Let Me Love You.

May 07, 2008 17:02

Title: Let Me Love You.
Chapter: 1 of ?
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: Uepi, slight Hiroda, one-sided Jinda.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them.
Summary: Yamapi ended up having to care and look after Ueda Tatsuya since it becomes a part of his job under Ueda Corporations. Yamapi and Ueda become friends and Yamapi falls for Ueda. Eventually, Pi asks Ueda to give him a chance. Slowly, Ueda falls for him too but find out to what great lengths Yamapi will go through to persuade Ueda to love him back.
Note: Not AU.

“Yo!” Yamapi called over to his friends as he approached their table in Almond, a cafe located in Ropponggi Crossing.

“Hey Pi! What‘s up? You seem ecstatic about something.” Ryo replied as soon as Yamapi sat down.

“Before that, why are we meeting in this sort of place? Don’t you think that it’s rather pink?” Yamapi asked with a hint of sarcasm.

“Aren’t you named after it! You should appreciate it more than any of us!” Koyama laughed heartily.

“Everywhere else is crowded besides it’s just a meeting place, it’s not like we’re going to stay here for long.” Shige added thoughtfully.

“Seriously, your grin is starting to creep me out! What do you have up your sleeve that you’re so happy about!?” Ryo asked Yamapi, annoyed.

“Oh and why are you all dressed up?” Shige asked as soon as he figured out what was wrong with his friend’s image.

“Nothing much. Just that I came back from an interview and I got the job I was aiming to get. I didn’t have time to go back to my apartment to change if I was to meet you guys on time.” Yamapi replied thoughtfully.

“No wonder you look a tad bit too formal for someone who’s going clubbing.” Shige smiled.

“Wait, what? You already have a job! Why do you need to get another one?” Ryo asked, confused since he thought he knew everything that went on with Yamapi’s life.

“I wanted to practice my skills related to my degree. Besides, we all grow old. We’d all have to retire from Johnny’s one day.”

“Why do you need to get another job now though? You can always get a second job when you’re done with Johnny’s.”

“I know. But I have someone I want to protect and take care of. My decision’s final.” Yamapi said in all seriousness.

“Who do you want to protect and take care of that you have to go through all of this?” Ryo asked.

Yamapi didn’t want to answer that question since he didn’t want to lie to his best friend, so there was silence in the air. However, everybody knew that Ryo hated being ignored so Shige was the one to break the silence, nervously.

“It must be Rina-chan, right Yamapi?” Shige smiled with the mention of Yamapi‘s younger sister.

‘Good guess but not quite.’ Yamapi thought to himself.

Yamapi merely chuckled at Shige’s cuteness. Shige didn’t seem to know that it was alright if it was Yamapi who ignored Ryo since they’re best friends after all. If it had been someone else, that person would’ve been beaten up by Ryo.

“Hey Shige, want to play video games while we wait for Tego and Massu?” Koyama asked with his beautiful smile that he only reserves for Shige.

“Yes! Let’s do that!” Shige smiled back. The two got up and out of their seats and headed towards the video games area which is outside of the café, across the street.

“Anyways, what sort of job is it?” Ryo asked curiously as he watched both Koyama and Shige cross the street together.

“Like I said, it’s related to my degree.”

“What’s your degree again? Sorry, I forgot. I know you told me before but I don’t remember.”

“Business. Marketing. Same difference.”

“So, if it’s related to that. What exactly is your job description?”

“Well, since I just started, they placed me as the President‘s secretary. But it intrigues me how my job description also includes that I look after the President’s son.”

“Like a baby-sitter?”

“Sort of. Although, I really doubt that he‘s that much of a baby.”

“What sort of company makes their secretary look after the President’s son?” Ryo asked in disbelief.

“Ueda Corporation. But it’s not like it’s a big deal. I mean, I’m getting paid 24/7 since I’m to look after him and do other things at the office. I think I’m really lucky to get such a job cos--”

“Wait, WHAT?! You mean to tell me you work for Ueda Tatsuya’s family?!?” Ryo asked in surprise as Yamapi’s words started to sink in.

“Yes. But why do you make it sound so bad when it’s not. I mean, I’m making 5 times the salary of a normal secretary would.”

“Oh. They’re that well off, huh.” Ryo pondered. Sure, he knew Tatsuya was wealthy but he didn’t expect their family to be THAT wealthy. If one employee is being paid 5 times a normal employee would, it amounts to HUGE money if you add 5,000 more employees working in that building. “Come to think of it, the Ueda building is quite huge, isn’t it?”

“Oh man. Is it ever! It’s huge! The President has the top floor. The floor and the walls are made out of marble! The curtains are made out $10,000 dollars worth of silk and satin maroon! It’s insane! Have you ever been there? Don’t you think it’s amazing?”

“It’s not like I care what the building looks like. Besides, what business would I have with them, Yamapi? Sometimes, you’re so slow.”

“And sometimes, you just don’t know how to take sarcasm! It was a figure of speech! Of course, I knew you haven’t been there!” Yamapi defended.

“Anyways, I can’t believe his parents are actually paying someone to look after him. What a princess.”

“Well, it’s more his mom that’s doing it since President Ueda is in a coma and have been for two years now apparently.”

“So, basically Tatsuya’s mother hired you?” Ryo asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, she did. I think she favoured me more than the rest of the applicants because I’m in Johnny’s like her son. Hence, I‘d be more able to watch over him than the whole lot of them.”

“Most likely. Anyways, since you’re getting paid 24/7, shouldn’t you be working right now?” Ryo asked curiously.

“Yeah but I haven’t received a call from Tatsuya yet. We got introduced today although it’s not like I don’t already see him a lot whenever I pass by KAT-TUN’s dressing room but we actually talked today. Of course, more about facts rather than personal stuff.”

“You’re quite lucky that you’re getting paid while hanging out with me.” Ryo chuckled.

“I know eh. But that’s what I keep on telling you!”

“I know. I know.”


Yamapi’s cell phone vibrated in his coat pocket which tickled his belly, so he got it out as soon as he could.

“Hello, Ueda-kun?” Yamapi said as he read the Caller I.d.

“Yamashita-san, could you come to Feria with your car? I drank so I can’t drive.”

“You’re also in Roppongi? Then, I’ll be there right away. I’m not too far from you.”

“Alright.” Then, Ueda hanged up.


“What was that all about?” Ryo asked curiously.

“I’m sorry Ryo-chan but I have to go. Ueda-kun drank alcohol so he can’t drive himself back. It’s a good thing he’s only in Feria, only a couple of blocks away.”

Ryo was already out the door when out of nowhere, Yamapi snatched the keys from Ryo’s hand which he was flailing in the air.

“Ryo-chan, can you hurry up? You’re making my boss wait too long in that--where did I say he was?”

“Feria.” Ryo said.

“Got it! Now, get in the car! Hurry!” Yamapi said as he hopped in Ryo’s 2 door, red sports car. Yamapi stepped on the gas harder as if it’s going to make them fly.

“Pi, could you please slow down a bit? I don’t want to get a speeding ticket! There’s cameras everywhere!”

Yamapi was forced to slow down since he didn’t want to make Ryo pay $320 dollars worth of fine.

Yamapi calmed himself by thinking, ‘Tatsuya merely drank and is not drunk. There’s a huge difference.’
When Yamapi reached the bar, he ran inside the club while Ryo looked for a spot to park the car, only to find Mizushima Hiro snake his hand around Ueda’s tiny waist while Hiro’s other free hand caressed Ueda‘s butt cheeks.

For a moment, Yamapi stood there frozen since he got reminded of the old days when Kame confessed to caressing Ueda’s butt cheek during a Shounen Club episode -- when Kame said, “Ueda‘s butt is small and it feels nice to touch it”.

A moment later, when Yamapi’s finally done his musings, he started to slowly approach the couple.

Ueda saw Yamapi approaching closer by the second and convinced Hiro to stop touching his backside although it didn’t stop Hiro to swing his arms around Tatsuya’s neck possessively.
Yamapi instinctively took Ueda’s arms, ready to pull him away from Hiro.

“Hiro, let go of him.” Yamapi asked calmly but when Hiro didn’t budge, Yamapi yelled, “NOW!”

“Yamashita-kun, it’s alright.” Ueda said, then he turned around towards Hiro and said, “Hiro, let go. Yamashita’s here to fetch me. Anyways, I’ll see you around.”

Hiro finally lets go of Ueda and nodded, but not without marking Ueda on the neck first. “He’s all yours, Yamashita-san”.

Yamapi looked at Hiro pointedly with such dislike and tugged at Ueda’s arm to usher him out of Feria. If only he could, he would have seriously liked to erase that stupid smirk off of Hiro’s face.


Once out of the club, Yamapi signalled for Ryo to come over to them with the car.

“Do you always let other guys do whatever they want to you whenever you’re drunk?” Yamapi asked with anger.

“You don’t have to raise your voice at me.”

“I did not raise my voice.”

“Whatever. Anyways, regarding your question, I’m not usually like that. It’s just Hiro and I have always been close.”

“And here I was, foolish enough to t think that I’ve seen the last of him.”

“He and I are just friends. Well, close friends.” Ueda smiled which Yamapi found really attractive which made most of the anger that he felt earlier, subside and fade away.

“What kind of friends mark each other? In the neck, no less.”

“Why does it feel like you’re interrogating me?”

“Well, I am. It’s my job.”

“No, it’s not. Even if you don’t do a good job at whatever it is that my mother tells you to, she’ll still pay you. Even if you don’t do your job at all, you’ll still get paid. My mother’s just fond of you that’s why she hired you. She most likely wishes that you’re her son instead of me.”

“I don’t understand.”

“She thinks you’re better than me. Ever since our junior days, she’s always wished that I was as talented as you or that I was as good-looking as you. I am me and you are you. For this reason, I already dislike you.”

Obviously, Yamapi didn’t understand it all since it didn’t make any sense to him. How could any mother like other people’s son more than their own? He didn’t understand it at all. The only thing that made sense to him was the fact that Ueda dislikes him. It’s like he’s been slapped in the face with a cold towel.

The reason why he aimed for this specific job at this specific company was not because of the money. Yamapi didn’t need the money; he was Yamashita Tomohisa for god’s sakes! He did commercials and modelling. He was an actor and a singer. He has tons of money come from everywhere what with his popularity and all. Of course, he didn’t need money since he has tons of it.

Yamapi wanted to protect someone and take care of that person. He was prepared to take care of anything or anyone that hindered him from achieving his goal. But he didn’t expect it to be the very person he wanted to take care of.

Ueda glanced at Yamapi and was taken aback by what he found in his eyes. He expected Yamapi to be angry or think him pathetic but he never, not in a million years, think that whatever he said made Yamapi sad and upset. He can’t quite believe that he caused Yamapi to be sad. What’s his sadness supposed to mean? They just met today, did they not? They didn’t yet have any sort of attachment at all since they barely know one another. So, why is Yamapi acting like this?

Even though, Ueda’s known for being straight-forward and being insensitive at the best of times, he still felt like he needed to take back what he said somehow.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. It’s not YOU that I dislike. It’s more of what my mom said to me that I disliked. I apologize for lashing out on you.” Ueda said sincerely.

Yamapi smiled once more that night and this time, it’s directed solely towards Ueda. Ueda smiled in return. He knew that Yamapi understood about his insecurities right then.

“It’s alright if it’s you. I don’t mind at all.”

“Then friends?” Ueda asked while he held out his hand for Yamapi to shake.

“Friends.” Yamapi took the hand Ueda held out for him and shook it with such firmness.

Finally, Ryo came around with the car to take Ueda home. The whole ride home was fairly quiet since Yamapi drove, Ryo slept and Tatsuya silently sat in the passenger’s seat.


Ueda Tatsuya was already inside their house when Ryo made a comment, “This is the first time that I’ve been here and I’m really amazed at how enormous their place is! Pi, you told me that he lives in a house! This is definitely NOT a house! This is a mansion!”

“It’s not like I knew about it. This is only my first time too. Jin never said anything about this. I wonder why. Anyways, let’s go Ryo. We have rehearsals early tomorrow and it takes about an hour to go back.”

“By the way, doesn’t he already have an apartment close to ours? Why does he have to go back here and make us drive so far out? It’s so inconvenient!” Ryo asked with frustration.

“He has to go back home every weekend because apparently, it’s when he learns about how to handle their business or something. Anyways, I’m sorry for making you come with me! I’ll give you money for the gas.”

“You don’t have to. I have money. I was just saying though. Anyways, we’ve been friends a long time so such small favors don’t even matter so it’s all good.”

Yamapi drove them back to the inner city while Ryo slept during the whole drive in the passenger’s seat.

0. Regarding my other fics, I’m in the middle of writing a chapter for “To Love You More”. Then, after that, I’ll be writing a chapter for “Unfulfilled Promises”.

1. This fic is inspired by Mario’s song, “Let Me Love You”.
2. Also, in Roppongi Hills (popular for it’s upscale and high class people that resides in it since it’s usually millionaires and celebrities that live there), there exist a sophisticated club known as “FERIA” which is mentioned in this fic.
*To give you an idea of what kind of a club FERIA is, you can visit their website at:
The website is also designed with a sophisticated touch to it.
3. Once you enter the website, if you click on the top corner where it says “DIRECTION”, it’ll show you how close ALMOND is to FERIA since I also mention Almond Café in this fic.
4. I also mention the instance where Kame confesses to caressing Ueda’s butt in Shounen Club, Kame said stuff like,
 “Ueda’s butt is small so it feels nice to touch it. Whenever I’m holding the mic, my other hand is free so my other hand just tends to massage his butt.”
*Here’s the link: http://www.veoh.com/videos/v1604816HqCXfsrA
It’s a good inspiration for a KAMEDA fic. 
5. You guys have seen the “Jitsu wa boku” Cartoon KAT-TUN episode where Ueda confesses that he’s been abandoned by his parents in a mountain and that he was usually slapped in the face if he got a score lower than 80%.
*Jitsu Wa Boku (Ueda) episode: http://youtube.com/watch?v=YNEg81cGu6k
It’s not subbed though but there’s one on youtube that’s subbed.

-let me love you, *hiroda, *uepi, *jinda

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