Captain America: Civil War

May 12, 2016 02:55

I SAW CIVIL WAR YOU GUYS ( Read more... )

marvel cinematic universe, review

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Comments 21

gracerene May 12 2016, 01:31:20 UTC
OOo, I loved this! I agreed with a lot of this, actually. I defintiely thought Natasha was perfect, and her arguments and reasoning for being on "Tony's" side made the most sense, IMO. I actually ended up feeling really frustrated, because Steve's whole POV seemed a little short-sighted and just not smart. Tony is my fav character, and I was a little unsure of how he'd come across in this movie, and I felt so much for him. He seemed to really get the short end of the stick...

But I thought Sam was awesome, and while I SUPER do not ship Stucky, I did think Bucky actually became a real character for me this movie, and I do very much like him and Steve as brothers. :D

I thought Blank Panther was awesome, and I'm really curious about his movie.

Miles would have been amazing as spiderman, but I found myself liking the kid a lot more than expected. I thought he felt very authentically teenaged, and so far he's my favorite spiderman of the three movie franchises we've seen so far.


lokifan May 21 2016, 10:32:04 UTC
Late reply, sorry ( ... )


dora_the_nymph May 12 2016, 01:40:46 UTC
I don't have the brain for other points but I don't actually think I agree on Aunt May? Tomei is actually older than Downey Jr. Is and if the character is the same age as her would be into her thirties by Peter's birth. Honestly her being as old as she was before is unusually. I mean, if it was someone any younger I feel of agree, but a woman in her early 50s? Seems reasonable.


dora_the_nymph May 12 2016, 01:42:51 UTC
Ugh typos and I cannot edit why do I never proofread?

Oh and MVP means "Most Valuable Player" so yeah I think gets across the same concept.


phoenixfalls May 12 2016, 07:20:01 UTC
+1 to the Aunt May thing. On the one hand, it definitely comes from a sexist and ageist place to take a character generally established as 60+ and cast an actress a decade younger (and still generally presenting as young-ish and sexy); on the other hand, for Aunt May to be Peter's *actual* aunt it makes sense for her to be in her 50s (or even late 40s) and I suspect the general perception of Aunt May as "elderly" comes from the also sexist and ageist place of all people over 40 (but especially women) being completely desexualized. So. . . I've decided I'm fine with Marisa Tomei as Aunt May, on balance. *shrug ( ... )


lokifan May 12 2016, 13:27:05 UTC
Yeah, having her pre-established as a woman likely in her late 60s or older is why I think it's uncool. I do see your point about desexualising women over 40 though!

Oh, yes! I agree. I like that sleeping with significantly younger women is actually something he explicitly does pre-cave, and when he's become less of a preening dickhead he stops.


sherylyn May 12 2016, 01:48:36 UTC
I loved it. I'm an MCU/tv series type of fan -- I don't really read the comics, but I'll look up the history of how things are done in the comics or whatever at times, but I just don't have time/interest/energy to go read every variation of all the stories of any character, much less all of them! LOL ( ... )


lokifan May 13 2016, 09:39:20 UTC
I loved it too! I'm an MCU fan as well; I follow some comics, and I often look into the comics events but I'm definitely here via the films. (Even though my Aunt May complaint is specifically based on the comics tradition of having her in her late 60s at the least.)



sherylyn May 13 2016, 17:46:35 UTC
I get that, about Aunt May. I agree that it's "possible" for Peter's aunt to be Marisa's age, but I'm too accustomed to them being considerably older than parent-age, if nothing else! LOL!! It's just a "whhhaaaa....??" reaction it inspires!! o.O


lokifan May 13 2016, 22:10:52 UTC
I think the aunt of a high school student's more likely to be Marisa's age than the typical 65+ May, but yeah my reaction was "why do that?" and the answers I thought of, given Hollywood's well-documented ageism against women in particular, did not make me happy.


bererjs May 12 2016, 02:11:43 UTC
I'm in love with the movie, from beginning to end (the end killed me, so sad) However, I'm speaking as a MCU fan not a comic fan so I can't say how close to the real thing they came. But the two that I think in my point stole the movie, and yet they came out here and there was T' Challa and Natasha.

I agree with you, I love Natasha on this movie she acts a bit like she did in the Winter Soldier more real, more open with her feeling. I always feel that in the Advenger's movies she's to uptight.


lokifan May 15 2016, 00:23:09 UTC
I'm mostly an MCU fan but my understanding is it wasn't really close at all. But it couldn't be without the X-Men, and besides my feeling is that there is no "real thing" - like, something being the original doesn't mean it's the best version of the story.

YES. T'Challa was amazingly written and acted, and Natasha was fantastic. I loved their scenes together too!

Well, I think in Avengers she's constantly doing her spy thing and/or quietly stressing because Barton's been compromised. She exposes her feelings a lot in Ultron as far as I remember, especially post-Wanda. But yeah she definitely felt more real to me here.


phoenixfalls May 12 2016, 07:36:22 UTC
I expected to be on Tony's side, because I am solidly pro oversight and accountability, but I didn't expect to be spending the whole movie thinking "Fuck you, Cap, check *your* goddamn ego for a sec." I think the Russos assumed most of the audience would be inclined to take Steve's side and so they didn't do as much work as they needed to make his wariness about the oversight seem reasonable. The accords *as described* seemed entirely reasonable to me -- the UN is the best we've got in terms of consensus government, and it's *way* better than SHIELD ever was. And we're meant to understand that it was wrong when we see Ross holding Sam/Clint/Wanda/Scott in the cells, but I don't actually see why Ross had that power, and so I don't see why Tony wouldn't be able to get them out just by applying a little public pressure via his media machine (not necessarily back to the compound because *criminals* and all by that point, but to an actual jail to stand trial or at least go in front of the UN to make their case ( ... )


phoenixfalls May 12 2016, 07:38:11 UTC
Oh, but I am glad to have run into yours (and others') thoughts on Natasha, because I didn't quite get her arc and was kind of annoyed by her switch in the airport fight, but I was coming at her characterization wrong and it makes more sense to me now. I am converted! Which is good, because I too adore Natasha and was struggling with that part, but now I don't have to any more.

(Still have to ignore AoU though. Fuck that.)


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