A good, old moan! lol

Jun 19, 2013 17:03

Hopefully, I'm off to Sitges with london1952 and bazanges  on Saturday, but somehow I find it difficult to get in the holiday mood (believe it or not!)

First of all, Adrian (and I) are worried about his Mother. When he was up for the week-end she was admitted again to the hospital. Adrian hasn't come home yet but hopefully he'll be able to travel back tonight (fingers crossed).

It feels as if I haven't seen him for months!

(Adrian in the garden on Monday last week).

Then I've been rather stressed at work and sort of at the end of my tether for a number of reasons. I am already 'worrying' about coming back to the office after the holiday.

I've also been to the dentist's twice already this week and I'm booked for another 90 min session tomorrow (root canal treatment, probably followed -in due time - by a very expensive crown). Trying to put in the hours at work and going to the dentist's has resulted in me rushing constantly around. Hopefully the other dental problem (a wisdom tooth pericoronitis) for which I'm on my second course of antibiotics will clear soon.
I sometimes wonder whether it wouldn't just be easier and cheaper to pull everything out and get a denture!
Even the fact that the dentist is rather easy on the eye and pleasant is not making up for the worrying about the money and the pain.

The garden is looking quite lovely and I hope it won't burn to a crisp while we are away. Enid normally waters the pots at the front.

I did a little bit of 'pruning' on Saturday but the result is not as neat as previous years; every time I went out in the garden it started to rain!



And now a few flowers from the garden to lift the spirit!

I thought it would never happen to me but in the last few months I caught myself looking at young 'things' in the street, giving a silent sigh thinking 'Ah! To be young again...'
My body has different ideas. Last week as I was sitting at my desk, I felt a very sharp pain in my shoulder/upper arm and for 2 days I couldn't lift my arm.
Perhaps I find it difficult to embrace my advancing old age, as I still feel about 23 inside!

flowers, gardening, teeth, adrian's mum, work

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