Oh man. I’m physically pretty with-it, which is why it feels weird that I’m still apparently creatively tired out from my 59k
hd_erised fic. Argh! New fandom energy is so beautiful and I’m WASTING IT! But I do feel tired in a very specific way; like, writing meta I feel the energy, and fic is tiring. I’m still making little bits of progress, but that’s because New Fandom Energy. It’s still very, very little.
But that makes sense, because I wrote what was for me a MASSIVE fic for the fest! And it’s time to properly claim it :D :D :D
Title: To Do No Harm
Word Count: ~58 000
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Draco hadn’t planned to end up as team Healer for the Chudley Cannons, but it’s a Healer job, so he’ll take it - and then Potter shows up, the glorious centre-of-attention Seeker, as ever. And someone with a grudge is sabotaging Quidditch teams, and it’s only a matter of time before the Aurors’ eyes turn to Draco.
Content/Enticements: Quidditch, getting together, breaking up, getting back together, hurt/comfort, recovering from the war and becoming better people
Author/Artist's Notes: Thank you TW and S for the amazing beta work. This was written for
apriicat for
hd_erised 2017.
To Do No Harm It's on AO3. Putting it on DW would require a LOT of html, far more than usual. So do ask if you want it on DW, but I'm gonna leave it for now.
This was originally posted at
https://lokifan.dreamwidth.org/370002.html. Comment wherever you like :)