WHO: Arthur and Alfred
WHEN: Thursday Afternoon
WHERE: A random sidewalk in Liberty
WHAT: Arthur and Alfred's first encounter. Oh yes, this will go well.
Arthur could feel tickling sensation at the back of his neck and knew people were staring at him.
Arthur was certain that they were being horribly rude, but he couldn’t exactly blame them. No doubt he looked horrid with his jumper rumpled and ink-stained and a blonde mess of hair sticking up every which way. If such a character passed by him, he too would be tempted to gawk at such a sight.
But it didn’t matter. Not really.
Because the words were coming back to him.
Oh lord, he felt like he could fly.
For months this demon of a manuscript possessed Arthur, refusing to be written, yet refusing to release him to work on other projects. His mind had been overtaken and everything else was pushed to the sidelines.
Arthur had never heard of someone genuinely going mad from writer’s block, but his editor was adamant that that was happening to him when he didn’t leave his flat for two weeks. His place was flooded by a sea of crumpled up paper balls and dirty tea cups by the time his editor dragged him out by the scruff of his shirt and demanded he take a holiday or else their business ties were through.
As much as he was loathed to admit it, his editor was right about him needing to get away. After spending a couple weeks relaxing in a town in the country where his novel was set, Arthur was ready to write. And amazingly after only a week of sleepless nights, he produced thirty slightly crumpled, yet completely filled and absolutely gorgeous pieces of parchment.
At last he was finally on track to finishing this horrible, wretched, brilliant project and soon, if all went well, he could return to London.
But first, a trip to the library was in order, he decided with a smile playing on his lips and his precious manuscript clutched possessively to his chest.
Yes, soon he could put this town behind him and go home.