here, have another one!

Nov 17, 2010 10:32

From afar, I can see
Where the fisherman brought his bride.
A wreath of fish-guts in her hair,
And flies lined up behind her.

Here's a variation of that poem:

Roaring, roaring, scolding, scolding,
Where the fisherman brought his bride.
Herring line up, cod line up,
Flies line up behind her.

I'm not at all sure about the translation of that first line. A lot of the poems use archaic words, and all the available Latvian-English dictionaries are pretty limited. Sometimes I can get around that by looking up the words in an online Latvian dictionary, which gives me a definition in Latvian that I can then translate. But when it's an archaic verb I have a really hard time working back to the infinitive form so that I can look it up.

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latvia, poetry, translation

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