Captain America: Civil War

May 12, 2016 02:55

I SAW CIVIL WAR YOU GUYS ( Read more... )

marvel cinematic universe, review

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sherylyn May 12 2016, 01:48:36 UTC
I loved it. I'm an MCU/tv series type of fan -- I don't really read the comics, but I'll look up the history of how things are done in the comics or whatever at times, but I just don't have time/interest/energy to go read every variation of all the stories of any character, much less all of them! LOL!!

Still, I enjoyed it tremendously, and can't wait to see it again.

And just in case this might help a bit: MVP stands for "most valuable player". For example, in an American football game, for instance, the MVP of the game might be the one who made the game-changing play for his team -- he caught the ball/scored a touchdown/made multiple important plays. It can vary in *what* is most notable for any given game, but he's the one who (basically) had the most impact on how the game turned out for his team. (And I said it that way on purpose, b/c sometimes, people can make huge mistakes that end up costing their team a win, and obviously, you can't very well give a guy the MVP award for that game if it's b/c he made a mistake that made them lose!)


lokifan May 13 2016, 09:39:20 UTC
I loved it too! I'm an MCU fan as well; I follow some comics, and I often look into the comics events but I'm definitely here via the films. (Even though my Aunt May complaint is specifically based on the comics tradition of having her in her late 60s at the least.)



sherylyn May 13 2016, 17:46:35 UTC
I get that, about Aunt May. I agree that it's "possible" for Peter's aunt to be Marisa's age, but I'm too accustomed to them being considerably older than parent-age, if nothing else! LOL!! It's just a "whhhaaaa....??" reaction it inspires!! o.O


lokifan May 13 2016, 22:10:52 UTC
I think the aunt of a high school student's more likely to be Marisa's age than the typical 65+ May, but yeah my reaction was "why do that?" and the answers I thought of, given Hollywood's well-documented ageism against women in particular, did not make me happy.


sherylyn May 13 2016, 23:34:52 UTC
I *totally* understand that re: Hollywood and women. Marisa's just a bit younger than I am (by a couple years), but yeah, I already have one niece finished w/college, another *in* college, another in high school and the last in middle school ;-) Age-wise, she fits, but we're just so used to seeing Aunt May more around the age of a grandmother, honestly. I mean, Sally Field doesn't look her age, really, but she's actually a pretty good age for a grandmom in a lot of ways. But it's the whole Hollywood thing that throws me about it as much as anything, too, I think. It's just not how I'm accustomed to seeing Aunt May, full stop, and I think that throws me.

I did, at least, like that Tony thought May was appealing -- that "helped" a smidge with the whole Hollywood issue, at least in some ways in my head!


lokifan May 21 2016, 10:50:31 UTC
Tony being so into her helped for me, as well. And actually it helps for me seeing so many people be like "she's the right age to be an aunt!" on Tumblr. Because while that misses the point of why some of us were weirded out or annoyed - it's not comparing her to the age of a teenager's aunt in general but to comics!Aunt May specifically - it suggests that maybe she was aged down because people found it weird for Aunt May to be elderly, rather than so she could be sexy. Which didn't really occur to me because I never found it odd, but is plausible.


sherylyn May 21 2016, 21:57:31 UTC
That makes a lot of sense to me, too. I think the whole "raised by an elderly aunt/uncle" (AKA grandparent-age) thing seems to happen a lot in comics and similar types of stories, but I guess it does make a lot of sense for her to *not* be older, too.

Let's hope that they'll continue it for the "right" reasons in the future Spider-Man films ;-)


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