
Jun 23, 2013 22:42

June 2013 hasn't been my/our best month by far.

Rosemarie, Adrian's Mother, passed away on Wednesday night just a few hours after coming back home from Leeds (she was taken into hospital on Sunday night while Adrian was there). Her health deteriorated over the next three days but there were no indication that she would pass away; so when we received the phone call from Adrian's sister at 1:30 am in the morning it was quite shock.

After a night with very little sleep, Adrian went up to Leeds again, I went to work, then for my root canal treatment and work again.
I was very fond of Rosemarie - she was such a lovely and formidable lady.
I struggled to get through Thursday at work and I'm not ashamed to confess that I had to hide myself in the loo a couple of times to have a good cry.
But of course things have been much tougher for Adrian, with many things to sort out in a couple of days.

Then after work I went to meet Richard at Paddington and he was really good to have the company of such a lovely friend.
We didn't know whether we would manage to go on holiday to Sitges on the Saturday morning as planned. We decided to go when Adrian got back late on Friday night. As Adrian's sister put it, if you are miserable you might as well be miserable on the beach.

Last night we went out for dinner at the restaurant by the Balmins Beach - we are staying in an apartment nearby.

Full moon

There were also some fireworks

Sadly, Adrian and I have to go back to London tomorrow already - one week early.
This is because this morning on the way to beach I slipped and fell. It was absolutely agony - my leg was bent at an angle - and I managed to straighten it out somehow, and then to ring Adrian who could see me my head from the window but had no idea of what has happened.

When Adrian got there, he asked a couple who were parking their car for help and they very kindly rang the ambulance. The ambulance crew were really lovely. It hurt like hell when they lifted me and I screamed as I never screamed before.
To cut a long story short I was taken to a local hospital were, after quite a wait and a mix-up (they X-rayed my chest!! and only when they were wheeling me out and I pointed at my left knee and said 'La rotilla?' they realised the mistake made), I was diagnosed with a broken tendon and had my leg put in a (half) cast. The doctor said that I need to go back to the UK and have surgery as soon as possible.
So the afternoon was spent with Adrian ringing the travel insurance people; I'm quite impressed as they have arranged an ambulance to take to me to the airport tomorrow afternoon, 3 seats for me on the plane and 1 for Adrian and an ambulance waiting at Gatwick to take me home, and all rather quickly.

I'm not quite sure what will happen once home - whether I can go straight to A&E or have to go to my GP first.

Ricardo has decided to stay on, and I hope he'll have a good time and that he won't be too lonely in the evenings (he's a chatterbox on the beach).

accidents, sitges, ricardo, adrian's mum, adrian

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