya screamed, “Pi! I thought you were coming in tomorrow morning! It’s so dangerous to drive on icy roads at night! You should’ve just waited until sunrise!”

Yamapi laughed, “Instead of that, shouldn’t you first be explaining why both you and Ryo are topless and sharing the same bed?”

“Oh, that. Well --”

Yamapi laughed even harder, “I was just kidding! I know you wouldn’t cheat on me with my best friend! I mean, anyone who’s caught cheating wouldn’t scream how worried they are for their lover right off the bat, right? The guilty ones are usually in denial-mode instantly and says stuff like ‘It’s not what it looks like’.”

Tatsuya laughed nervously while Ryo went back to sleep. He seriously didn’t need to hear all these lovey-dovey stuff between his ex and his best friend.

“Let’s sleep together, Tatsuya. I’ll kick Ryo off the bed!”

“I wanted to let everyone know but because I was stupid, I decided to hide our relationship which eventually caused me to lose him. Just so you know, I slept with him because we’ve been together for a year and even lived in the same apartment. The funny thing is, you just show up out of nowhere and the next thing I know, you’re in our picture. You’re a hindrance to me and I wanted to get rid of you but more than that, I wanted to do my best to get Tatsuya to come back to me. Traitor? Not me.”

Anger, confusion, disappointment -- Tomohisa felt all of them. He didn’t know what he should do. He stopped struggling from Jin’s grasp.

“Ah-ah-ha-hel-help me!” Tatsuya loudly stuttered as he clutched onto his heart; his breathing became haggard. Slowly, Tatsuya lowered himself to the floor until he fainted.

“TATSUYA! TATSUYA! Jin, call 911!” Yamapi said in panic and worry. He rushed to Tatsuya’s side, lifted him up and headed towards the nearest exit. He continued, “Screw it, Jin! I’ll just drive Tatsuya to Tokyo University Hospital!”

On the other hand, Ryo said, “Jin, help me up. I’d like to go see Tatsuya too.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, Ryo. I’ll patch you up first and when Tatsuya’s condition’s stable, then, we’ll go and visit him. For now, I think Tomohisa should be the one there.”

“F*CK YOU, JIN. Didn’t you hear what I said? Tatsuya was MINE first!”

“I know. But didn’t you also say that he’s in love with Yamapi now? Didn’t you say that he WAS yours? WAS, Ryo! Not IS!”

“Yeah, that’s why I say, F*CK YOU!” However, even though Ryo said that, he knew that Jin had a point.


At Tokyo University Hospital, the sensei came out of Tatsuya’s private room after his diagnosis.

“Sensei, will Tatsuya be alright? What’s his condition?”

“I’m afraid that he has a heart condition.”

“Heart condition? That’s not possible! He runs 10 km a day! He only consumes healthy foods! He’s always working out at the gym and only has 5% of body fat! It’s not possible!” Tomohisa said in distress.

“But it is possible, Yamashita-san. It truly is. The good news is, he can live. The bad news is, he needs a heart transplant.”

“Heart transplant?”

“Yes, he has 72 hours to live. Unless we could produce a perfect match for him, he won’t survive his condition.”

“I understand, Doctor. Could you please check if I’m a match for him?”

“That’s not possible, Yamashita-san. You’re alive. I‘m sorry but I‘m afraid you can‘t do anything for him in that respect. Although, what you can do is become his pillar of support.” The Doctor bowed and headed off to his next cardiothoracic patient.

Yamashita Tomohisa never liked to cry; especially not in public. But now, with all thoughts of Tatsuya -- he didn’t care anymore. He outwardly cried; he didn’t care who saw him. To hell with them.

Tomohisa dialled Jin’s number, “Jin! I don’t know what to do. I’m standing outside of Tatsuya’s hospital room. I don’t-- I don’t-- this is too much to handle.”

“Tomohisa! Stop sobbing and tell me what’s going on!” Jin demanded, fiercely. Afterall, it concerns his best friend.

“Tat-chan, he-- he has a heart condition! I can’t f*cking do anything but wait! This is too cruel.”

“Yamapi, calm down. I’m going to head over there right now! I’ll wait with you!”

“Alright, I’ll wait for you but could you speak with me while you drive? I just have to get my mind pre-occupied with something or I’ll go insane from worry.”

“I understand. I’ll switch you over to speaker. I’m 10 minutes away!” Jin started the car and it roared into life.

“I need to find a heart donor, Jin. Sensei said that Tatsuya needs a heart transplant! That’s how critical his condition is!”

“I’m sure they’ll find a suitable match for him, Yamapi! Just hold tight. He’ll definitely get a heart!”

“I pray so.”

“Hang on, Pi. Someone keeps pestering me on the other line so I’ll call you back in 2 minutes.”

“Alright. Hurry!” Yamapi said and hanged up.

“Hello?” Jin said.

“It’s Ryo. Could you tell me what’s going on?”

“I was about to call you. I think you have the right to know. Tatsuya has a heart condition. He’s in critical stage right now. He needs to have a heart transplant within 72 hours.”


“We need to find a perfect match before 72 hours lapses.”

“Ahh, I see. Have they found a match?” Ryo said in sadness.

“I’m not sure. I’m heading over to the hospital to figure that out. Are you going over there too?”

“No, I’d better not.”

“Come on, Ryo! Don’t be like this! If worse comes to worse, shouldn’t we all be by Tat-chan’s side?”

“I don’t think he’d want to see me. It’s fine. I thought of something. Worse comes to worse, won’t happen. I’ll find a way to make sure he survives it.”

“What the hell are you talking about? You’re not making any sense! Anyways, I’ll just update you on everything when I reach the hospital, alright? Don’t do anything rash, you hear?!” Jin said worriedly and hanged up.


At Tokyo University Hospital.

“Sensei, you’re a close family-friend and you know very well that I’ve never begged nor asked anyone for favours. This is the only time that I’ve ever done this! Please, I beg you sensei. Check if my heart is suitable for your patient, Ueda Tatsuya. Please, it’s the only thing I’ve ever asked you.” Ryo said; on his knees.

“Ryo-chan. Please stand up. Don’t do this! Besides, it’s against protocol! It could cost me my license! Besides, you’re alive! It’s not possible.”

“Please, sensei. It’s just between the two of us. Nobody else knows of my visit here with you. Please, I beg you.” Ryo said in tears.

The doctor kneeled down to Ryo’s level since Ryo wouldn’t stand up, “Ryo-chan, this is against the law but there’s a new technology that came out half a year ago to check for heart suitability. It’s been tested for 5 years and now, it’s 97% accurate.”

“Yes, sensei! Thank you so much! I’ll do anything! Please, just help me!”

A couple of hours later.

“Nishikido-kun, you’re a suitable match for Ueda Tatsuya. However, where are you planning to go with this? Even if it’s a match, you can’t possibly do anything for him. Unless, you’re --”

Ryo nodded, “Unless. Indeed, that’s what I plan to do.”

The doctor looked at him like he’s insane, “Is there any way to stop you, Ryo-chan?”

“No, there’s not, Onii-san. I’ve made up my mind on the way here. I’ve decided that I’ll do anything in my power to help save him. That’s how much I love him.”

“Are you sure you want to do this, Ryo?” The doctor said hesitantly.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I’m doing it. It’s the last thing I could do to show him how much I love him. Besides, there‘s not much time! Every second we wait, the more his condition gets worse.”

The doctor respected his wishes, “So, I guess I’ll see you in the emergency room in a couple of hours?”

“Make it less than one.” Ryo smirked.

“That definite, huh?”

“Indeed. Just help me tell Tatsuya that this is how much I love him. Please help me convey my feelings for him when the time comes. I’ve done him so much wrong and truly, there’s no point to life if I can’t be with him. It’s better this way.”

The doctor nodded and watched Ryo’s lonely back, as the gap between Ryo and himself increased.

‘Self-sacrifice. Rare.’ The doctor thought and proceeded to prepare himself for the upcoming surgery to take place that night. Certainly -- the surgery will happen.

Several days later.

“Tatsuya, you finally woke up!” Yamashita Tomohisa said in evident happiness.

“Unnn.” Tatsuya merely grunted, groggily.

“Tatsuya, I missed you so much! I was so worried! I’ve been waiting for you to get up. Kamenashi, Nakamaru, Taguchi and Koki have been taking turns of taking care of you. Your mouse peace crew constantly took care of you too. Lastly, both Jin and I have stayed with you the whole time.”

Tatsuya smiled at the fact that his friends cared about him.

“Finally, I get to see your beautiful smile. I’ve longed to see it all this time. If you didn’t wake up, I don’t know what I would’ve done.” Tomohisa started to tear up.

“Tomohisa, I did wake up. Thank you for taking care of me all this time. I love you.”

“I love you too.” Tomohisa leaned forward to kiss Tatsuya gently on the lips.

“I think that my magic worked wonders on you.”

“What magic?” Tatsuya smiled.

“My kisses. I always kissed you.. Hoping, wishing and praying that you’d finally wake up.”

“Agreed. I think it worked wonders on me.”

“Love, you should go rest again while I let the others know that you’re alright now and that you’ve awaken. Also, Johnny-san said that you can make your come back half a year later so don’t even dare think about work, alright?”


When Tomohisa left, Jin entered the room and was delighted to see his best friend finally awake.

“I’m so glad you’re fine now!” Jin said as he kissed his friend in the forehead.

“What was that for?” Tatsuya smiled.

“Nothing, I just missed you when you were out cold for a week. I regretted many things such as not being able to do stuff together with you. I won’t take you for granted anymore. I‘ll do everything with you.”

“Now, you appreciate me.” Tatsuya laughed.

“I’ve always appreciated you. You’re the coolest person amongst all of us. I just never knew how to express it properly.”

“Thanks, Jin. But umm, has Nishikido ever bothered to visit me? At all? I couldn’t ask Yamapi but I’ve been thinking about it. I thought that it’s safe to ask you since he’s your friend too.”

“About that, he- he .. Tatsuya, I can‘t.” Jin looked down when his voice started to shake.

“You can’t what, Jin?! What is it? What can’t you tell me?” Tatsuya asked, worriedly.

“I think I can tell you.” Suddenly, the doctor came out of nowhere.

“What’s there to tell me, doctor?”

“Sensei, I don’t think it’s a good time to tell Tatsuya right now. He should be resting.” Akanishi said.

“I should know that better than anyone, Akanishi. Besides, there will never be a good time to inform him.”

“Tell me what, sensei!?”

“Nishikido Ryo was like a younger brother to me, Ueda-san. I’m grieving just like the rest.”

“What do you mean?” Tatsuya asked.

“Ryo. He was involved in a severe car accident and my team of doctors couldn‘t save him. But before he had the accident, he already knew that his heart suited you. Hence, a perfect match. He was extremely determined to offer his heart for you. He said that it’s the least he could do to show you how much he loved you. Now, his heart beats in you. Take care of it.”

As Tatsuya started to cry a bucket’s worth, Jin held him in his arms -- patting his head.

“Tatsuya, it’ll be okay. Everything will be okay.” Jin said carefully.


A year later.

“Tat-chan, can you make time for me tonight?” Yamapi asked his lover.

“No, not tonight, Yamapi.”

“I don’t see why not.”

“Stop being so naughty!”

“Why can’t we do it? I mean, make love?! Why!?”

“Because tomorrow is Nishikido’s anniversary.”

“Death anniversary?” Yamapi asked, dumbfounded.

“Don’t call it that. It’s not ‘death’ because his heart is in me. Hence, he continues to live in me.” Tatsuya caressed Pi’s face.

“It’s not fair how he gets to be in you! I wanted to be inside of you but the sensei didn’t let me! Ryo-chan just pulled some strings! It’s not fair how he sacrificed his life for you and still manage to get in between us every time! I was ready to sacrifice myself for you too, you know!”

“I know.” Tatsuya kissed his lover, gently. He continued, “But let’s just respect his anniversary tomorrow, alright? Besides, if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here now. He’s our friend, we love him, don’t we?”

“He’s more than just a friend to you and your love for him is different than my love for him!”

“Come on, Pi. Give Nishikido a break and stuff being jealous over someone who’s already in paradise!”

Yamapi merely grunted.

“Alright, tell you what.. let’s go on a honeymoon in Maldives next week, how’s that sound?”

“Just the two of us?” Yamapi asked; sounding delighted at the mere thought of it.

“Just the two of us. Well, technically, Ryo’s watching over us, isn’t he?”

“Grr. Why do you have to bring him up all the time? Who do you love more? Me or Him? Pick one! I don‘t want to share you with Ryo-chan!”

“What?! Of course, I love you!” Tatsuya kissed Tomohisa again; with more passion this time around.

‘I love Ryo too -- wherever he may be. I’ve never stopped loving him. But my lover, Yamashita Tomohisa, doesn’t have to know that. It’s a secret between me and Ryo-chan. A secret buried deep within my heart.’ Tatsuya thought.


A/N: This is the first time I did this to a character. Hopefully, in the future, I won’t have to do it again. It’s heart-breaking since I love Ryo-chan the most. But there’s no way around it -- Yamapi’s been too good to Ueda for him to turn Pi down. The conclusion is the way it is because I couldn’t think of a better way to end it.

-Ooh, the end bit there is more of a comedy than anything.

-I didn’t have time to read over it again, since it’s 17 pages long and I have midterms this week. So, please overlook the errors. Although, I really hope that it’s readable enough. Thank you.

-Also, I didn’t really research the complications of heart transplants, etc. So, some ideas may not be accurate; they‘re not facts. Although, I know for certain that even healthy-looking people can still be diagnosed with a heart condition.

*ryoda, *pida, -unfulfilled promises

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