Title: Unfulfilled Promises.
Chapter: 2 of 3.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: RyoDa, Uepi.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Ueda wants Ryo to commit and Ryo says he will but Ueda realizes that it's all talk. Now, Ryo seems to not consider their 1st year anniversary and Ueda's birthday significant enough for him to actually commit. Ueda's tired of all the non-sense so when Yamapi asks him out for a drink, he willingly complied. Will Yamapi be able to permanently steal Ueda away? What happens to Ueda's relationship with Ryo now? But it seems as though Yamapi might be the better boyfriend.
Chapter 1:
http://lonely-heartz.livejournal.com/3217.html#cutid1 Ryo left Japan for a week’s worth of hiatus in France. It only lasted a week because Johnny didn’t allow him to take a holiday for more than a week. Therefore, Ryo grabbed the only opportunity he could. It was a deal made only between him and Johnny-san, so nobody else knew about his sudden disappearance. At least, for a week, he’d be able to forget Tatsuya.
Or so he thought.
Because once he reached Paris, France -- the new surroundings didn’t help him any. Everything seemed to remind him of Tatsuya. Ryo and Tatsuya never went to Paris together before but because Tatsuya has always been obsessed with French-related stuff, that everything about France only reminded him of Ueda.
Before he knew it, one week has passed and he’s due to return to Japan. But, what did he expect? It’s unthinkable to forget someone in a week’s time. Simply impossible.
‘What a waste of time and money! What the hell did I come here for then!’ Ryo thought with irritation. ‘It’s all Tatsuya’s fault!’.
Yamapi arrived at the Jimusho by 6AM to meet up with Aragaki Yui and Toda Erika for a Wink-up, Myojo, Duet, Popolo photo shoot -- all in the same day. Apparently, it’s for “Code Blue” promotional-related stuff.
‘Man, this is going to be a long, tiring day’, Yamapi thought to himself when he ran into his best friend, Nishikido Ryo.
Yamapi was examining the current state of his friend when Ryo simply walked past him as if oblivious to Pi’s presence.
Hence, Yamapi pulled Ryo by the shoulder as soon as he could and eyed Ryo suspiciously, “Ryo.. hey, what’s going on with you?”
‘You stole my boyfriend, bitch!’ Ryo thought but he answered in a dead-pan voice, “Nothing. I’ve just been having sleepless nights lately. Don’t ask.”
Ryo looked away, irritated by the mere sight of Yamapi. It annoyed him even more to have to deal with the presence of said person.
“Fine, if you don’t want to tell me. But when you’re ready, just know that I’m here for you.” Yamapi looked at his friend intently but Ryo never returned the eye-contact and merely walked away after saying, “Jya, mata”.
During lunchtime, Jin invited Ryo to a nearby ‘Lotteria’ to talk.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t treat you to a more decent food. I forgot my wallet at home and I don’t have much cash with me.” Jin said while looking apologetic.
“Which is why I offered to treat you instead.”
“No, I’d rather treat you. Besides, Pi called me to check up on you. He wants to make sure that you’d eat something.”
“Who fucking cares what the hell happens to me. I could go die for all I care.” Ryo said in a calm, deadly voice -- evidently dripping with venom.
“What sort of crap are you uttering all of a sudden? Don’t talk like that! You should know of all people that we’re your best friends and that we always have your back covered.”
“Do you now?” Ryo asked with sarcasm.
“Ryo, what’s wrong? I can’t comprehend where this conversation is going.”
“I’m implying that since I don’t care, that you shouldn’t care about me either.” Ryo said nonchalantly.
“I cannot NOT care! What the fuck? Just tell me and get this over with.” Jin said, annoyed, since Ryo’s not co-operating one bit.
“I have a friend whose best friend stole the love of his life without the knowledge of it, if you were him, what would you do? Wouldn’t you want to take the love of your life back, even if it’s by force? Wouldn’t you want to take revenge on the supposed ‘best friend’?” Ryo said with a smirk, upon realizing that Jin would be a bit dumb to pick up on such trivial things.
“I would handle it differently than you, Ryo-chan. Because you are always bent on revenge whereas I am an opportunist. Meaning to say, in such a situation, I would look for something that I could use to my advantage.”
“What do you mean, exactly?”
“I would get closer to my enemy and slowly, steal back the love of my life. ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’ -- I really believe in this. Such an adage has proven itself to be true, time and again. Of course, for me to love her.. She must be extremely pretty and sexy and --” Jin drifted off to more useless things.
Ryo stopped listening since he realized something afterwards.
He realized that Jin was right.
If he did follow through with Jin’s suggestion, nothing or no one would hinder him since nobody would know anything. Nobody would suspect anything if he did make a move.
It’s safe for him to plan; it‘s safe for the plan to materialize.
Besides, Ryo knew Jin wouldn’t pick up on anything.
But, for his plan to work -- he needed to have a clear head, he needed to be calm, he needed to feel like he didn’t want to murder Yamapi.
Which shouldn’t be that hard -- he’s an experienced actor after all.
He would get his Tatsuya back. No matter what.
“Ryo, are you listening to me?” Jin said when he witnessed Ryo’s blank expression.
Ryo nodded, “Say, I think I need to go back. Photographer-san just texted me to return back from my break. Anyways, catch ya around! Nice talk! I’ll treat you next time!”
Ryo said his goodbyes and left his best friend in Lotteria. Alright, he lied. But he can’t help it. He need to plan his next move to get Tatsuya back. He simply can’t waste anymore time because the more time he wastes sitting around, the more Tatsuya is falling for Yamapi.
A/N: Because I'm taking a break from studying for midterms! Hehe. ^^ Good luck on everybody's midterms! Aja Aja Fighting! ^^ Also, I'm too immersed and addicted to We Got Married's Hyunjoong x Hwangbo couple lately so... I feel guilty towards Ryoda for neglecting their love! Hehehe~~~ ごめん ね。。私の上田ひめ!!!