Unfulfilled Promises.

Apr 30, 2008 13:35

Title: Unfulfilled Promises.
Chapter: 1 of 3.
Author: lonely_heartz
Fandom: Johnny’s Entertainment (KAT-TUN/NewS)
Pairing: RyoDa, Uepi.
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. 
Summary: Ueda wants Ryo to commit and Ryo says he will but Ueda realizes that it's all talk. Now, Ryo seems to not consider their 1st year anniversary and Ueda's birthday significant enough for him to actually commit. Ueda's tired of all the non-sense so when Yamapi asks him out for a drink, he willingly complied. Will Yamapi be able to permanently steal Ueda away? What happens to Ueda's relationship with Ryo now? But it seems as though Yamapi might be the better boyfriend.

“Ryo, how long do we have to keep our relationship from everybody?” Ueda asked as soon as Ryo stood up to put his clothes back on. Ryo always had the tendency to leave Ueda before dawn; he comes and goes as he pleases.

“Tatsuya, we will reveal it soon. It’s just that my groups have been disoriented lately and so, it’s not really the right time to bring this up to them.” Ryo caressed Tatsuya’s face gently.

“Then, will there ever be a right time, Ryo? It’s been a year now and we’re still like this.”

“Just trust me. We’ll reveal it soon. I promise.” Ryo gave Ueda a kiss on the lips which Ueda returned.


“Ueda-kun!” Yamapi called brightly from behind him.

Ueda merely smiled and replied a greeting when Yamapi came over.

“Where are you heading right now?” Yamapi asked.

“Since when were you curious about my personal affairs?” Ueda asked with a smile.

“Ever since I found you beautiful.”

“Funny. Try it on someone who’d actually believe you. If I didn‘t know any better, I might have, but Ryo most likely rubbed off on you.” Ueda said flatly and left Yamapi on the elevator.

“Hey wait!” Yamapi ran after Ueda as soon as he could force the elevator doors open and once he had caught up with him, he placed both of his hands in both of Ueda’s shoulders and turned him around with force.

Ueda glared at Yamapi for touching him when they’re not even close friends. Quickly, he removed his hands that were both laying on Ueda’s bare shoulders a moment too long.

Yamapi smiled cutely, “I’m sorry.”

Ueda was about to turn around when Yamapi added, “Would you like to go drinking with me?”

“Why would you ask me of all people? I’m sure you have a lot of friends that you can find that would be more than happy to go with you.”

Again, Ueda turned to leave when Yamapi said, “I wasn’t lying when I said that… I…well, I…I think you’re beautiful and I think I’ve fallen for you.” Yamapi finished with the cutest, most sexiest smile he could produce.

Ueda merely raised an eyebrow and for the third time that night, he turned his back on Yamapi thinking that Yamapi had lost his mind when suddenly, his cell phone vibrated in his pockets. On the other hand, Yamapi still followed closely behind while Ueda took out his cell phone from his jeans pocket.

Clearly, it was a text message from Ryo, it read: I’m sorry Tatsuya. I can’t make it to our date tonight, something came up.

Ueda knew it was just a made-up excuse. The message was plain and it was only two sentences long -- and yet, it was enough to hurt Ueda more than anybody could imagine. It was their 1 year anniversary date and obviously, Ryo either forgot or their anniversary wasn’t important enough.

Yamapi who was following Ueda really closely behind saw how Ueda’s shoulders slumped from the apparent disappointment from the message he received. Yamapi decided to make his presence known once again which startled Ueda causing him to turn around.

“I see your still here.” Ueda smiled shyly at Yamapi. “About your offer earlier, is it still up for grabs?”

“Of course. You’re really the only one I would like to drink with tonight.” Yamapi replied.

“I think you’re having problems.”

“Well, I do because I like you and it seems like you‘re not interested.” Yamapi looked away as he said this.

“I would be if I wasn’t already with someone.”

Yamapi stopped in his tracks. He knew that most of Ueda‘s friends are from Johnny’s only since he asked Kame about it. So, the chances of Ueda being with someone from Johnny’s is highly-likely. At the same time, Yamapi is also friends with a lot of Johnny’s so it might be someone that he’s close to.

“Who is it? Do I know him?”

“I’m afraid I can’t tell you anything.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re the only one who knows that I’m even with someone right now. Nobody’s supposed to know.”

“Well, he obviously doesn’t love you very much does he? He’s not worth it; he doesn‘t deserve you. If you’re with me, I’ll let everybody know that you’re mine. I’d be proud and I’d be the happiest guy on the planet. All you need to do is give me a chance and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Ueda smiled sadly at Yamapi’s grand proposal although he acknowledges Yamapi’s sincerity. “You know, you’re saying the exact same things that he is, except I’m unsure if your words have substance because I finally realized that his -- doesn’t.”

“Give me tonight to prove it to you. Just for one night, let me be the only one you see, the only one you hear … just for one night. Then, whenever you’re ready, you could give me an answer.”

Ueda was speechless, he didn’t know what to say so he merely nodded.

“Oh look, we’re here.” Yamapi pointed to his apartment. They went inside and Ueda was surprised to find that the room smelled of Vanilla and Strawberry.

“It smells good in here.” Ueda smiled warmly. “It feels nice.”

“That’s what I thought too, the first time I bought those candles. Originally, I bought a box for my mom but I didn’t think it was going to be extremely huge and heavy. So, instead of mailing the scented candles out, I decided that when I have a free time, I’d just drop the rest off at her place.”

“Oh.” Ueda nodded, thinking how Yamapi’s so caring of his mother. Even Ryo never even talked about his mother around Ueda.

“Anyways, the real reason I took you here is because I have a surprise for you.” Yamapi said sweetly.

“What kind of surprise?” Ueda asked curiously with his eyebrow raised.

“Well, you’ll see. But for now, let me put this on you.” Yamapi showed Ueda the blindfold and once Yamapi got Ueda‘s approval, he gently and carefully started to tie the knot behind Ueda‘s head.

“Alright. We‘re here.” Yamapi whispered in Ueda’s left ear with such a husky voice that it tickled. From the mere breathy contact, it sent shivers up Ueda’s spine which caused him to moan softly.

Yamapi chuckled lightly, “Quite sensitive, are we?”

Once Yamapi stopped walking, Ueda could feel that Yamapi was starting to untie the knots of the blindfold. He didn’t really know what to think of any of this. It seemed like everything happened so fast and none of tonight made any sense at all, but somehow, he feels extremely comfortable with Yamapi.

Once the blindfold was off of his eyes, Ueda slowly opened his eyes only to have tears well up in them a second later.

“How did you know? How could you possibly know!?” Ueda asked with red cheeks.

“Kame. I should do this more often -- you’re so cute when you’re surprised. Well, it‘s going to be 12AM in 3 hours. Until then, we can‘t eat cake. But we can start on dinner and some SAKE, yes? I got your favourite brand.” Yamapi caressed Ueda’s cheeks, wiping his tears with his slim fingers. “Tears of joy, I hope.”

Ueda merely nodded and gave Yamapi a tight hug which Yamapi was more than happy to receive.

The surprise in front Ueda was a delicately romantic set-up of what should have been a normal drinking or dinner between two friends but obviously, Yamapi planned all of this and really put effort into preparing this which touched Ueda since he had no clue that Yamapi cared for him this much.

At the rooftop of Yamapi’s apartment, there was a candlelit dinner with a table full of red flower petals. Sake, red wine and other alcoholic drinks on ice buckets was located on the table close to the main table. Ueda noticed that there were three type of food present: there was French cuisine, Italian cuisine and most importantly, the finest of Japanese cuisine. The table was dressed in smooth, gold linen. There were gold, silver and red balloons on Ueda’s chair. Next to the food was Yamapi’s ipod connected to speakers that played jazz from Harry Connick Jr.’s collection.

“How could you possibly know that these were my favourite delicacies?” Ueda asked with huge, cute eyes.

“Jin and Maru told me. Apparently, you have quite an expensive taste.” Yamapi smiled.

“I’m sorry.” Ueda felt apologetic that he made Yamapi spend so much money for his birthday surprise.

“Oh, it’s no problem at all. Don’t mind it. I know you’re extremely wealthy but I have no problems with money either. I have financial stability since I invested some of my money in stocks. So, even if I’m no longer a Johnny’s member, I’d still have cash flow.”

“That’s very admirable, I suppose. Actually, I did the same thing especially since my parents are business-minded sort of people.” Ueda was glad that they have something in common and he was glad that their conversation was going smoothly.

“I must admit, you have a knack for this. This is beautiful. The sunset is beautiful. I don’t know what else could be more perfect than this.” Ueda smiled cutely and looked towards the sun setting.

“You’re mistaken. I think you‘re more beautiful.” Yamapi said simply and leaned in to kiss Ueda on the lips. The kiss made Ueda forget about all of his worries -- most importantly, it made him forget about the hurt that Ryo had inflicted upon him. Ueda decided to go along with Yamapi since he didn’t think he needed to feel bad because he is nothing to Ryo. They’re not officially together so he doesn’t know exactly what else there is. If they’re not together, does it mean that all along…for a whole entire year, Ueda was merely a sex partner to Ryo? Ueda doesn’t really want to think about that now since he can’t even think straight what with Yamapi’s tongue going deeper into his. All Ueda really wants is someone like Yamapi right now.

For the three hours that they were together, they talked, they ate, they drank. Yamapi, occasionally, fed Ueda from his own spoon which Ueda shyly received in his mouth.

The clock struck 12AM and Yamapi got up, knelt in one knee in front of Ueda and said, “Happy Birthday, Ueda Tatsuya. This promise ring is your present from me. A symbol that I will never break my promise to you because once and if I do, you have every right to take this off of your finger and it‘ll be a lesson learned for me. But I won’t let that happen. I won’t let you take this off of your finger and I won’t give you a reason to, I promise.” Yamapi looked down, scared that Ueda might not accept his ring. He was about to give up all hope since his arms are starting to hurt from holding the ring up -- he was ready to be devastated, when Ueda leaned down to kiss Yamapi passionately on the lips.

With teeth and tongue, Ueda put his skills sincerely. Yamapi was the happiest, most luckiest man right then when Ueda gave him permission to put the ring on his ring finger.

An hour later, Ueda was extremely tired and fell asleep on Yamapi’s shoulder. Yamapi carried Ueda on his shoulders and brought him to his bedroom. Yamapi pulled up the covers on Ueda so that he’d be able to sleep comfortably and peacefully. As soon as he was done tucking Ueda to bed, he got out of the room to sleep on the couch. Although, his bed was huge enough for the both of them to fit but he didn’t want Ueda to feel uncomfortable in the morning when he wakes up.

It  was 6AM and Yamapi’s cell phone rang. Yamapi answered it: “Hello.”

“Hey Pi, can I come over and get some cd’s from your collection? I’m trying to compose a new song and I need some inspiration.”

“Well, it’s not really a good time right now. I’m cooking breakfast.”

“What? But don’t you just eat frozen, microwaveable food? Since when did you know how to cook?”

“I always knew how, I was just lazy.”

“I’m coming over, alright. It’ll just take 5minutes, I swear.”

“Whatever Ryo, if you stay more than 5 minutes, I’m kicking you out.” Yamapi hanged up on Ryo with annoyance.


Yamapi opened the door when Kame, Maru, Jin, Koyama and Shige followed after Ryo.

“Wow Pi, your house smells really nice. What scent is that?”

“Never mind that. What are they all doing here? Yamapi asked with annoyance while pointing at the rest of the guys.

“Whoa, Yamapi. We’re right here. We can hear you. You wound us.” Jin said, laughing.

“Oh, I ran into them on my way here and I told them that you were cooking breakfast which is something new so they wanted to try your cooking.” Ryo said simply which annoyed Yamapi even more.

“Well, I guess I cooked tons so you guys can have some but it’s actually for an important person so you guys can‘t eat a lot, understand? Also, he’s still sleeping and I don’t want you guys to wake him up since he was so tired last night so please keep it quiet until he wakes up.”

“Since when did you care about other people besides yourself? It’s not like you! Don’t tell me you’ve actually fallen in love!” Jin laughed so hard.

“You’re so naughty, Pi-chan. Kept him up tired all night, have you.” Koyama jeered.

“No, nothing like that.” Yamapi smiled.

Ueda can’t help but wake up to the mumbled commotion from outside the bedroom. He wondered what was going on and where his shirt was so he went out to find Yamapi. From the hallway, Ueda was already calling out in annoyance, “Tomohisa, where’s my shirt!”

Everybody was wondering who that voice belonged to. It seemed familiar and they knew it had to be Yamapi’s lover.
Everybody focused their attention to the corner where Yamapi’s lover is expected to turn up anytime now.

Ueda blinked only once when all of a sudden he had Jin, Maru, Kame, Koyama, Shige and Ryo’s shocked faces staring at him. Ryo’s mind blanked, ‘It can’t be. Tatsuya’s home now and sleeping peacefully not the one in front of him who’s pretending to be his Tatsuya. It must be a celebrity look-a-like.’

Everybody especially Jin was staring at Ueda’s toned chest when he noticed a ring on Ueda’s ring finger. “Tat-chan, why are you wearing that $5,000 dollar ring!”

Ueda looked at his ring and examined it, only to concluded that it was indeed expensive.

“That’s because I love him.” Yamapi walked over to where Tatsuya stood and kissed him on the lips possessively.

“Now you guys know. I love Ueda Tatsuya-kun so I got him the ring to prove it. He’s the reason why I’m cooking breakfast for the first time in my life. So, you guys should leave us alone now so we can make productive use of our time which you are currently wasting by being here. He‘s my boyfriend and you guys can go now and tell everybody else that, alright!” Yamapi smiled, with a hand possessively over Tatsuya‘s tiny waist.

It’s so cliché but if looks could kill, Yamapi would be dead on the floor right now with thousands of holes in his body from the murderous look that Ryo was sending his way but Yamapi remained clueless.

When nobody moved an inch due to shock, Yamapi yelled, “Guys! I want to spend precious time with my boyfriend so could you all please leave now!”

Everybody else nodded while congratulating both Ueda and Yamapi except for Ryo. Ryo still couldn’t process the information in his mind. He thinks he might be stuck in a nightmare so he didn’t say anything. He merely looked at Ueda with such sad and lost eyes. Ueda felt hurt too but he needed someone who truly loved him and not someone who merely used him whenever he pleased which was what he thought he was to Ryo. Yamapi closed the door on all of their faces. Since nobody knew about their relationship to begin with, Ryo couldn’t really confide in anyone since they wouldn’t take him seriously. Ryo went back to Ueda’s apartment where he stayed the night before. He looked at the balloons, the flowers, the candles, the Jacuzzi full of scented petals and bubbles and lastly, the candlelit dinner that had gone bad by now. It was all cold. Just like what Ryo’s feeling, cold.

‘No wonder he didn’t show up last night. He was with Yamapi celebrating his birthday.’ Ryo thought sadly. Ryo looked at the tiny velvet box that laid in his palm which contained a 24 carat gold necklace that had both of their initials in it. For now, he decided to stay in Tatsuya’s apartment until he comes back since he has to come back home sooner or later. They’d talk about it and Tatsuya would tell him that it was just a nightmare, or a joke, or a prank, something! Just not that it’s real. Ryo tried to fool himself for hours and it surprised him that he hasn’t thrown any furniture around to break but thinking made him tired. It made him feel numb which is better than feeling too much pain. He took out his cigarettes and started smoking. He got out the alcohol which was supposed to be used to celebrate Tatsuya’s birthday but now, he indulges himself to rid of the pain he feels directed at his heart. He hopes to pass out only to wake up and find that he’s dreaming or so he tries to convince himself. His last thought before passing out was, ‘Tatsuya would come home to me and we’d talk it out. We’d solve this and he’d run back to my side again.’


A/N: Ryo did prepare something for Ueda after all. The reason he told Ueda on the text message that he couldn’t make it to their date was because he wasn’t done preparing his surprise for Ueda. But he expected Ueda to come home asap and he’d be extremely happy with Ryo for preparing so much. But that night, Ueda didn’t come home and Ryo worried himself to sleep. He kept on trying to contact Ueda but it seemed as though Ueda’s cell phone was on silent.

*uepi, *ryoda, -unfulfilled promises

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