
Jan 01, 2009 17:40

Title: Rebound.
Chapter: 2 of 2.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: Ryoda, a bit of Jinda.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Ueda Tatsuya has one-sided love for Akanishi Jin. Nishikido Ryo feels a one-sided love for Yamashita Tomohisa. But then, somehow, both Tatsuya and Ryo work something out upon their chance encounter and find comfort with each other.

The very next morning, Ueda Tatsuya woke up with a start. He examined his surroundings only to come to the conclusion that he’s in a hotel -- naked. With the self-proclaimed sexy Osaka man -- also -- naked.

Tatsuya blushed profusely upon the gorgeous sight of Ryo’s naked body, while trying his best to remember the details of what had occurred between them the night before.

Tatsuya started to gather his clothing carelessly thrown on the floor, as quietly as he could so that he could exit out of the scene as soon as he can.

When he came out of the bathroom after putting his clothes on, he was about to head for the door when Ryo said, “Leaving without a word, are you? I can‘t even believe that you can still walk after last night. I guess I wasn‘t rough enough.”

“Shut up, Nishikido. It does hurt a bit and it‘s all your fault that I‘m walking like a statue! Besides, I didn‘t want to wake you up.” Tatsuya said with a smile while he blushed.

“Don’t give me your lame excuses, Ueda. You just wanted to get out of here and treat this as a one-night stand, right?” Ryo grinned as he smoked his last reserve of death stick.

“This is a one-night stand though.”

“Yeah. But you don’t have to make it awkward! We’re in the 21st century. Unless, you’re a virgin!”

“Oi! Who’s a virgin! I’m-- I’m .. not.. you know, a virgin. Grow up, Nishikido!”

“Yeah, whatever. You were a virgin when I took you last night. I was your first guy, wasn’t I? Heh, and you dare be infatuated with someone so experienced like Jin? No wonder he didn’t like you, you’ve no experience!”

“You don’t have to rub it in, bastard.” Ueda averted his gaze away from Ryo’s.

‘Insensitive, jerk.’ Ueda thought.

“All right, I’m sorry. If it makes you feel better, you’re good for a virgin. But then again, you’re my first virgin so I have no one else to compare with. Anyways, let’s go drinking again some time. Just call me when you feel lonely.” Ryo winked at Tatsuya.

Ueda blushed, which Ryo finds extremely cute.

“Oh and next time you make love to me, make sure not to yell out some other guy’s name in my presence! I’ll let you off this time! But the next time you do it again, I’ll punish you.” Ryo said as if to dare Tatsuya. Of course, Ryo doesn’t mind punishing Tatsuya in pleasurable ways.

“As if there’d be a next time! You wish!” Ueda looked pointedly at Ryo.

“Just so we’re clear, you were the one who seduced me last night!” Ryo said and stretched seductively on the bed while locking eyes with Ueda.

“I don’t believe you! That’s not possible!” Ueda yelled and left the hotel in a hurry.

‘As if I could seduce people! I can’t even properly seduce people while I’m sober so how could I possibly seduce people while drunk?’ Ueda thought.

Unlike Ueda Tatsuya who remains as faithful as he can to the one he likes, Nishikido Ryo doesn’t possess enough willpower to persevere and pursue someone that doesn’t reciprocate his feelings. Simply put, he was born impatient. Hence, it’s normal for him to give up on his feelings for Yamashita Tomohisa over night since his feelings for Yamapi weren’t that deep in the first place.

However, Ueda Tatsuya was entirely different. He’s the total opposite of Nishikido Ryo. He doesn’t move on as fast as Ryo does. He’s the type that lingers even when everybody else has moved on.

Since Ueda Tatsuya was extremely devastated and depressed over the fact that Jin now has a lover, he allowed himself to drown his miseries. Whereas, Nishikido Ryo didn’t feel the need to drink much. Hence, he wasn’t drunk at all when he did things with Ueda. Of course, he had to remain sober to witness the greatest love-making session he’s ever had. Ueda Tatsuya had to be the sexiest man alive. Truth be told, he admits defeat. Ueda Tatsuya might just be as sexy as he is, if not sexier.

Hence, Nishikido Ryo now has a new prospect. Somehow, he has some sort of attachment to Tatsuya now whether Tatsuya likes it or not, whether Tatsuya remembers it or not. It doesn’t matter. As long as, Ryo remembers the sensational, wild and passionate love that had taken place between them.


“Hey Tat-chan!” Jin called over.

“…” Tatsuya wanted to get away from Jin. However, Jin was able to grab a hold of his arm.

“Tatsuya, listen -- are you alright? You walk funny.”

“I’m fine. I fell on the stairs.” Ueda averted his gaze since he can’t lie with a straight face. Of course, Jin knew this, so to begin with, Ueda shouldn’t have lied.

“If you say so. But hey, how about we grab something to eat after work? My treat. Then, we’ll play the guitar together so I could help you out with your new composition. How’s that sound?” Jin smiled whole-heartedly.

“No. I don’t want to take your time. It’s fine.”

“I couldn‘t be with you yesterday to practice and I‘d really like to make up for that. I‘m really sorry.”

“You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. It’s okay, already. So, let’s just forget about it, alright?”

“Yes, I do and it’s definitely not okay so I can’t just forget about it.”
“Seriously, it’s fine.”

“Though, I insist.”

“Alright, fine. Then, I guess I’ll meet you after work.”

Ueda dreaded it. He didn’t want to talk about yesterday’s issue. But knowing Jin, sooner or later, it has to be resolved. So, it’s better to just get it over with, now.

After work.

“So, where did you want to go?”

“I was thinking of just treating you to some Aragawa food but then, I thought about it again and maybe I should just cook for you.”

“Do you really think that’s a good idea? I mean, you can’t cook worth a damn without accidents happening plus restaurants are much more convenient.”

“But I’d really like to speak with you, undisturbed.”

“Fine, do whatever you want.”


At Jin’s Bachelor pad.

While eating dinner, they discuss the events of the day before.

“Tat-chan, what you said yesterday, while we were in Aragawa -- that I’m your most important person, what did you mean by that?”

“What could I possible mean by that? Obviously, as a friend.”
Denial at its finest.

“I’ve been with you for the longest time and I know when you lie to me. It’s alright if you don’t want to say it but by any chance, would you happen to love me?”

Ueda was taken aback by his question.

“What?! No -- no! Of course not! Me fall in love with you? Don’t joke around!”

“Because you keep being in denial, I’ll just have to ask your body.” Jin says and grabs Ueda’s head. Forcefully, Jin kisses Tatsuya passionately. For the first few seconds, Tatsuya tries his best to resist Jin’s advances. However, Jin’s just too skillful. Hence, a few seconds later, Tatsuya stopped resisting and started to feel instead. Besides, it’s not like he didn’t want this! He prayed for this to happen!

When both were breathless, Jin still had his hands possessively on Ueda’s hair and the other, on Ueda’s waist, as if to support Tatsuya’s weight. Due to Jin’s undeniable skill, Tatsuya remained weak on the knees as if to bend and give out. Tatsuya’s mind became blank, so he closed his eyes -- a reaction which brought delight to Jin.

Jin grinned and said, “At least, your body’s being honest. Here’s your reward.” Jin leaned down and savoured Tatsuya’s neck only to have it be bitten, causing Tatsuya to moan in pleasure. Of course, it left marks. Jin didn’t stop at one, two or three, but rather at 7.

“I’ve marked you. You‘re so gorgeous, Tatsuya.” Jin said seductively with half-lidded, lustful eyes. At Tatsuya’s adorable reaction, Jin licked his lips alluringly, as if addicted to Tatsuya’s taste.

“Let’s mark your entire body.” Jin said and proceeded doing so, when he became interrupted with a phone call.

It kind of ruined the mood and pissed Jin to no ends. Still, he didn’t want to pick it up and even threw his phone across the room. But the ringing didn’t stop.

“Jin, just pick it up. It might be Yamashita-san wondering of your whereabouts.”

Ueda felt more than guilty, he felt disgusted with himself. To sleep with a man who already has a lover. He hated himself for it. Now, he is no better than a slut. He didn’t like it at all. He wanted to get out of there, NOW! He doesn’t want to hurt Jin by committing a sin with him.

On the other hand, Jin didn’t know why Tatsuya would bring up Tomohisa’s name at a time like this.

“I’m sorry, Tat-chan. We’ll continue in a few minutes. Hang on.”

Jin went to another room to accept the call.
“Hey bastard! You freaking interrupted me! You’ll pay for this!”

“Ahh, for reals?! Oh then, I’m sorry! How am I supposed to know you were doing that? I’m not psychic! Anyways, if you’re done, let’s go chill!” Ryo said.

“I can’t. I’m hanging out with someone special right now. Go bother someone else!” Jin said, obviously irritated.

“I can’t because I have a confession to make!” Ryo grinned like an idiot on his end of the phone.

“Then, hurry and confess! Make it quick! What is it?!”

“I think.. I think I may be in love. I’m in love with someone you know.”

“What the fuck? That was so random! But damn, I guess this is important since it’s the first time for you to be you know what. Alright, then come over and hang out.”

After the phone call, Jin goes back to the other room where Tatsuya is. To Jin’s surprise, Tatsuya’s no longer dishevelled. In fact, his clothes are neatly back on again.

“I’m really sorry but we’ll continue later because someone’s coming over.”

Ueda’s face flushed. He looked at Jin guiltily, “Then, would you like me to take my leave first?”
It confused Jin that Tatsuya makes such comments but instead he said, “By all means, please don’t leave. I promised you dinner. So, let’s eat together, alright?”

Jin smiled at Tatsuya which Tatsuya didn’t reciprocate.

Tatsuya didn’t want to cry but it seems that he can no longer contain the tears that threatened to fall.

It surprised Jin that Tatsuya’s still adorable even when he’s crying.

‘But wait, why is he crying? Did I do or say something? What?!’ Jin thought, even more confused now than ever.

Jin went to sit beside Tatsuya and started to caress his tear-stained face, “Hey Tatsuya, don’t cry. Why are you crying? Did I do something?”

“You’re so cruel, Jin. I hate you so much. I can’t believe you want me to stay here even though your lover, Yamashita-san is coming over to spend time with you. How do you think I’d feel? I’m already feeling guilty as it is!”

“Yamapi!? What’s Yamapi got to do with this? What lover? I don’t understand what you’re talking about, Ueda!”

“In Aragawa,I heard that you were meeting the love of your life and when I got there, you were with Yamashita-san!” Ueda said accusingly.

Jin chuckled. It has got to be the funniest misunderstanding ever. Jin’s laughing ticked Ueda off.

When Jin has settled down, “I’m sorry but it’s just so funny to me.”

“How can you think it’s funny?! When it’s obviously not!” Ueda said angrily.

“Alright, calm down. I’ll explain. That rumour is true. I did go there to meet the love of my life. She’s a beautiful woman with long and silky black hair. She has gorgeous eyes and she’s tall.”

“Oh thanks! Knowing that she’s a woman doesn’t make me feel any better!” Ueda said, dripping with sarcasm.

Jin cut in, “Most importantly, she looks like me. Because the ‘love of my life’ they’re referring to, is my mother.”

Tatsuya was shocked to hear this so he was left speechless. Jin merely laughed.

“Seriously, I can’t believe you were jealous of my mother! Anyways, Yamapi was there because my mom asked me specifically to bring Pi. When you and Ryo-chan left, is when my mom came over. I was going to ask you to stay but then I didn’t have the chance to.” Jin grinned and winked at Tatsuya.

Ueda wished to disappear right this second! Ueda blushed profusely and thought, ‘How embarrassing can I get!!!!’

“I’m sorry.” Ueda mumbled softly, barely audible.
“Forgiven. But now, I changed my mind. I’d actually like for us to continue where we left off.” Jin changed his mind since he found Tatsuya even cuter now after what had just happened. So, Jin leaned in to kiss him when Tatsuya put a hand on Jin’s face to stop his advances.

“We can’t. I thought you said someone was coming over.”

“Yes but screw him.” Jin grinned like how a wolf lusts after his prey.


Sometime later.

The doorbell rang. Tatsuya went to get the door since Jin is nowhere in sight. He opened the door only to find Nishikido Ryo standing there. Both were shocked to find the other in Jin’s pad.

Immediately, Ryo opened the door with such force. He’s really angry upon finding Tatsuya in Jin’s home. More importantly, he’s more infuriated with the realization that Tatsuya’s the subject of Jin’s libido half an hour ago when Jin yelled at him over the phone for interrupting him. If only Ryo had known, he’d have been here faster than lightning. If only Ryo had known, he wouldn’t even let Jin touch a single hair that belonged to Tatsuya. Because Ryo felt that what belongs to Tatsuya, belonged to him. He’s infuriated. He’s angry. He’s insanely jealous.

“Ryo, why don’t you come inside?” Jin smiled from within and continued to the kitchen. Jin’s smile, however, made Ryo reach his boiling point. The thing with Ryo is, when he goes berserk with anger, no one knows what he would and could do.

“SHUT UP, JIN! YOUR COOKING TASTE LIKE SHIT!” Ryo grabbed Tatsuya out of there and forcefully shoved Tatsuya inside his car -- parked down below Jin’s pad.

Jin came out of the kitchen in search of Tatsuya and Ryo, only to find his pad empty with the door open.

‘What the hell?’ Jin thought irately, ‘Where the fuck are they?’

Jin tried contacting Tatsuya first but apparently, Tatsuya left his belongings in his pad. Then, he tried Ryo’s but he wouldn’t pick up. Out of frustration, Jin threw his phone across the room for the second time that day. This time, more harshly than the first since he’s extremely pissed off by now.


“Nishikido, where do you plan on taking me?”

“My home. Where else?” Ryo smiled. At the stoplight, Ryo forced his lips upon Tatsuya until the latter accepted his kiss willingly.

To Tatsuya, it came as a shock that Ryo seemed to have put some sort of pill in his mouth.

“Ryo, don’t tell me you slipped me a sleeping pill!”

“Nah, rather than a sleeping pill, I slipped a pill that’ll definitely make you feel more alive! More sensitive, per se.”

Tatsuya’s eyes bulged, he couldn’t believe that Ryo would use aphrodisiac on him. Tatsuya knew that it didn’t take long for the pill to work.

Of course, Tatsuya’s right. The pill started to take effect only several minutes later after he’d swallowed it. Like Ryo said, Tatsuya felt hot and sensitive. He didn’t know what he should do. It’s his first time to be drugged like this. His senses are going crazy.

“Don’t worry, love. I’ll take care of that in 2 minutes. We’re close to my pad.”


Without even reaching the door yet, Ryo already started to undress Tatsuya while making their way to the bedroom.

Of course, Tatsuya’s body is more than willing to accept Ryo’s advances since Ueda feels so hot. He aches to be touched. His body demands it. Tatsuya wonders if he’s willing due to the drug or to his own personal feelings or both.

Ryo became impatient to take off Tatsuya’s clothing so he ended up ripping it apart and tearing it to shreds. Ryo’s excitement turned to pure anger when he realized that several hickeys have marred Tatsuya’s perfect porcelain skin.

He grabbed Tatsuya by the shoulder and forced his lips again on Tatsuya’s lips as if to claim him. After being breathless, Ryo focused his attention on re-marking Tatsuya’s body with his own and replace the marks left by Jin earlier.

Of course, Ryo gets rough on Ueda the whole entire night.


The next morning, Ueda couldn’t even dare to stand at all. His backside hurt so much from how Ryo handled him the night before.

Ryo faced Tatsuya and caressed his face, “I’m sorry for being so rough on you last night. I couldn’t help myself. I felt so consumed with jealousy. Because Jin held you.”

“No, he didn’t. You interrupted us in the middle of his confession.”

“I know. But still, he marked you! If I had known you’re the one there with him yesterday, I’d have been there as soon as I could instead of half an hour later.”

“Why are you jealous anyways? It’s not like there’s anything between us. It’s just casual sex, isn’t it?”

“No, it’s not. Obviously, I like you or I wouldn’t have gone through so much trouble trying to steal you away from my best friend. You know, it’s the first time I’ve done that. To Jin of all people.”

“Since when did you like me? Weren’t you in love with Yamashita-san or something?”

“I was never in love with him. Sure, I may have been infatuated with him before, but love? I don’t think so. Because compared to what I feel for you now, what I felt for Pi can’t even compare. Instead of that, would you accept me?”

“I don’t know, Nishikido. I’ll have to think about it.”


Jin tried to get into contact with Ryo for the 50th time and finally Ryo answered, “Hello?”

“Nishikido, you! Where did you bring Tat-chan? I was so worried! He did a no-show at work!”

“He’s resting here in my place.”

“All right, I’ll come right over and pick him up since he has no ride.”

“I can drive him later.”

“No. I’d like to see him now, please.”

“If you insist. Oh and by the way, the person I’m in love with, is here with us. Come see for yourself.”


Jin comes to Ryo’s house only to find Ueda naked on Ryo’s bed. Rather than being shocked, Jin is angry. Angry enough to want to murder Ryo.

It made sense to Jin now. All of it simply made sense. Ryo’s lover is Tat-chan so it’s only normal that Tatsuya is who Ryo’s in love with.

It pissed him off. More than, actually.

Jin yelled at Tatsuya in anger, “Get out of this bed! I’m taking you with me!”

With knowing Jin, Tatsuya forced himself to get up but failed miserably. Instead, he fell on the ground. Jin hurries to help him up.

‘That rough, huh.’ Jin thought inwardly.

“Who gave you permission to take him?” Ryo said with dominance.

“Right back at cha!” Jin said with the same amount of authority.

“The two of you, stop it! Or else, I’ll disappear from the sight of you both!” Tatsuya said aloud.

“If you do, then I’ll find you first!” Ryo retaliated.

“Not if I can help it!” Jin shouted back.

“Please. Just please give me time to think things over and I’ll give you an answer.”

The pair nodded. Jin helped Tatsuya get dressed and both of them left to go film White Xmas PV.

A month later, Jin called Ryo.

“Can’t we share?” Jin pleaded.
“No, I’ve shared my past lovers with you before. But just this once, I don’t want to share. Get your own.” Ryo said with venom.

“Fine! You know what? I’ll wait until you break up. Just you wait!” Jin retorted.

“Like we will! Yeah, right! Keep dreaming!”

Apparently, because Tatsuya can be extremely sentimental, he had ended up choosing Ryo. Mainly, it was because Ryo was his first and besides, Ryo isn’t that hard to love.


“Hime-chan, Merry Christmas! This is your reward for not calling out Jin‘s name during our love-making sessions! It just means that you love me more now.” Ryo said to Tatsuya as he handed him a small, velvety box.

“Shut up, Nishikido!” Tatsuya lightly slapped him in the shoulder.

Ueda Tatsuya became teary-eyed upon the sight of such a beautiful gold band. A ring -- is the most treasured gift he had received from anyone.

Ryo put the ring on Tatsuya’s wedding finger. Afterwards, Ryo shows his Tatsuya that he has the exact same ring on his own wedding finger.

“But I thought you hated cheesy things like couple rings and stuff!” Tatsuya smiled.

“I did, until you came along and changed my mind. I like doing cheesy things like this with you, after all. Just you, though.” Ryo said with a smile and kissed Tatsuya passionately on the lips.

“Since we’re together now, could I request something of you?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Could you stop being so pretty all the time?”

“How does one go about doing that sort of thing, Nishikido? Besides, I’m required to eat healthy foods only for boxing!”

“Well, if you can’t stop yourself from being so pretty, could you tone the smiling down a bit? Because when you smile, everybody notices how pretty you are. So for me, could you please tone it down a bit? I already have my hands full with Akanishi. I seriously don‘t want anymore rivals vying for the princess.”

Ueda pokes him in the eye. Ryo yells, “Ouch! Why did you do that for?”

“For calling me princess all the time! How can you even dare ask this question! Anyways, who the hecks a princess here!”

“But you are! Acting so cute -- makes me want to jump you!”

“Oi! Oi! Stop it with this jumping!”

The two start to tickle each other until Ryo calls it quits.

“Seriously though, Ueda, please tone down your beauty and cuteness a bit or otherwise -- ”.

“Fine. I will.” Tatsuya replies before Ryo could continue his sentence. Tatsuya further assures his current lover by sealing it with a sweet kiss.


A/N: The last parts between Jin and Ryo were meant as comedy. Anyways, no smut or NC-17 stuff here. I’ve to keep my fics clean because some people in my friends list knows who I am in real life. Some of them even read my fics too *blushes*. Hence, I don’t want to embarrass myself when I see them. LOL! Hehehehe. Happy New Years, everyone! Cheers! May 2009 fulfill your wishes. =D

*ryoda, -rebound, *jinda

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