Who: Gilbert and Elizaveta
When: January 18th
Where: Elizaveta's apartment and then some fancy ass restaurant
What: Anderson Cooper and Elizaveta go on a date. Gilbert's twenty-one year old crush finally takes a step in the right direction. Before taking three back.
Prussia had been a lie.
The palace was in clearly non-Eastern Prussia territory and while it may once have been part of the great Kingdom, it was no longer in the last remaining state of Prussia. And this had thrown Gilbert into a very large depression and after selling the palace and returning home, he had gone to his apartment only to find a Scottish woman wearing his clothes and apparently staying because her apartment had burnt down.
That was really fucking lame.
Not wanting to deal with the woman, Gilbert had promptly put the fish he had found in a bowl, left it in his room before grabbing some clothes, hairgel and a toothbrush. Within five minutes of being in his bug, he was looking like Anderson-goddamn-Cooper. One more stop at the flower shop to pick up a bouquet, Gilbert arrived at her apartment, climbed the stairs and knocked on the door.
The minute it opened, he spoke. "Prussia was a bust. Let's go out."