24-hour Koran Reading

Oct 29, 2010 11:44

A number of religious organizations in my town are standing in solidarity with local Muslims by helping to host a 24-hour celebration of the Koran, which will be taking place at the campus interfaith center, on whose board I have served for many years.

Each hour has a different theme, which will be explored through Koran readings in both Arabic and English, and then local Muslim leaders will share prayers and lead discussions on those themes. The event begins at sundown tonight (that's 7:00 PM local time) and runs till sundown on Saturday. We plan to stream the event live on our website, so if you're awake at 2:00 AM and have a sudden urge to know what the Koran says about forgiveness, now you know where to go. (I will be reading sometime during the 10:00 AM hour on Saturday.)

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