
Dec 29, 2008 13:47

Title: Rebound.
Chapter: 1 of 2.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: Ryoda, a bit of Jinda.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Ueda Tatsuya has one-sided love for Akanishi Jin. Nishikido Ryo feels a one-sided love for Yamashita Tomohisa. But then, somehow, both Tatsuya and Ryo work something out upon their chance encounter and find comfort with each other.

The sad thing is, it wasn’t even a love paradox. Definitely not. Because a love paradox would have two people already together -- one more in love than the other. However, whatever ‘this’ is -- is simply more pathetic. ‘This’ refers to One-Sided Love. Definitely more pathetic. Or so Tatsuya and Ryo thought.

Because as much as they didn’t want to admit their one-sided love, it’s a fact that both of them can’t run away from. It’s a fact that both of them are suffering from.

“Jin, do you have time to come over tonight? I’d really like for us to play the guitar together. I’m trying to compose a new song.” Tatsuya smiled at the object of his affections. Of course, Jin remains clueless of Ueda’s feelings.

“I’m really sorry, Tat-chan. But I already promised someone that I’d meet them. So, I can’t. Maybe next time.” Jin looked sincerely apologetic.

“Oh, is that so? Well, I guess there’s always a next time. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t be late for filming!” Tatsuya smiled as he waved goodbye, even though his heart ached.

From around the corner, some Juniors were murmuring about rumours concerning Jin which Ueda overheard.

“What are you guys talking about?” Tatsuya interrupted.

“N--nothing, Ueda senpai.”

“Spill it or else.” Tatsuya eyed the three of them.

“It’s just been going around that Akanishi senpai is going to meet the love of his life today and everybody’s been betting on whether or not he’ll be accepted. Of course, only the debuted groups are betting on it. Us juniors seriously have nothing to do with it, Ueda senpai.” The three juniors cowered.

Tatsuya merely nodded and said, “Alright, you may go.”

‘Love of his life, huh.’


Tatsuya was about to go home when he saw Jin on his way to meeting the so-called ‘love of his life’. Since he wasn’t doing anything that night in the first place, Tatsuya decided to follow suit. Truly, it’s not like he’s stalking Jin or anything. Denial!

Following Jin led him in front of Aragawa, the most expensive restaurant in Tokyo located in Shinbashi district. $500 dollars per person for Wagyu Beef that melts in people’s mouths. With that aside, Tatsuya wondered what sort of important person Jin must be meeting to go in a place like this because Jin didn’t like to pay for expensive things unnecessarily. Lover or not. Besides, Jin is known to be a good-eater. Hence, he’s the kind of guy that would eat anything. At least, Ueda knew this much. So, for Jin to come to such a place, the person that he is meeting must be someone extremely important.

Ueda was about to go inside when he bumped into someone really hard because his attention was on Jin that he didn’t bother to pay attention to where he was going. Without looking up, Ueda apologized. To Ueda’s surprise, Nishikido Ryo was yelling at him.

“OUCH! Hime, you! How do I know you’re really sorry? Next thing I know, you did it on purpose!” Ryo said accusingly.

“Grow up, Nishikido. Do you really take me for such a childish idiot who would devise such a measly plan to headbutt you? Seriously. Maybe that’s what you think because that’s the sort of thing you normally do. Anyway, if that’s all then, I’m taking my leave first.” Ueda said with a sigh without even looking back at Nishikido.

Ueda was already walking away when Nishikido grabbed him by the arm.

“Wait a second. Since you’re already here, could you help me out a bit?” Nishikido asked Ueda. Of course, this came as a shock. Nishikido asking Ueda for a favour is something that Tatsuya himself never imagined to happen in a million years.

“Since it’s rare for you to ask me for help, I guess just this once, I’ll help you out. That is, if it’s reasonable.” Ueda replied.

“I want to eat lunch there and I don’t want to go alone. Could you come with me? I‘d pay for your meal.”

“Are you sure you’re willing to spend $500 dollars on a stranger to simply eat with you? You could ask one of your friends to come now.”

“I could but then, there’s no time. I need to go in there now.”

“It’s either you’re really starving or you’re spying on someone.” Ueda said. Ueda would know since that’s exactly what he was doing prior to bumping painfully into Nishikido earlier. Right about now, Nishikido’s blushing profusely. It seems that Ueda hit the bullseye.

“I guess I could go with you since you’re paying.” Ueda replied but more importantly, Tatsuya also wanted to see what Jin’s doing inside and who he’s meeting with.

Upon entrance, Nishikido spotted Yamapi instantly which surprised Ueda. Because Yamashita-kun’s having dinner with Jin. It surprised him that they’re together.

‘The love of his life is Yamashita-kun?’ Ueda thought. Under normal circumstances, Tatsuya would be compelled to cry right about now. However, as it were, Tatsuya was more shocked than anything. Hence, the tears just won’t come out even though he’s feeling devastated inside.

“Ryo-chan, how come you’re here?” Yamapi smiled and a second later, added, “With Ueda-kun?”

“Hey Jin. I didn’t think it was Yamashita-san that you were meeting up with.”

“Oh yeah. Tatsuya, come sit beside me.” Then, Jin dragged Ueda down to the empty space right next to him.

“So, what brings you guys here?” Yamapi asked while looking directly at Ueda. It intrigued him that Ryo would show up with Ueda of all people.

Ueda was about to answer when Ryo nervously cut in, “Didn’t you guys know? We’re friends. We message each other and catch up once in a while and this is one of those times. It just so happens that you guys are here too.”

“Tatsuya, I didn’t know that you’re close with Ryo.” Jin looked at Tatsuya’s eyes, deeply.

“Is that what it looks like? It’s only very recent that we became this close. Don’t worry, Jin -- you’re still my most important person.” Ueda slipped. Immediately, he covered his mouth, blushing beet red. How could he utter such a thing at such a critical moment? In front of Jin’s lover of all people! Jin would definitely hate him now, for sure.

Surprised at what he just revealed, Tatsuya stood up to leave. He wanted to get out of there as soon as he can for fear of suffocation. Since both Yamapi and Jin can be quite air-headed at the best of times, neither of them stood up to chase after Ueda since they were still trying to process the meaning behind Ueda’s words. However, upon realization, Ryo stood up and ran after Tatsuya as fast as he could.

Finally, after so much stamina wasted, Ryo caught sight of Ueda and grabbed him forcefully to make him stop.

Panting, Ryo said, “Back there -- don’t tell me -- don’t tell me that you have feelings for Akanishi?”

With tears on the corners of his beautiful eyes, Ueda replied honestly, “Yes, I do.”

For a second that seemed like forever, Ryo hugged Tatsuya with all his might -- to comfort him since Ryo knows all too well the feeling of one-sided love. How much pain and how much damage it can do to a person.

Ryo offered Tatsuya his hand, “Come, from now on, we’ll be drinking buddies. Let’s drown our sorrows away.. only to wake up and let the sorrow swallow us all over again the next day -- which is why drinking buddies are important. Come drink with me, Tatsuya.”

Together they drink and wallow in their miseries.


A/N: Excited for New Year’s! ^^ Oh, and before I write a fic, I tend not to read other fics beforehand in order to keep my fics original. Because there are times when we become influenced by other sources unconsciously and incorporate that into our own work. To avoid this, I don’t read the work of others before I write a fic. Hence, I apologize for not being able to comment on your latest fanfics, everyone! Once I’m done with my own writing, I’ll start to read yours and comment. Definitely!! =D

*ryoda, -rebound, *jinda

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