Chi c'era sotto la Mole?

Oct 13, 2009 22:28

My week-end in Torino went very well.
I was surprised that it was still so warm (although a 10 degrees C drop is forecast for later in the week) and annoyed to get bitten 4 times by unseasonable mosquitoes!

The highlight of this visit to my hometown was seeing paulintoronto and bobalone who happened to be in Torino at the same time as I.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to spend with them as much time as I'd have liked to due to family commitments.

Bob wasn't feeling very well on Saturday so it was only Paul and I who went for quite a long walk.
It's always nice to show your own city to friends as you see it through different eyes. Plus it was a trip down memory lane for me.

From their hotel in Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, we walked up Via Lagrange to the Egyptian Museum, Palazzo Carignano, Piazza Carlo Alberto and then down Via Po to Piazza Vittorio Veneto and the river.
We then strolled (perhaps marched, I should say) along the river to the Parco del Valentino which Paul really enjoyed. The Borgo Medioevale was built for the 1884 Italian General Expo: it is composed of replicas of famous medieval buildings from the region (apart form the castle, it's only facades!)  I guess it was a Victorian Disneyland and now an antiquity itself.

When Paul and I got back to the hotel, Bob joined us for a cup of tea at a cafe' in Piazza Carlo Felice.

Just enough time to drink my tea and I had to rush off to catch the bus (a coach, in fact) back to my parents'.
I caught a glimpse of them from the bus, wondering when Adrian and I will see them again (as Bob pointed out, we have now met in 3 different countries!).
Here's to our next meeting!

paul and bob, lj friends, turin

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