White Christmas.

Dec 18, 2008 19:41

Title: White Christmas.
Chapter: One-shot.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: Jinda, a bit of Kameda.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Akanishi Jin breaks it off with Maki Nishiyama in order to be with Ueda Tatsuya. On the other hand, Kame makes a move on Tatsuya in Jin’s absence. How will their Christmas Eve end?

“What?! You can’t possibly be breaking up with me, are you?! How dare you? Do you think you even have the right? Huh!! Who’s this bitch you’re fooling around with?!” Maki Nishiyama yelled at Jin out of pure anger, her face visibly beet red.

Jin sighed and replied nonchalantly, “See? This is exactly why I’m breaking up with you. For someone so beautiful, you shouldn’t be cursing and such. It’s very unbecoming.”

“Are you saying you find me unattractive?” Maki asked, all teary eyed.

Jin merely looked out of the window and didn’t reply. What is he supposed to say? He hated making other people cry.

Out of nowhere, Maki had slapped him and he started to caress his face from the sting, “That’s for dumping me after sleeping with me countless times! You used me for my body!”

Jin replied inaudibly, “It’s not like the sex was that great in the first place. It pales in comparison to Tatsuya.”

“Did you say something? You were mumbling something that I couldn’t hear! What the fuck were you saying about me?” Maki asked in anger.

“I wasn’t saying anything. Also, could you refrain from cursing? It’s Christmas Eve!”

She opened the door of the passenger’s seat, ready to leave, but not without having the last words, “Just so you know, I’m the one who’s breaking up with you and not the other way around.” Maki stepped away from the vehicle, crying.

Jin merely nodded. He seriously has nothing left to say to such ‘stuck up’ woman. Besides, it’s not like she didn’t see it coming.


Afterwards, Jin got his cell phone out and dialled Ueda’s number.

“Hello?” Tatsuya asked huskily.

“Hey, did I wake you up?” Jin asked, smiling.

“No, you didn’t. I was just playing games with Kame.” Tatsuya replied while obviously laughing at something that Kame said in the background.

Jin could picture Ueda’s beautiful smile and it annoyed him that Kame was with Ueda at such an important time.

“Oh. Are you sure you’re not sick or something? Because your voice sounds hoarse. I could drop by the pharmacy and get you medicine if you want.” Jin asked with concern.

“It’s really nothing. Besides, we don’t have any schedule any time soon so it’s all good. Anyways, are you coming over or what?”

“Yeah, I’ll be there in 15 min. What is Kame doing over at your place on Christmas Eve? Isn’t he supposed to be with Koki?”

“I don’t know. He just came over. I can’t just kick him out, you know. Afterall, it‘s Christmas! How long has it been since our group has been together like this?” Tatsuya smiled.

Jin sighed, “I guess -- what?! Everybody‘s there?!”

“Well, not yet. But they will be. When they found out that you’re spending Christmas with me, as well as Kame, somehow, everybody else just decided on their own that they’d come along too. What was I supposed to do? Besides, the more the merrier, isn’t that right?!” Tatsuya’s smile grew wider.

Jin sighed for the 2nd time that night, “All right. I’ll be over soon. I’ll just buy some alcohol and I’ll be on my way there.”

‘There goes my alone time with Ueda’, Jin thought.


“Ueda, who was that on the phone?” Kame asked.

“Ahh, it’s Jin. He said he’d be here soon. He’s just buying some alcohol.”

“Oh. I guess it’s unavoidable that Jin would be here too, eh?” Kame smiled. But what he just said startled Ueda. He didn’t fully understand what Kame meant so he’ll just play along with it.

“Do you think what we ordered would be enough?” Tatsuya asked, thoughtfully.

“It should be. That was $500.00 worth of take-out delivery food after all. I’d be surprised if we even finished half of it.”

“You’re right.” Tatsuya smiled.

“Ne, Tat-chan. Since it’s just the two of us right now, could you fulfill my Christmas wish?” Kame grinned.

“Huh? How could I possibly fulfill your Christmas wish?” Tatsuya asked, dumbfounded.

“Of course, you can! For one, it consists only of you. Hence, for my Christmas wish to be fulfilled, I’d need your full co-operation.”

“I guess. Besides, you bought me an XBOX 360. How could I possibly say ‘No’ to you, Kame-chan?”

“Alright, it’s settled then. Well, all you have to do is close your eyes.”

Of course, Ueda Tatsuya closed his eyes. He’s just that grateful for the XBOX 360.

“Good! Now, don’t open your eyes until I say you can, agreed?”


Kame leaned down and placed a chaste kiss on Ueda’s lips. For the first few seconds, Kame’s logic was telling him to stop but his body’s reaction seemed to differ. Hence, he leaned down again and this time, he devoured Ueda’s mouth by delving his tongue deeper in. Once he became breathless, he finally let go of Ueda.

Ueda looked at him in shock with his hands covering his mouth, trying to push Kame away from him. However, to no avail, he couldn’t because Kamenashi was smart enough to place all of his weight on top of Ueda in a position where Tatsuya wouldn’t be able to manoeuvre.

“Ueda, I’m sorry I couldn’t stop myself.” Kame looked in horror for frightening Tatsuya.

After the shock has settled, Ueda shook his head, “It’s fine. I fulfilled your Christmas wish in return for the XBOX 360 you gave me. But I’d like to be clear that this is as far as it goes for us, Kamenashi. I’ve known of your feelings for a while now but I just can’t return them. I’m very sorry but that’s how I feel. Starting from tonight onwards, I’ll be with Jin and I’m very much in love with him.”

“Tsch. One day, I’ll take you away from Jin. Just like how he took you away from Nishikido Ryo. It’s just how karma works. I just know it’ll happen because I believe in karma.”

Ueda was about to reply when the door to his apartment opened, revealing a dishevelled Akanishi Jin.

“Jin! Why do you look so unruly?!” Ueda ran over to Jin’s side to help carry the alcohol he bought.

“Oh, this? It’s my new image!” Jin laughed it off so that he wouldn’t be too obvious that he looked unruly because he was worried that Kame would seduce Ueda in his absence. Hence, he hurried over to Ueda as fast as he could.

‘At least, my Tatsuya remains untouched’ or so Jin thought. If only he knew, Kame would be a very badly beaten pulp by now.


In the kitchen, both Tatsuya and Jin readied everything necessary for the dinner. Whereas Kame busied himself playing games while waiting for the others to come.

Jin hugged Tatsuya from behind and whispered very closely, “I finally broke up with her today. The only thing that hurt was when she slapped me. Even when she was crying, all I could think about is hurrying home to you. Since I did everything you asked of me, could you please put on the ring that I especially got for you now?”

Tatsuya smiled and caressed Jin’s cheek, “Aww~~ poor Jinny. How dare she slap your perfect face. Let me kiss it better.”

So, Ueda did. Then, Jin caught his lips and they kissed even more passionately.

“Ueda, the ring.” Jin smiled as he looked deep into Ueda’s eyes.

“Right. It’s in my pocket. Please put it on my finger.” Ueda replied.

Jin did as he was told. He placed a 24 carat gold on Ueda Tatsuya’s finger. Tatsuya did the same. He placed the couple ring on Jin’s finger. Both placed their hands side by side and looked at it.

“It’s the first time for me to wear couple rings and the first time for me to get them custom-made.”

“I feel touched, Jin! Thank you very much.” Tatsuya kissed his boyfriend sincerely.

With seriousness, Jin replied as soon as he was breathless, “I love you, Ueda Tatsuya. I really do.”

“Me too.”

“Ueda, I want to hear you say it. It’s just the two of us here. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. So, just say it when you feel it.” Jin said gently while caressing Ueda’s hair.

“Jin, I ….love you.” Tatsuya looked deeply at Jin’s beautiful orbs.

Once again, they kissed passionately. As soon as both were breathless, they noticed that it was snowing outside.

“It’s beautiful. I love it when it snows. It always manages to take my breath away.” Tatsuya said.

“Do I? Do I take your breath away?” Jin asked.

“But of course.” Tatsuya kissed Jin on the cheeks.

“Well then, vice versa.” Jin admitted, then continued, “The snow, somehow… all these years, I’ve associated the snow with your presence so every time it snowed, I’d think of you.”

Jin smiled lovingly at the other.

“It was my ‘Love In Snow’ performance that did you in, wasn’t it?” Tatsuya grinned.

“Of course! It was usually that. But right now, I think ‘White Christmas’ is more appropriate, don’t you think?”


“Truthfully Ueda, every time.. there’s always something new that I’d find out about you and every single time, you make me fall in love with you more. Especially with your Mousepeace concert! I could never miss such a great and exciting performance coming from you. I couldn‘t expect anything less than what I witnessed! You are just that talented! For the first time, I feel defeated.”

“Is that so!? Hmph!” Tatsuya tickled Jin and vice versa.

“Seriously though. I’d always see something new in you and every time, you never fail to make me fall harder in love with you.”

“Then, I’d like to keep it that way.”

The doorbell rang and in came the rest of KAT-TUN members. While they ate Christmas Eve supper together, White Christmas played in the radio.

Indeed, they were all truly blessed. Blessed to have each other.


A/N: Because I really love the new White Christmas PV and I thought of JINDA.

-white christmas, *kameda, *jinda

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