Indulge In Sin.

Feb 20, 2009 22:46

Title: Indulge In Sin.
Chapter: 1 of 3.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: Jinda, Pida.
Genre: Romance, Fluff.
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Akanishi Jin loved to indulge in his vices, which mainly revolved around having sexual intercourse with women. Ueda Tatsuya is completely smitten towards Yamashita Tomohisa -- this feeling is somewhat reciprocated by Tomohisa when he finds himself intrigued by the sexy boxer. One night, in a drunken stupor, Jin gets in the way of the possibility of a relationship between Yamapi and Tacchan by mistakingly acquiring his daily dose of sexual high with Tatcchan.

Chapter 2:

Akanishi Jin loved to play and party. He loved to indulge in his vices -- alcohol, cigarettes and women. Mainly, women though. His bed was never lonely and a part of his salary mainly goes to cleaning the bed sheets to a sparkling white.

One night, he’d asked his friend Ueda Tatsuya to party with him and Yamashita Tomohisa in Tantra Men’s Club located in Ropponggi Hills.

Initially, Jin thought that his friend, Tatsuya, definitely became pretty hot and sexy over the years. It’s too bad that Jin didn’t swing both ways; if he did, he definitely wouldn’t hesitate to flirt and have a go at Tatsuya. However, as it were, Jin’s neither bisexual nor gay. Hence, the chances of him having sex with Tatsuya are quite slim.

Sure, Tatsuya cared for him in such cute ways such as cooking for him or waiting for him before going to sleep and if Tatsuya were a girl, Jin would definitely sweep her off her feet. But Tatsuya did it for everyone in KAT-TUN, occasionally. Besides, it’s not like Tatsuya likes him THAT way; although, Jin had always known that Tatsuya has had his share of sexual intercourse with some of the JE guys. Afterall, Tatsuya swung both ways.

‘Sexy, fine ass, toned, round, tight buttocks. Oh yes, T I G H T. F*ck, I didn’t just think that! Sheesh, I need to get out of here, quick!’ Jin thought, as he saw a glimpse of Tatsuya in an almost-naked state -- with a mere towel covering his front private.

“Jin, you know very well that I don’t drink alcohol. It‘s bad for my health and besides, I can‘t hold my liquor in.” Tatsuya replied to Jin’s invitation, while putting his clothes on after taking a shower.

“Come on, Tat-chan! It’s just once! Besides, you don’t have to drink alcohol! Just come clubbing with us! I swear I won’t force you to drink!”

“I don’t know, Jin. I’m not convinced. I mean, I know you. I’m sure you’ll force me to drink something weird.”

“I promise I won’t! I swear! Besides, the last thing I want is to spoil Tomohisa’s birthday celebration.”

“It’s Yamapi’s birthday?” Tatsuya asked.

“Yeah. Everyone’s going to be there!”

“So what if everybody’s going to be there? I could care less.”

“Actually, it was Tomohisa who told me to ask you to come along. Although, you weren’t supposed to know that.”

“Shouldn’t he have invited me himself then?”

“I thought so too. But the guy is hopeless. He said that it’d be awkward for him to ask you himself since the two of you aren‘t that close.”

“I don’t know what’s so weird about asking me. Anyways, fine. I guess I’ll come.”

“Will you ride with me?” Jin asked his friend.

“No. I have to pick up some things on the way before I go to Tantra.”

“Alright. I guess I’ll see you there. It starts in an hour, Tat-chan. So, whatever errand you have to do before you head over to Tantra, you better hurry!”

“Yes. I’ll see you in a bit.”

Ueda Tatsuya has always had a huge crush on Yamashita Tomohisa for reasons he can’t decipher himself. Since it’s his first time to be invited to Tomohisa’s birthday, he should get Pi a nice birthday gift.

After some brain-storming, Tatsuya finally figured out what he should give Yamapi for his birthday. Tatsuya headed to Shibuya Seibu’s Vivienne Westwood outlet and picked out a beautiful, small orb silver pendant that costs $198.00.

Of course, Tatsuya purchased the exact same one for himself several months back, but Tomohisa doesn’t have to know that. Because Tatsuya is a regular customer in the store, the staff delicately placed the pendant in extremely beautiful gift wrap.

“Thank you.” Tatsuya said as he was handed his purchase.

“Yes, thank you very much Ueda-sama. Please visit us again soon.” The lady in an expensive-looking suit bowed deeply.


Half an hour later, Tatsuya arrived at the designated location with the JE gang nowhere in sight.

Tatsuya took out his cellphone and dialled Jin’s number, “Hey, where are you guys?”

“We’re on the second floor -- in the private hall.”

“Alright. I’ll make my way there.”

On the way up the elegant staircase, Tatsuya was shocked to see Koyama Keiichiro and Shigeaki Kato arguing in a desolate corner. Tatsuya looked away in order not to witness what he’s not supposed to; however, the koyashige pair already saw him and they stopped their argument instantly.

Shigeaki Kato saw Tatsuya first and started to bow slightly while saying his greetings. Koyama Keiichiro turned around to do the same. In return, Tatsuya bowed back.

Finally, Tatsuya opened the door to the hall of Pi’s celebration, only to be greeted by countless of familiar faces.

‘Heh, Jin was right. Everyone from JE is, indeed, here.’ Tatsuya thought.

Tatsuya looked around carefully to locate his friends but it’s obviously going to take time.

‘I didn’t know it was possible for one person to have this many friends.’

At first, Tatsuya thought that he’ll hand Tomohisa the birthday present he bought him personally. But now that Tatsuya has seen how crowded it is, he thought otherwise. As a result, Tatsuya just ended up looking for the gift table so that he could leave his gift there.

Tatsuya took out his cellphone and called Jin, “Hey, I’m here -- where are you guys in here?”

“It’d probably be easier if you tell me where you are and I’ll come fetch you.” Jin replied.

“I’m by the gift table.”

“Alright, I’ll come right over.”

Half an hour later.

In their own table, the KAT-TUN members have gathered to play a dare on Taguchi. Of course, it’s a drinking game -- for which Tatsuya doesn’t want to be a part of.

“Jin, could you point me where Tomohisa is? I’d like to greet him and then leave.”

“What?! How come you want to leave so early?! The fun hasn’t even begun yet.”

“For one, I’m bored. Second, I’m tired. Third, I need my beauty sleep. Fourth, this environment is unhealthy for me.”

“Aw Tatsuya, you’re no fun! Would you like me to show you how to have fun?” The drunken Jin teasingly asked, while he placed his right leg in between Tatsuya’s legs and seductively blew air in his ear.

“Jin, get away from me before I push you.” Tatsuya warned his friend with all seriousness.

“You wouldn’t.” Jin said.

“Oh, you know I would.”

Jin backed off, mainly because he didn’t want Tatsuya to punch him squarely in the face, since everyone knows his blows can leave a black eye.

Jin nodded at Tatsuya and showed him where Tomohisa is. Since Pi was still busy talking with the JE senpai‘s such as Takizawa Hideaki and Tsubasa Imai, Tatsuya decided to get a non-alcoholic beverage in the bar and wait for their conversation to finish before he snatches Yamapi‘s undivided attention.

Unfortunately, when Tatsuya got to the bar, his arch-nemesis chose to sit beside him.

“Could I have a non-alcoholic beverage please?” Tatsuya said to the bar man.

“Pft! I thought Ueda-sama would buy the most expensive liquor in the house. Aren’t you the heir to Ueda Corporations? I don‘t even know why you‘re wasting your time being in JE when you could do much more helpful things for Japan‘s economy in your Father‘s company. If I were you, I‘d ditch JE and join my father.” Nishikido Ryo exclaimed in sarcasm.

“Then, why don’t you become his son, Nishikido? Besides, I don’t know how that’s of any significance to anything. You don‘t live my life for me so you don‘t really have a say in anything that I do. Now, if you‘ll excuse me.” Tatsuya replied, irritated. He continued, “Are you done? Could you leave me alone now? I’d like to leave this place in peace. Go bother someone else who’s in your level.”

“Tsk. Whatever fishlips! Barman, open me a bottle of Diva Vodka and place it on Ueda-sama’s tab.”

“But Nishikido-kun, Diva Vodka costs $1,060,000 a bottle!” The barman hesitantly exclaimed.

“Shut up, you! You just work here! Obey me -- unless, donkey here would say something otherwise.”

“…” Tatsuya didn’t want this non-sense to cause a HUGE commotion, which could mean trouble for Tomohisa, so he complied. Tatsuya nodded at the barman signalling him to go ahead and open a bottle. Afterall, money is just money and the Ueda household definitely has an abundant supply of that -- a never-ending amount of cash flow. Thus, Tatsuya would rather give in to Nishikido’s taunting rather than ruin Tomohisa’s party.

“See, barman?! Now, go and fucking open a bottle!” Ryo drunkenly yelled at the employee.

The barman handed Ryo the bottle of Diva Vodka and then, he poured himself and Uchi a glass of it. Uchi who was sitting on the other side of Tatsuya.

Suddenly and out of nowhere, Ryo pulled Tatsuya for a lustful and passionate kiss. Tatsuya gulped the mouthful worth of vodka from Ryo’s mouth. Soon after, Uchi did the exact same thing as Ryo -- making Tatsuya drink the vodka in their own mouths. This cycle continued until the bottle was half-empty. Hence, by the time that Ryo and Uchi’s finished playing a prank on him, Tatsuya was completely wasted for such reasons:

1. Extremely high-quality vodka.
2. Inability to contain liquor -- both hard and soft.

Of course, all of this didn’t go unnoticed, since as soon as he was done sending off his senpai’s, Yamashita Tomohisa quickly came to Tatsuya’s side to aid him.

“Ryo-chan, Uchi-kun -- the both of you should stop bullying Ueda-kun! He hasn’t done anything to deserve this!” Tomohisa exclaimed in Tatsuya’s defense.

“But Pi, without bullying donkey here, I wouldn’t get my daily dose of high -- which only comes from pranking him. Besides, he’s a great kisser.” Ryo replied with a conceited grin on his face.

“Damn right! His kisses are enough to make me hard. I wonder how great he is in bed.” Uchi said in stupor.

“Drink up, Pi! This alcohol is quite pricey. Then, kiss him real hard with this vodka. Ueda is too f*cking hot when drunk. Holy sh*t, I think I need to relieve myself in the nearest washroom stall.”

“NISHIKIDO! HIROKI! The two of you should refrain from talking about Tatsuya in such a way! He doesn’t deserve it!” Tomohisa said angrily. He only uses his friends last names when he’s mad; supposedly, to serve as a warning for them to back off.

“Doesn’t deserve it?! Doesn’t f*cking deserve it!? Of course, he does! This boy is the toy for all of JE, isn’t he!? Tell me -- who the f*ck in this room he hasn’t slept with! I doubt you’d be able to go past 5 fingers, all right!”

“Ryo, this is alcohol talking right now. Don’t create such a big scene! Get yourself out of here and freshen yourself up. We’ll talk in the morning when you’re more sober.” Tomohisa shook his head; his night isn’t going so well.

“What?! Why are you kicking me out? You should kick HIM out! Not me!”

“You know what, Nishikido? Grow the f*ck up, alright? Just because he didn’t sleep with you when you had the chance to, doesn’t justify you treating him this way! Seriously, you’ve got to stop being such a b*tch about it! If you‘re not going to leave, then I‘ll leave and take him with me!” Yamapi said in pure anger.

“You can’t ditch your own party!” Uchi said in the sidelines.

“WATCH. ME.” Tomohisa said as he picked up Tatsuya in one arm and carried him on his shoulders and out of the club.

Of course, Tomohisa doesn’t have a clue as to where and what sort of car Tatsuya has. Also, he didn’t bring his own car that night since he hitched a ride from Matsumoto Jun.

Hence, he ended up calling Jin down to help him deal with the sound asleep Tatsuya. Indeed, Tatsuya passed out.

Tomohisa saw Jin groggy on his feet -- he called Jin to come over.

“Jin, where’s Ueda-kun’s car?” Tomohisa asked his drunken friend.

“Bh-kslghaa…slkieuhtifjsklaaaaaron.” Jin replied.

“What!?” Tomohisa asked in confusion. He knew that asking Jin the same thing twice, in such a state, is useless. Hence, he fumbled for the keys in Jin’s jeans.

True enough, Jin had Tatsuya keys -- which Jin most likely stole from Tatsuya to prevent his friend from leaving the club without his knowledge.

Tomohisa knew that the keys he’s got, belonged to Tatsuya, since his name is encrypted on it. Tomohisa clicked on the remote starter and followed where the noise came from.

Upon seeing Tatsuya’s ride, Tomohisa’s beyond shocked since Tatsuya sported a BUGATTI VEYRON which costs $1.7 million dollars!

‘Sh*t, that rich, huh.’ Yamapi thought. It definitely intrigued him that someone so rich would work such long hours to acquire more money for an old man like Johnny-san. Since it piqued his curiosity, Tomohisa definitely wants to find out more about Ueda.

‘No wonder he’s so beautiful. He’s very well-taken care of. Everything about Ueda-kun seems so surreal somehow. Damn it, now’s not the time to think such impure thoughts!’ Yamapi thought to himself.

Tomohisa placed Tatsuya in the front-row beside the driver’s seat. Thereafter, he saw Jin hop in the driver’s seat which made him yell out, “Jin, don’t even think about it! Get your ass in the back seat! I’m the only sober one so I’m driving.”

Because Jin can’t really comprehend anything, Tomohisa had no choice but grab Jin in the collar and forcefully place him in the back seat before take-off.

After settling the other two with properly fastened seat-belts, Tomohisa hopped in the driver’s seat. Only one problem though, he doesn’t know where Tatsuya lives and both Jin and Tatsuya are passed out. Tomohisa eyed the GPS installed in Tatsuya’s car and started to explore it -- with the hopes that Tatsuya’s current address is inputted in the memory.

Tomohisa started the car and drove off to wherever the GPS might lead him. However, instead of the address leading him to Tatsuya’s Tokyo apartment, it led him to an out-of-town mansion.

Tomohisa pressed the bell located at the gate entrance and showed his face in the camera.

“I’m Yamashita Tomohisa of Johnny’s. I’m a friend of Ueda Tatsuya and Akanishi Jin is also here with me.”

Thereafter, the gate electronically opened by itself. Slowly, Tomohisa drove further in -- which revealed a Mediterranean-looking mansion.

Tomohisa parked the car right in front of the entrance of the house, where two maids helped him carry the KAT-TUN members into Tatsuya’s room.

“I apologize for causing you so much trouble, Yamashita-san.” The butler bowed gently.

“I don’t mind it. Afterall, they‘re my friends.” Tomohisa smiled nervously.

“Oh. Well, then. I apologize but I’m a tad bit surprised since Ueda-sama rarely brings his friends over to the mansion.”

“Ah, about that .. he didn’t have his Tokyo apartment address inputted in his car’s GPS and the only address I could find brought us here. I’m sorry for the unannounced visit.”

“Don’t be, Yamashita-san. I’m grateful you brought Ueda-sama along but it’s really rare for him to be so drunk since he never drank alcohol in the past.” The butler eyed Tomohisa with curiosity.

“Could I just check on my friends for a while before I leave?” Tomohisa said nervously; which totally changed the topic.

“Sure. It’s on the 2nd floor, to your right. They’re in the 5th door. I won’t see you out since I still have errands to finish, even this late. Once again, thank you. Have a good night and take care on the road, Yamashita-san.”

Tomohisa merely nodded and said, “Thank you.” Then, he proceeded to where his friends are located. Surprisingly, the maids placed both Jin and Tatsuya on the same bed.

“Excuse me, but how come you took their clothes off?” Tomohisa asked curiously.

“Yamashita-kun, it’s because it’s hot and they’ll most likely end up sweating away. The balcony doors and windows are not to be opened when Ueda-sama is asleep for fear that someone may harm him. Also, the aircons are still yet to be fixed since they’ve broken down. Besides, Ueda-sama and Akanishi-kun hasn’t taken a shower yet; hence, we are strictly instructed to clean them with hot cloth, perfume and such. Also, the mistress doesn’t like it when her Charlotte Thomas Bespoke sheets diminish in quality through constant washing.” The first maid confessed.

Tomohisa merely nodded at the detailed and in-depth explanation of the maid.

The second maid proclaimed, “The bed sheets, comforters, pillowcases and everything else are of the finest merino wool with thousand-count Egyptian cotton sheet, threaded with 22 carat gold. They‘re $2,400 dollars a piece. Hence, it‘s quite expensive to wash them since they need to be taken care of, delicately.”

Everything about Ueda Tatsuya intrigued Tomohisa. He’ll definitely take time to get to know the lonely, stoic, beautiful and sexy Tatsuya but for now, he had to leave. He didn’t have any more reason to stay and as much as he wanted to stay, his presence is most likely unwelcome since Tatsuya himself barely goes to this mansion.

Reluctantly, Tomohisa bids the maids goodbye as soon as he witnessed how fast asleep Tatsuya was.

For now, it was enough that Tatsuya took the time and effort to attend his birthday celebration. Besides, Tomohisa invited him specifically tonight since he had noticed how beautiful and sexy Tatsuya became especially during the time when he became a guest in the Queen Of Pirates concert.

At first, Tomohisa became curious of Tatsuya because of boxing since Tomohisa himself is interested in the sport and would like to try it out. Gradually though, it became so much more, especially when he saw how cute Tatsuya was when he smiled whole-heartedly. It simply melted his heart.

That night, Tomohisa handled everything right.
Except for one thing.
And that one thing would be to leave Akanishi Jin alone with the unsuspecting Ueda Tatsuya.
Because from tomorrow onwards, the rivalry begins.


1. Picture of the Small Orb Silver Pendant:

2. Tantra Men’s Club:

3. Bugatti Veyron -- $1.7 million: the most expensive and fastest accelerating street-legal production car in the world. In other words, it’s just perfect for speed-obsessed millionaires.

4. $1,060,000 - Diva Vodka

This bottle of vodka hails from Scotland and its price is the result of how much “bling” you want your bottle to have. The bottle can be encrusted with precious gems: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, etc. Blackwood Distillers makes this triple distilled vodka that is ice-filtered through Nordic birch charcoal and then for some reason is passed through a sand of crushed diamonds and other gems.

5. Charlotte Thomas Bespoke: the most expensive bed sheets in the world. The sheets are made of the finest merino wool backed with thousand-count Egyptian cotton sheet, they’re also threaded with 22 carat gold. These luxurious sheets are handmade. The pillowcases alone cost £1,200 (around $2,400 USD).

*uepi, -indulge in sin, *pida, *jinda

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